Laura xx SUE-O-METER:
FULL NAME: Neona Judd
HAIR: "midnight black hair that naturally had a tint of deep purple to it"
EYES: "Vibrant blue"
MARKINGS: "pale almost deathly white skin"
POSSESSIONS: a love for My Chemical Romance, "a clean white cotton shirt, a clean pair of jeans and a pair of trainers", "a pair of shorts and a strapless t-shirt", a cell phone,
ORIGIN: Is "fifth-teen". Is from "Lincoln" and attends Hartland Tech College.
CONNECTIONS TO CANON: Her parents are murdered and she learns she is magical when her escort, Moody, picks her up to bring her to the Burrow for her safety. Is going to have to try to save Harry and her "friends".
SPECIAL ABILITIES: Ability to save people in a, yet to be described way, despite not knowing anything about magic.
NOTES: What puzzles me is that she gets this note, and then just goes to bed, without wondering where her parents are. It sounds like this is out of character for them, but it doesn't seem to matter much to her. That's because she's an amazing Sue.
Once she had gotten changed into a clean white cotton shirt, a clean pair of jeans and a pair of trainers she looked at her reflection in the mirror. Vibrant blue eyes stared back at her and her pale almost deathly white skin. She brushed her midnight black hair that naturally had a tint of deep purple to it and ran back down stairs carrying her old school uniform in her hands. She went into the kitchen and opened the backdoor with her elbow. She pulled it open with her foot and walked out into the blazing sunlight, blinking after becoming accustomed to the gloom of the inside of the house. She walked over the grass that carpeted the back garden and made her way over to the wheelie bin. She opened it somehow and pushed her old clothes inside and closed the lid.
Neona closed the back door behind her hummed another tune to herself, “so take your gloves and get out, while you can…when you go would you even turn to say I don’t love you like I did yesterday…”
She walked into the living room and checked the house phone for messages; she hoped her parents had left her one. She placed the unit to her ear and sighed when a mechanical voice said, “no new messages”.
She put the receiver back in its slot and picked up her mobile phone. She checked that for messages and texts before she tried phoning them. There weren’t any.
She called her mother first, after dialling her number and waiting for someone to pick up another mechanical voice said, “no one is able to get to this phone at the moment please leave a mess-” Neona hung up.
“What the hell…mum always answers her phone” she muttered to herself as she tried her dad’s number.
This time her phone just refused to accept that she had put in a valid number, “I’m sorry but the number you have dialled does not exist.”
“What?” she asked herself as she hung up and sat with a huff on the two seat sofa. She pushed a strand hair, which went to the bottom of her shoulder blade, behind her ear and looked at the clock that as sat on the mantle piece above the imitation fire, it told her that it was half past five.
She sighed and turned the LCD TV on and watched the weakest link.
Two hours later she was still sat there waiting for her parents to either walk through the door or at least get in touch with her somehow. She flicked the channel over to ITV and started to watch Coronation Street.
During the ad break she heard something fall through the letter box and land on the mat people used to clean their feet before they entered the house.
Neona pulled herself off of the sofa and walked out into the corridor. She saw the heavy handmade paper and picked it up expecting it to be the invitation to another street party held by Mr Parkes.
She turned the envelope over and saw that it was addressed to ‘Miss N. Judd, 12 Cadmen Close, Lincoln’.
“I guess that’s me” she said quietly as she walked back into the living room and sat back down just as the theme tune of her favourite soap came on.
She opened the letter as she watched one of the characters have a pint poured over them in the Rovers after an argument with the current landlady. She pulled out more heavy handmade paper and opened the letter up. She read it aloud.
“Dear Miss Neona Judd, this letter has been delivered to you by owl post and I am sorry if you receive this later than I intended. I cannot tell you everything by this letter through fear that it may get intercepted and you will appreciate that when I explain it to you. What I can tell you is that an escort will arrive at one a.m precisely and take you to a safe location. It would be of a great help if you pack everything you may need such as clothes, books and other items as you will not be able to return after you leave. Your humble servant and Protector Professor Dumbledore”
“Owl post? One a.m? Escort?” Neona laughed and threw the letter away and then she set about wondering who had sent the letter in the first place, “well…it’s not Nathan the handwriting’s too neat, it’s not Shaun cos he’s on holiday…that means it must be Danny Goodbridge! I’m gonna hit him so hard when I see him…”
She looked back at the clock when she realised that the news was on, it told her it was ten o’clock.
“Oh no I only have three hours” she mused and went upstairs to get ready for bed, she sang more of her favourite lyrics as she did so, “to see a marching band he said son, when you grow up, would you be the savoir, of the broken, the beaten and the damned he said will you defeat them? Your demons?”