(no subject)

Jun 03, 2009 12:15

Thanks to Lauren for sending in today's third Sue!

TITLE: A Life With You
PERPETRATOR: Hate Fairy 666

FULL NAME: Draco Malfoy
HAIR: "silver blonde"
EYES: silver
MARKINGS: none described
POSSESSIONS: Ginny Weasley.

ORIGIN: Some sort of pod-creature pretending to be Draco Malfoy.
CONNECTIONS TO CANON: Loves Ginny Weasley. He is her "baby daddy". Yes that phrase was used in the story. Snape and McGonagall watch them from the shadows and gush about Draco and Ginny's love. Ron handles the "big reveal" very poorly, as always. We find out, as well, that Molly and Arthur knew about this romance the whole time. After some intimidation, all of the brothers and Draco get along. Awww.
SPECIAL ABILITIES: Is a thoughtful, loving, caring human being.

NOTES: The OOC-level is high in this one!


Ginny sat by the lake she looked out into the darkness waiting for him to show. The sound of leaves ruffling brought her attention to the shadows as he walked into the open.

"I got your letter." He stated and came to sit next to her. He covered her hand with his own and she looked sadly into his eyes.

"I have missed you." She whispered.

"I have missed you too." He leaned in to give her a soft kiss and she moaned. Her hands shot up to push his silver blonde hair back. She pulled her closer to him until he was lying on his back and she was lying on top of him. His arms held her in a vice like grip and she wasn't complaining. When they finally broke apart Ginny gazed down into his silver eyes.

"Do you love me?" She asked.

"Very much so Ginny." He smiled a perfect smile.

"Good, there is something I need to tell you." She said she rolled off of him and onto the grass before pushing herself to an upright position. He followed suit.

"What is it my love?" His voice not even a whisper.

"Draco, I'm pregnant." Her eyes were fixed on her hands in her lap, and a tear slid down her cheek. She waited for him to blow up but when it didn't come she slowly raised her gaze to his smiling face. "Draco?"

"This is wonderful Ginny!" Draco called as he scooped in his arms and spun them in circles. Ginny let out a laugh and then began to cry into his shoulder. "Ginny baby, what's wrong." Draco asked concerned for the woman he had fallen in love with over the past year.

"I was so scared that you wouldn't stay, I was so scared Draco." Her crying worsened as she gripped him for support.

"Shh Ginny don't worry, I'll never leave you. I promise you baby." Draco held her close and pressed his lips into her hair. Before long Ginny had stopped crying and she just laid in Draco's arms until they both drifted off to sleep.

Ginny woke up to find the sun beginning to rise and Draco had thrown his cloak to cover them both . Her head was resting on his chest and his arms were wrapped around her. She smiled at the sleeping man next to her before she laid a soft kiss on his lips.

"Draco baby, come we have to get up." Ginny whispered shaking him slightly. Draco's eyes fluttered awake and he starred at Ginny. She stood and held her hand out to him. He took it, with his cloak slung over his arm they walked towards the castle hand in hand.

"So I guess we should probably come out to the school today." Draco said as they approached the school.

"Yeah." She smiled at him. Once they reached the Great Hall they parted.

"Meet me here at 7:30, and we'll go in together ok?" Draco said.

"Good idea, I'll see you then. I love you Draco." Ginny smiled.

"I love you too." He kissed her lightly and they headed towards their separate dorms to change for class.

Hiding in the shadows were two teachers admiring their favorite students.

"Oh Severus it is about time they come to everybody. If they kept it any longer I think I would burst!" Minerva smiled.

"Oh yes I know what you mean Minerva." Severus gave her a grin as they stepped out into the light. "Only now we'll have to tell Albus he was right about those two."

"Oh I know he has been going on for years about them, too bad we never listened." Minerva said with a laugh as they stepped into the Great Hall, getting ready for breakfast themselves.

stu - draco malfoy, rating - awful

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