(no subject)

Apr 15, 2012 19:01

Since a few people were hoping for a femslash fic when they read yesterday's fanfic...

TITLE: When I Lay Beside You
PERPETRATOR: Kairi Winters

FULL NAME: Susan Bones and Hannah Abbot
SPECIES: witch
HAIR:Hannah's hair.
EYES: Hannah's eyes are amber colored.
MARKINGS: hair and eyes that glow in the light, smells like flowers and honey.
POSSESSIONS: None. (Sorry... no silver rings people...)
CONNECTION TO CANON: Hannah and Susan are nervous on the train and Susan is thinking in purple prose about another eleven to twelve year old.
ORIGIN: Hannah and Susan are childhood best friends.

NOTES: If it weren't for the purple prose I think this would have been a wow or OK. Particularly when eleven to twelve year old Susan is adept enough to apply purple prose description to her crush. Isn't that... a bit early for that kind of description? Don't most kids that age male and female thinking in terms of simpler terms?


Her deep, amber eyes seem to be almost glowing in the light. And as I stare into them, I think about everything all at once. All that had happened. All that I feel. And suddenly I find that automatically, without ever having thought to speak, I'm saying, "I love you. And I've always loved you. And I love everything about you. I love how your hair shines in the sunlight, and how your eyes glow in the moonlight. And how you're the most beautiful thing I've ever seen. And how you really seem to get me, in a way no one else does." It all seems to rush out so fast, but I can't stop or slow down. "And how you're the kindest, sweetest person in the world. And how you always smell like flowers and honey. And how you're absolutely brilliant. And-" But I cannot finish, for her lips are on mine. And I can feel the tears streaming down my cheeks, and I wholeheartedly kiss her back. My hands tangle in her soft hair, and she does the same to me. And we only break apart to breathe, and when we do, she says things, like, "I love you," and, "I've waited so long." And I'm too happy for words. And as we open our mouths, and our tongues entangle with one another, I ravish the feeling of finally being able to touch her, to taste her, to smell her, to have her love. And this moment, everything stops once again. And I know I never want to be with anyone else ever again.

sue - hannah abbot, rating - bad, pc - lesbians and more, sue - susan bones

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