Here is the BONUS starlet, the one that is the most annoying. It is no longer a mystery.... the starlet is... Hannah Montana. (…) Yes, I know she isn't real. I also know that I've already had crossovers for the series earlier in the week. That was because I was looking for Miley Sues. This is a Hannah Montanta Sue. Not that there is much difference. Well, this one you'll find to be amusing I think.I'm 17% of the way through the untagged entry. Eleven days left to
PotterMontana Murder Mystery (yes... that is the title...)
French Shark (no, the Suethor isn't from France... she's from America)
COVER/BANNER ART: The Suethor's avatar, which I think is a picture of themselves.
FULL NAME: Miley Cyrus/Hannah Montana, Lilly, Hermione
SPECIES: a murdered pop star (I'm not kidding! I told you this would be fun!)
HAIR: like canon
EYES: like canon
MARKINGS: some sort of murder mark
POSSESSIONS: who knows
CONNECTION TO CANON: Lily wakes up and tells Hermione that Miley is dead before fainting. Ron and the other guys hurry into the room and they know it was the Avada Kedavra that did it. Actually, Ron knows instantly. And then we find out Harry is dead too. The characters then begin to run around like chickens with their heads cut off. The fanfic then gets adopted and the continuation isn't there.
ORIGIN: For some strange reason she is at Hogwarts and murdered.
SPECIAL ABILITIES: She is the murder victim. Ron is able to get up to the girls dorm without the stairs freaking out. (Suethor has undoubtedly not read the books)
NOTES: I'm not very punny am I? The author admits in a chapter note that she didn't think of “how and why Lilly and Miley are there”, “who killed Harry and Miley”, “how someone managed to kill Miley and Harry”. So, its going to be "The New Girl" week, Vampire week, Monster Week, Classic Week, Halloween Week, Repeat Offenders Week, My Achy Breaky Heart Week, The Girl Who Lived Week, Botched Mystery Week, a New Generation Week, and then Hunger Game week. (I'm going to avoid Twilight fanfics for the next month.)
Lilly's P.O.V.
Lilly woke up for the 2nd official day at Hogwarts (doesn't include day they arrive). She went over to Miley's 4-poster. She was apparantly asleep, so Lilly went over to her own 4-poster and changed into her robes. By this time, Hermione had woken up.
"Hey, Lilly! Miley's still asleep, I take?" she said, glancing at Miley.
"Yeah. I decided to go ahead and change and stuff before I wake her up." Lilly replied.
"I'm gonna wait downstairs, 'k? If she's still asleep after you get chaned, will you wake her?" Lilly continued.
"Sure. See ya downstairs."
Lilly went downstairs.
A couple minutes later, she heard a scream from the girls' dormitory. Several other screams followed. Lilly ran back upstairs.
Hermione and the rest of the girls were standing around Miley's 4-poster.
"What's going on?! I heard screaming!" Lilly said, her voice shaking.
Hermione turned to Lilly, tears all down her face.
"Lilly, Miley's dead." she managed to say, before breaking into tears.
Lilly felt her heart stop.
"No, no..." Lilly muttered.
Lilly's vision burred before she collapsed on the floor.