(no subject)

Jul 23, 2011 23:19

Thanks to the anonymous minion who sent in this Sue!

TITLE: Light V.S. Dark
PERPETRATOR: Draco Lover 2012

FULL NAME: Hermione "Mia" Granger-Zabini-Dracula
SPECIES: Witch/Vampire
HAIR: black
EYES: not described
MARKINGS: She is paler now.
POSSESSIONS: a band, which she performs with inside Hogsmeade's chapter of Hot Topic. Some new friends, as she ditched her old ones. She has "a Short Drak Green Corset Dress w/ 6-inch high heels", "emerald green booty shorts and a emerald green spaghetti strapped shirt". A "special spot"/"cave" to go sulk: "The cave had Dark Emerald walls w/ Silver trimmings. All of the couches and chairs were black leather. The entertainment system consists of a 95 inch Flat Screen TV w/ black VHS / DVD Player. On the Largest wall was a mini library filled with books about Languages, Potions, Herbs, Healing Romance, Science Fiction, Muggle Fairytales, Plus Advice and Beauty Magazines. There was also a shelf filled with articles and advice columns were on display. All of them written by Mia. Mia also had installed two black apple laptops and two dark green laptops which all were placed on a black wooden table which was manmade by Mrs. Jane Granger for Mia's sweet sixteen plus they all have internet access." If only the early humans had caves like that!?

ORIGIN: Apparently she "grew up", which according to typical Suethor lore, means you develop a nasty attitude, act selfishly, and do a lot of screaming and will probably have a lot of sex. Could you imagine this behaviour passing in the workplace?
CONNECTIONS TO CANON: She was adopted by the Grangers, and found out about her biological family when Voldie-poo kills the Grangers. It appears to be water under the bridge for her.
SPECIAL ABILITIES Refers to herself as a "mudblood". She is a vampire, and and can turn into a bat.

NOTES: The story opens with the line: ""Yo! Dude! You ready yet!" Blaise yelled over the loud music {a.k.a. Sandman by Metallica.} coming from Draco Malfoy's two story apartment." This caused me to visibly cringe at the idea that Blaise would use the words "yo", "dude", and omit the verb in the last bit of that quotation and make it a statement instead of a question. Blaise always came across as posh to me, more so that the braggart Draco.

Why don't we use verbs anymore? Is it Rebecca Black's fault with "We, we, we so excited"? I think it's been going on longer than that, sadly. Verbs are your friend!

Apparently this isn't a troll, but it might be crack-fic. Chapter 2 had me in fits, because I am exhausted: "It took Draco about twenty minutes to reach Mia's cave / hang out. Mia's scent brought him to the biggest cave ever. "A....WOW! This cave is TIGHT!" Draco exclaimed as he looked around". *howls with laughter*


"Hermione what the Hell happened to you?!" Harry Screamed at Hermione.

"I grew-up!" Hermione Screamed back at Harry as they all headed into the living room.

"Hermione we are your friends yet you haven't flooed us, or owled us all summer!

What the Hell is going on?!" Harry yelled as he watched Hermione struggle for words.

"Everyone please sit down and Harry stop yelling." Hermione said clenching her teeth.

yelled. But Hermione could not control her powers anymore. Hermione started
rising up into the air and glowing pale blue.

"Oh Shit! Mia!" LuLu screamed trying to get Hermione to snap out of her trance.

"Mia! SNAP OUT OF IT!" Molly screamed as she pulled on Mia's hand.Though Hermione did snap out of it this time.

"What ... What did I do this time?" Hermione stuttered as she looked at Molly.

"Mia you transformed again." Molly answered.

"Hermione what happened this summer?" Ron asked calmly.

"Voldemort killed Jane and John the night after I got home from Hogwarts, then
I found out that I had been adopted, I also found out that I am Blaise Zabini's
twin and that I am related to Count Remus Dracula. Suddenly my hair changed from
brown to black ~ my skin became paler ~ I now have powers that match Voldemort's
times 10." Hermione said.

"Wait, you are related to THE 'Count Remus Jeremiah Dracula' The Vampire!?" Ron said excitedly.

"Yes Ron." Hermione answered. 'sigh'.

"Does anybody else know about this Hermione?" Harry asked as he paced back and

"No only us five and the teachers at Hogwarts." Hermione answered as she
walked over to the glass door and looked out on to the deserted beach.

"Okay well that's good." Hary said sighing.

"Hey I'll see you all in the morning." Hermione said as she opened the glass door and changed into her bat form.

"Where is she going?" Harry asked as he sat next to Ginny.

"Probably to feed. She hasn't hunted in over ten days." LuLu said matter of factly.

"Is that bad?" Harry asked in a worried tone.

"Yes for most vampires it is deadly." Ginny answered as LuLu snickered jealously.

"She is the only vampire to be able to live without ever trying human blood and the only vampire to be able to last ten days without feeding." Ginny said.

"Plus to top off all of those factsHermione is the only vampire who drinks animal blood." LuLu added.

"You both need to make sure that you don't anger her like you did tonight because we may not be there next time to stop her from hurting you." Ginny said as she and LuLu stood up and started heading out onto the soft sandy beach.

"Is that why you haven't been home Ginny?" Ron asked as he and Harry followed the girls out onto the beach.

"Yes." Ginny answered quickly. Sqeak! Hermione quickly transformed back into her
human form.

"Mia whats wrong?" LuLu asked.

"He knows!" Hermione gasped pantingfor air.

"Who knows? Knows what?" Harry and Ron asked together.

"Blaise knows about her." LuLu explained.

"A-And he's coming here right now, plus to top that all off he's bringing Malfoy too!" Hermione growled. Sure enough five minutes later two more bats appearead quickly changing back into their human forms.

"What do you want Malfoy?!" Hermione growled angerily.

"Be nice sis." Blaise warned.

"Or what? Your on my turf now bro!" Hermione growled.

"Touch me and your dead Malfoy!" Hermione added as Draco tried to grab Hermione by the arm. Draco walked back over beside Blaise and they exchanged looks.

"What the hell do you two want?" Hermione and Ginny asked impationtally.

"Mum and Dad would like to meet you tonight." Blaise answered.

"And that requires Malfoy how?" Hermione asked in her annoyied tone.

"He is here to help me stop myself before I hurt anybody." Blaise answered.

"Why didn't mum and dad come here to meet me?" Hermione asked calming down alittle.

"Because they want you to come live at the mansion." Blaise answered.

"Well unless they are willing to come to my loft they will not meet me tonight." Hermione said stubburnly.

"Fine! We will return in Fifteen minutes. Be ready." Blaise whispered. Draco and Blaise transformed back into bats and took off.

o - pepper jack cheese, rating - toxic, related to blaise, ct - vampire (full), related (character from another canon)

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