(no subject)

Mar 14, 2010 21:34

Thanks to greenbird_2011 for this Sue!

TITLE: Moving on
PERPETRATOR: shewolf2118

FULL NAME: Sydney Snape
HAIR: "jet-black", "Her long black hair was now streaked with brilliant red highlights"
EYES: blue, unlike the rest of her family
MARKINGS: "ivory" skin, "beneath her bottom lip a silver stud sparkled in the sunshine",
POSSESSIONS: "a long purple t-shirt and black jeans, her fingers were adorned with silver rings and her feet were bear", "long black t-shirt and dark blue jeans", " small purple jacket", a pet griffin named Silver, a tabby named Jack.

ORIGIN: Snape's sister, they pretend she does not have any magic abilities to protect her from their father. She resents this, as well as her magical family for not being proud of their abilities, and standing up to her "stupid" muggle father. After attacking her father in wolf form, she is sent to live with her Uncle Alex, forever separated from her mother and brother.
CONNECTIONS TO CANON: Was friends with Lily Evans as a child. She goes to Hogwarts in her third year after going to "Buebextons" for two years. There she befriends "Ahsoka Lupin" who is transferring from Durmstrang, and is a werewolf. She is Remus' "cosine". Ahsoka and Sydney both love mischief, and pranks. Sydney demands the Sorting Hat put her in Gryffindor to be with Ahsoka. She is going to be paired with Sirius.
SPECIAL ABILITIES: Turns into a white wolf because she is a "power organic anigmi is one of the rarest gifts a wizard or with can get but tended to be passed though families usually skipping a few generations before reappearing". Is good with magical animals, and befriends "unicorns, hippogriffs, a flying horse and many other creatures including a baby dragon". She understands them because "She could their languages in particular that of dogs, wolfs and other canines but she was able to read others well too, such as silver and was often able to tell what sort of mood or personality an animal had before really knowing it".

NOTES: Typical Marauder Sue with too many special connections and too many special abilities/circumstances.


Now it seemed she really had gained a friend as well as a cosine though she wondered if Sydney would be so keen if she knew what she and Remus had wrong with them. What would she think if she knew they looked tired because they had been roving around a something half human half animal just two nights before? Ahsoka looked over at her cosine who smiled back at her he had friends by the look of it three close friends. Did they know his secret? And could Sydney be that accepting? The two certainly had a lot more to learn about each other before Ahsoka would feel comfortable to tell her about her problem and Sydney herself seemed to have her own secrets. Why was she so confidant, so distant and why hadn't she mentioned her brother yet? Ahsoka thought about asking these things when Sydney nudged her in the ribs. "They called you go!" She whispered.

Ahsoka quickly got to her feet and as she did realised that her and Sydney were the final ones left on stage. Before she sat down on the stall to be sorted she looked back at Sydney she was lounging around on the stage looking bored and carless. Ahsoka smiled at her friend's ever changing nature and sat down then everything went dark as the sorting hat was placed on her head. "hummm interesting don't get many like you. Intelligent, Caring, gentle a little timid maybe but you have a good heart and a strong sense of justice and fun there can only be one choice GRIFFINDOR" the hat yelled. There was a roar of approval from the table and Remus beamed at her. However rather than joining her table she was told to wait for an introduction.

"Last but not least Sydney" said the teacher with a smile. Sydney blinked at him and pulled herself to her feet she brushed her clothes off as she went to sit down. As the sorting hat was placed on her head it fell over her blue eyes and its voice began to mumble in her ears "well well another unusual child, where should I put you? You have a powerful will, pretty confident too but that's hiding something else a hunger to be accepted your mind is all this way and that" it pondered. Sydney growled she didn't like this thing looking inside her head "I want to be in Gryffindor now put me there already" she grumbled. "Really? That's not what he picked, oh well if it's what you want you to shall be Gryffindor" it yelled and Sydney threw of the hat and bounced over to Ahsoka. "Yes we're together" her friend grinned back.

Dumbledore suddenly appeared behind there two "these two students come here representing their old schools. Ahsoka is a transfer student from Durmstrang while Sydney here is transferring from Buebextons they will both be attending their third year and hopefully will continue to stay here for the foreseeable future, I ask only you all to welcome them both into Hogwarts and make them feel at home" he announced a hand on both their shoulders as the crowd gave a booming welcome. Ahsoka smiled and waved shyly at Remus but Sydney starred in the opposite direction she had figured it out as the hat said it "That's not what he said" he meaning Severus. At the Slytherin table which was almost silent unlike the other tables Sydney's started blue eyes wide as they meet the dark eyes of her brother. They bore back into hers on his face a look of pure hatred. Sydney's stomach noted painfully and she had to look away.

"Hey are you ok?" Ahsoka asked quietly as the two walked to their table for the first of year feast. Sydney nodded quickly but avoided her gaze "Yeah I'm fine" she mumbled following her friend to her cosine. Ahsoka sat down neatly next to Remus "I'm glad you got in to Gryffindor" he said with a friendly smile at them both. Distracted Sydney just flopped down next to them not paying attention where she was sitting. "I'm glad to we need a few more cute girls around here" a voice next to her. Sydney blinked finally back in the real world and she turned to his friend. "Oh no it's you" she said to the grey eyed boy. He smirked back at her in a confident and charming manner the girl waved a hand at him in an irritated manner. "Would you stop making comments like that already you're really quite annoying and well out your league" she grumbled turning away.

"Bad luck Sirius" Remus said trying to look sympathetic but failing as a smirk pinched the corners of his mouth while the Sirius crossed his arms over his chest in a sulk. Ahsoka giggled "I'm sorry Sydney is kind off grumpy" she said poking her friend playfully in the ribs. Sydney grunted and kept her eyes firmly in the opposite direction. "Well then, how about you then I could give you a tour of the grounds if you like" Sirius said. "Pads this is my cosine no hitting on family" Remus scolded while Ahsoka looked mildly horrified before muttering "Sorry you're not my type" he cheeks bright red. "Aw man" Sirius groaned blowing a curly black lock out his eyes this wasn't the best start to a year he ever had.

Sydney watched as her friend and Remus began talking about classes feeling little stab of jealousy towards Ahsoka at being taken so quickly under her cosines wing. "Never mind pads plenty more girls about here and so far the only ones you have to avoid are these two and Lilly Evens and she is the only one who's been rude about it" said the boy with glasses nodding at her. "Yeah I guess your right James though I don't know why you keep tying with Lilly she likes Snivilus to much to go out with you" Sirius said with a chuckle. James growled "I don't know why she hangs out with that dirty little Slytherin" he growled. Sydney kept her eyes away from the pair but listened to them curiously there seemed to be a lot of rivalry between these houses.

"Who's Lilly evens then" Ahsoka asked clueless. "oh no" sighed Remus, Sirius and peter as James smiled and opened his mouth giving one of the longest speeches they had ever heard about the girl. Remus decided it was best to let James prattle to himself as once he started there was very little you could do to shut him up. "Lilly is a friend of mine but doesn't take too kindly to James and Sirius because, well let's just say they don't see eye to eye" he explained. "You mean she thinks James is bigheaded and Sirius is a pest" peter piped up with a giggle. Remus and Ahsoka chucked and even Sirius let out a bark like laugh. James however rambled on about this girl for the rest of the meal set in his own ways. It seemed as if this speech had been told so many times the other just ignored him.

Sydney remained quite but listened intently to the others gradually gaining interest. The boys all had a reputation for trouble making but the two main ones were James Potter nicknamed Prongs, he seemed to be the ring leader and then the was that flirt Sirius Black who for some reason was nicked named Pads he seemed to follow James every word like a lost dog. Then there was Remus Lupin who was nicked named Moony was quieter, shyer and much more modest he seemed like the bookish type then finally squeaky Peter Pettigrew aka Wormtail. The girl decided quickly that she liked just Remus and Ahsoka. James had a fat head and a big mouth, Sirius kept watching her out the corner of his grey eyes which made her nervous like he knew something he shouldn't he also watched Ahsoka which quite frankly made her want to cures him into next week. As for peter she nether liked nor disliked him he just wasn't important. As time grew on the girl began to blank them all out her thoughts consumed by her brother.

rating - awful, al - animal languages, related to snape

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