Living a werewolfs life and the original is
IngamousKidd650 and the original account
FULL NAME: Elizabeth Diana
SPECIES: werewolf
HAIR: like Lupin
EYES: “sad amber eyes”
MARKINGS: A werewolf bite.
POSSESSIONS: A law forcing her to marry by the time she turns fifteen.
CONNECTION TO CANON: She is kidnapped by Greyback in 1992 and Dumbledore gives Lupin the job at the school “to get his mind off Elizabeth”. He also wasn't a member of the Order of the Phoenix prior to this. Going off the original fic, Greyback tortures and rapes her multiple times. Greyback turns her into a werewolf. She is rescued and she is supposed to know who Harry is, but she doesn't remember so he tells her. There is “A law was passed long ago requiring that at a certian age all werewolfs must mate and create an offspring. That law was the reason you were concived. The law has recently been amended and now requires the first offspring of each werewolf to mate once they turn fifteen.” That is only the fifth chapter of the old fic. I think we all can guess where it goes from here.
ORIGIN: She is the daughter of Lupin and his Lupin's wife.
SPECIAL ABILITIES: To toss out book canon.
NOTES: In the original version begged for reviews. That also said, this hasn't been updated in a couple of years.
August 5th 1992 was bound to forever be a day that Remus Lupin would never be able to forget. His young daughter Elizabeth Diana Lupin had decided to go for a walk in the woods behind their home. Elizabeth had done this many times before and though it always made her father weary he saw no reason to not let her go. Unfortunately unlike the other walks she had taken this time Elizabeth did not return home from the woods and though he spent hours out there searching Remus couldn't find her. For what felt like years Remus searched for Elizabeth desperately trying to find some clue as to where she was but he never succeeded. After Elizabeth had been gone for about a year Dumbledore offered Remus a teaching position to get his mind off of Elizabeth. The job didn't help him forget but he was glad to have something to focus his energy on.
Years had passed since Elizabeth had gone missing and Remus was now a member of The Order of the Phoenix. He stayed at Grimmauld Place with his best friend from school and other people who would come and go as needed. About a week ago Remus had gone with a few other order members to retrieve Harry Potter from his dreadful 'Family' that he was forced to stay with for most of the summer. It made Remus feel upset because Elizabeth had been Harry's age and the thought of sending Harry off to school made him miss his daughter even more.
Remus had been sitting in his room when he heard a loud scream coming from Harry's room. He grabbed his wand and ran up the stairs throwing open the door to Harry's bedroom. Harry stood straight up in bed a shocked expression on his face as he turned to look at Remus. "It seemed so real." Harry whispered running a shaking hand through his hair. "What seemed real Harry?" Remus asked taking a seat next to Harry on the bed. "She looked a lot like you, and greyback was screaming at her calling her Lupin, she seemed scared and she just…she just looked so real." He said his voice still sounding like he was in awe. "It was just a dream Harry, go back to sleep." Remus said getting the boy to lie back down before making his way to his own bedroom.
Harry lay in bed confused trying to process Remus's little reaction. Normally Remus would stay until Harry at least seemed sleepy but this time he had seemed in a rush to leave the room. Harry sighed and rolled over staring at the wall the thought of the girl's sad amber eyes keeping him awake for most of the night.
Remus hadn't slept very well that night his mind plagued with thoughts of Elizabeth and what Harry said. He brought himself back to the day she had gone missing trying to remember if he had smelt another werewolf. He had been so upset and distracted he hadn't even thought of that as an option. The next morning he walked downstairs pouring himself a large mug of coffee in an attempt to clear his head. He decided that he needed to meet with Albus Dumbledore and look into Greyback as a potential kidnapper.