(no subject)

Sep 10, 2012 11:12

Here is day two. The next starlet is Christina Aquilera who was also featured in the last week. I've got 30% of the next section done.

TITLE: Conflicted
PERPETR StarLover'sLife
COVER/BANNER ART: Someone's fan art of Tom Riddle. I don't know if the Suethor has permission to use it or if she made it herself.

FULL NAME: Christine Lix/Riddle
SPECIES: She is part Veela, part Elf.
HAIR: “long black hair”
EYES: “big hazel eyes that are cradled by my long thick lashes and a pale complexion”
MARKINGS: “pale complexion.
POSSESSIONS: “black track pants and a big red shirt, which I had stolen from Draco on the last day of school.” o.0
CONNECTION TO CANON: They find Moody. She has a lot of angst because Dumbledore won't let her near her Harry. Then she is having a nightmare and is looking for her mother. Cornelius speaks about Harry lying and she sends him a Howler. At least I believe it is a howler.
ORIGIN: She is the daughter of Lord Voldemort and Queen Elizabeth II. Cornelius Fudge is her cousin.
SPECIAL ABILITIES: “ My mother says that even without my Veela allure I could attract boys like moths to a flame.” She's also a little devil and we get Ron the ex-best friend. She calls poor Harry... Harrikins. Being one of the most unique Mary Sues we've had in a long time. I like this one.

NOTES: This has got to be a troll or a very young Suethor! Actually, the more I read the more it feels like they're trying too hard. But then I got to thinking about this, this fanfic was started around the time of the olympics and Queen Elizabeth was romanticized.

That also said, ever since I wrote up this entry the Suethor has put a poll up for their stories. (I saw the author's note.) Well, to quote the author's note “Not a chapter folks! I have a poll on my profile. Would you guys prefer split or whole chapters? Please keep in mind that if I do whole their going to take longer and that if I do split, you're gonna experience multiple cliffhanger.” Now, voting on Suethor's polls can be fun. This one can help the writer out a bit. If you choose to vote, which way you vote is up to you completely.


Hi, my name is Chris Lix. Well actually, it's Christina Riddle, but if you call me that I will not hesitate to hex you. I was raised by my mother, Queen Elizabeth, because my father Lord Voldemort died when I was a baby, then came back last year. Lix is my mother's maiden name. I am related to very powerful people. Cornelius Fudge, incompetent minister he may be, is my second cousin. Amelia Bones is my godmother and Lucius Malfoy is my godfather. Along with having a powerful family, i have many... Gifts. From my father I inherited being a part Veela and Heir of Slytherin. From my mom I got to be part Angel, Heir of Gryffindor and part Elf. I have long black hair, big hazel eyes that are cradled by my long thick lashes and a pale complexion. My mother says that even without my Veela allure I could attract boys like moths to a flame, I highly doubt it though.

People say me and my best friend, Harry Potter could be twins because of our hair and eyes. Yes Harry Potter, The-Boy-Who-Lived, or The-Boy-Who-Lies these days. Last year we had a Tri-wizard tournament and someone put Harry's name in the Goblet of Fire. It really bothered Harry when no one but a handful of people believed he didn't put his name in, especially when his ex-best friend Ron Weasley thought he was a liar too. Then after the first task when Harry had to fight a bloody dragon the idiot decided that Harry would automatically forgive him, needless to say he did not.

Cornelius Fudge,

How dare you assume that Harry is lying! Why would Harry lie about something as dangerous as this? It's not that he's lying, it's that you are too afraid to tell the public the truth. You are keeping them blissfully unaware, which is going to get everyone killed when Voldemort does attack! A Minister is suppose to think about what is best for the people, not what is the best way to keep your job. And Harry must have had a reasonable explanation for using magic, who's to say he wasn't in a life threatening position? You cannot assume things like this Cornelius, because when it's found out to be true, you will be sacked! I will not cut ties with my best friend, I trust Harry with my life and if my life is taken while helping him, so be it. And one last thing, MY MOTHER MARRIED VOLDEMORT! WHICH YOU ALREADY KNOW, SO WHY HAVEN'T YOU THOUGHT ASK US IF HE REALLY IS BACK? STOP GOING AROUND TRYING TO RUIN A TEENAGE BOY'S REPUTATION! I SWEAR CORNELIUS, HARRY IS MORE OF AN ADULT THEN YOU ARE!

ct - veela (part), related to other, rating - toxic, ct - elf (part), ct - angel (part), pf - founders heir, related to fudge

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