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Golden Bubotuber Awards!
Thanks to
darkjaganshi for sending in this fic!
Mischief Managed PERPETRATOR:
FULL NAME: Aliyah Alexandria Farrah aka Liah
HAIR: Her friend Lila has "gold and probably waist length, since it reached the small of her back in a high ponytail". Her hair is not described
EYES: Not described
MARKINGS: Her voice "contained a drawl that a Louisiana native would be proud of"
POSSESSIONS: Sue friends: "Katie Hickey, Sierra Lianne Cole, Lila, and Annabeth (Annie/Anna/Ann/Beth) Lawson". Beth has an iPod, and they watch Glee together. Her wand transforms back and forth as a hair clip. Fabian buys her a snowy owl.
ORIGIN: Nashville, where her mom is friends with George Strait. She attends "Selwyn Academy in Nashville". She describes herself as an "average" 12-year-old American girl. She and three friends meet Lila at the airport, she has been studying at Hogwarts all year. Lila tells them about the Marauders, sans Peter. Thankfully, he eventually makes an appearance.
CONNECTIONS TO CANON: The meet the Marauders randomly at "the [Atlantic] coast" in the States. Why are the Marauders there? James' mother decided to take them there on a holiday. What we get instead is a reason for the girls to start hanging out with the boys, and a bridge (Lila) between the two. Shortly after that we learn that Liah's mom is moving the family to London for work. Lila takes her to Diagon Alley, where she meets Gideon and Fabian Prewett. She explains what soccer/football is to them. She is going to be paired with Sirius.
SPECIAL ABILITIES: Is a talented singer. She and her friends had the plan of making it in country music.
NOTES: Sometimes you can just tell what you are in for right from the beginning. Here, the Suethor is kind enough to give us a "heads-up" about what to expect: BTW: Just to clarify, a lot of the details (Songs, movies, technology, etc.) here are from now, like 1990s-2010, but the story's set in the 70s-80s. Don't get confuzzled!
Confused? No way. Irritated at the lack of respect & research for the time period? Sure am!
"You girls wanna have some fun?" A boy called at us from behind. He wasn't American, I could tell. The British accent in his voice made him sound adorable, and even though I hadn't seen his face.
"The Marauders. What are you doing here? Why aren't you at home, devising more ways to terrify first years?" Lila turned around, crossed her arms, and stared skeptically at the four boys that were standing side by side, smiling mischeviously.
"My dear, even pranks deserve a break sometime. Though, of course, the fun never ends," The boy in the middle said smoothly, smiling at his companions. He ran a hand through his messy hair and pushed his glasses back up the bridge of his nose.
"You want fun? We're up for it," Katie said, her voice suddenly carrying a drawl of the deepest South.
"Oh, really? We may have very different opinions on the definition of 'fun', missy," The boy to the right of the messy haired boy said. He smirked and threw his long black hair back out of his face.
"If it's fun to me, it's probably illegal. Sound familiar?" Sierra stepped forward, flinging her glossy midnight black hair behind her shoulders.
"I think we would get along very well. And you two? The messy haired boy pointed to me and Anna.
"I think," I started; my voice, like Katie's, contained a drawl that a Louisiana native would be proud of, "that that is yet to be determined. Join in and I'll give my opinion later. But be warned: us Southerners have a fiery streak that even ice can't tame. You start a fight, your ass will be beat."
The boy with long black hair let out a low whistle. "Fiesty… I like it. I'm Sirius Black," he said, and held out a hand. I hesitated, knowing not to trust a prankster when it came to shaking hands. But he looked sincere, so I took his hand. I knew I should have expected it, but suddenly, Sirius was pulling me into the ocean.
"Why you little- I'm gonna kill you!" I screeched.
"Come and get me, then!" He dove underwater, with me following close behind.
I caught up easily, grabbing his leg and pulling him farther out, being careful to stay near the bottom. When I ran out of breath, I resurfaced to find a smiling Sirius, ready to splash me. I took a deep breath and dove back down. Halfway back, I resurfaced with the biggest splash I could, getting Sirius's face. It bought me time to look around. Lila was engaged in a splash war with one of the boys, one with honey blonde hair and hazel eyes. Katie was chasing the messy haired boy, weaving in and out of the waves. Anna preferred to play spectator, sitting on the shore and talking to the group's smallest; he was blonde and had watery blue eyes.
"Distracted, sweetheart?" Sirius whispered in my ear. Taken by surprise and still wanting revenge, I ducked under and pulled a special clip out if my hair. I flicked my wrist once and it turned into my wand; I pointed it at the surface and thought, 'Reducto!'
Immediately, the water rose up and the mini wave engulfed Sirius; I turned my wand back into a clip and resurfaced. He came up a minute later, looking very much like an extremely surprised and waterlogged dog.
"H-how did you do that?"
I smirked. "I don't know. I guess it was magic."
His eyes narrowed for a second, then he raised his eyebrows and his eyes widened to the size of pennies and I knew he understood. "You're a witch?"
"I'm surprised your brain can process such advanced thoughts," I rolled my eyes. "I think we should go before they kill each other."
"Agreed." At his consent, I dove under with a giggle.