The Sue-O-Meter

Oct 17, 2003 14:37

I'm still working on the FAQ per se, but here's some explanation of the rating system.

The rating system is rather subjective - I don't rate fics on any numerical basis, just on a sort of 'gut reaction' to them. As a result, these categories are somewhat fluid, particularly the 'toxic' one, and the definitions are correspondingly vague.

I've decided to write up two different explanations of the categories; one for my victims readers and the other for the culprits authors.

For The Readers

(good) - 'good' sues are rare and exceptional... in fact, they probably shouldn't even be called 'sues' at all. These are genuinely entertaining stories with an interesting plot, good characterization, and a main character I like and identify with despite occasional sue-isms. If all original fanfic characters were like this, I wouldn't be here.

(okay) - although you can still tell that they're Mary-Sues, these are above average. They're not a bad read, the author probably knows how the spellcheck function on her word processor works, and the canon characters behave in a believable manner. Such stories are likely to provoke the reader into tragic sighs and cries of "use your powers for good, Author-Woman!"

(bad) - the average sue. These ones failed to inspire any particular reaction from me; they certainly aren't good, but they aren't bad enough to be anything more than annoying. All they are really is unremarkable fanfiction detritus, as memorable as a B4-4 song (who are B4-4, you ask? My point, exactly).

(awful) - when we get into the realm of 'awful', we're starting to get into the ones that piss me off. These aren't just bad, they are somehow impressively bad. There is usually no detectable plot, and the author probably thinks that spelling and grammar are optional. 'Awful' fics are offenses against J. K. Rowling's world and characters, plus the reader's intelligence and the Queen's English, all in one.

(toxic) - this is a special rating, reserved for the Plan Nine from Outer Spaces of the genre. 'Toxics' are often laughable in their sheer jaw-dropping awfulness; the readers will frequently find themselves wondering if the fic is some kind of a joke or parody, because it simply can't be an honest attempt at good fanfiction. Even talented authors can recieve a 'toxic' if their fic hurts enough. Swallow what you're drinking before reading one of these, and be prepared to sit there with your mouth hanging open, wondering how any rational human being could possibly have thought this mess was a good idea.

(troll) - This rating was created for "Troll Week" in December 2006, and is now used in any obvious awful or WTF?!?! parody or troll. Sometimes people just take the joke too far. Sometimes I feature "good" trolls or parody fics, but they must be very tongue-in cheek, not "Mary-Sue goes to Hogwarts and someone mocks/bullies/kills her." Note: I will not be retroactively adding the troll rating to trolls posted before December 2006. Yes, this means that My Immortal keeps its 'toxic' rating.

For The Writers

(good) - except for one or two things that could probably stand some tweaking, this is a pretty good story. You have a bright future in fanfiction, and I'd be interested in seeing something you've written that does not focus on a character of your own invention. Or perhaps you ought to try writing original fiction.

(okay) - read my report and the comments the readers made; when we're not going off on weird tangents about sex, geography, and shampoo, we've probably done a pretty thorough job of covering the parts that need work. Fix those, and a re-write could possibly elevate this to a 'good'. You have a lot of potential.

(bad) - you probably ought to re-consider writing this story at all. Your character and plotline are much like those of every other Mary-sue out there. You should also spell and grammar check your work before posting it, and probably seek second opinions - preferably not from your mother. You really need to put more effort into your writing if you want to do it well.

(awful) - scrap this fic and start over. I mean it; re-do this from the bottom up. Very little here could be salvaged into something enjoyable. Proper grammar and spelling are NOT optional, and lose your superiority complex; readers who politely suggest that your character would be more lovable with a few flaws are not flaming, nor are they jealous of your superior skills. They are trying to help you to improve - listen to what they have to say, and act on it. You could probably use to get somebody to proof-read and edit for you before you post anything.

(toxic) - 'toxic's require more specific help that I can offer here; each is terrible in its own uniquely sporktacular way. Some are by writers who have written very good fics but were apparently suffering from temporary insanity when they got this particular idea. Others suggest that I'd have a hard time saying anything to the perpetrator except for maybe "oh, my GOD... get OUT of the gene pool, you're turning the water a funny colour!" In the unlikely event that the author of a 'toxic' really wants to improve their writing, all I can really say is 'write something else. PLEASE!'

(troll) - You are not funny, you are annoying. This makes you just as bad as real Suethors. Please write something worth reading if you actually have the talent.

Note: Also, if I specifically say something about how I wish I could have given you a good or okay rating on the story but give you a higher rating it means that you started off well but slid into problems as your story progressed.

0 - faqs

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