2092: Lucifer's Rise - Lucifer Dante Noir and Severus Snape

Jan 21, 2009 23:26

TITLE: Lucifer's Rise

FULL NAME: Lucifer Dante Noir and Severus Snape
SPECIES: Fallen Angels/Demons
HAIR: Lucifer: "silvery hair down past his shoulder blades", "white-silver".
EYES: Lucifer: "silvery-blue". Snape: "dark violet" and "lighter violet".
MARKINGS: Lucifer is tall and "aristocratic". Snape looks "younger than usual". They both have what looks like a "black snake tongue, long with a split tip". Where does it come from? "Those that we born with the gift of parseltongue, normally have a snake’s tongue like Severus or myself."
POSSESSIONS: "It was then that Harry noticed what they were wearing, Severus had a dark purple button-down shirt and black pants with a black belt. The shirt had a high collar but the top two buttons were undone to show some kind of silver medallion. Lucifer had a sliver button-down shirt with white pants and a white belt. His shirt also had a high collar with the medallion showing."

ORIGIN: Lucifer is "Lucifer in every sense". Need more clarification? "I am Lucifer. I am the angel that would willingly leave Heaven to explore the mortal relm. It is for that that I am considered evil, what good angel would leave Heaven? So The Powers forbid me from ever returning. I am continuously reincarnated because my soul can never rest. It was around then that the humans first started living. They had gone past the stage of ‘feral being’ and could now do ‘good’ or ‘evil’ acts. The Power’s decided that, since I was already banished from heaven, I would be the one to watch over The Living World that the humans lived in and Hell. All those who are to heavy with sins to stay in Heaven or even Purgatory would go to Hell. Now, this is where it gets interesting, the power to control all the elements of The Living World and Hell was to great for any one soul. Even an angel’s soul such as mine could not hold all the power, so Cerberus, pronounced ‘sur-ber-uhs’, was created. The first Lucifer split his soul and powers to create a new soul. Cerberus, like the original Lucifer, was forever bound to be reincarnated if he ever died. Cerberus and Lucifer were soul bound and linked because they were two halves of one whole. That is the story of our existence. You may know us as Lucius Dante Noir and Severus Snape, but in reality we are merely the reincarnated souls of Lucifer and Cerberus."
CONNECTIONS TO CANON: Dumbledore is very upset that Snape has a lover that can Apparate and Disapparate on Hogwarts grounds. Then later they tell the Order. Moody had the best reaction: "What the hell?". Anyways, they actually show the Order because they just make out in front of them while speaking Parseltongue. Unfortunately for Harry he can understand what they are saying. It brings an extra level of horror to his experience.
SPECIAL ABILITIES: Lucifer can Apparate on Hogwarts grounds. They both speak Parseltongue. Fallen angels/demons. Are immortal.

NOTES: You know, I would like to sit down and talk to the muse that inspired this. I really want to know where this came from.


"Now that we are all sitting," Lucifer said before Dumbledore could say anything, "why don't you calmly ask your questions one at a time?"

"Who are you and what are you doing here!?" Dumbledore exclaimed, looking even more furious.

"I, have already told you my name," said Lucifer, "and as to why I am here, I come to the castle almost every day to spend time with Severussss." He hissed the last word and said Severus seemed to shiver.

"That," said Dumbledore smugly, "is not possible."

Lucifer smirked and glanced at Severus. Severus raised an eyebrow and smirked back. At the same time they both stood, Lucifer vanished in a flash of light and Severus vanished in a swirl of darkness. A second later Lucifer stood right in front of Dumbledore with Severus next to him in front of Harry.

It was then that Harry noticed what they were wearing, Severus had a dark purple button-down shirt and black pants with a black belt. The shirt had a high collar but the top two buttons were undone to show some kind of silver medallion. Lucifer had a sliver button-down shirt with white pants and a white belt. His shirt also had a high collar with the medallion showing. Lucifer leaned towards Dumbledore, white-silver hair falling over one shoulder, and pointed a finger right in his face.

"There is not a ward in existence that can keep me out," purred Lucifer, "least of all, yours."

Severus slid behind Lucifer and wrapped an arm around his waist, "invading his personal space and gloating," hissed Severus, pulling Lucifer against him and purring in his ear, “how naughty."

Lucifer shivered and Snape smirked. Dumbledore had an expression of disgust and pure shock on his face. Harry looked between the two standing men and paled.

"Are you," Harry started and gulped as their gazes landed on him, "err... 'together'?"

Severus rolled his eyes and looked exasperatedly at Lucifer, who smirked again.

"Why yes," drawled Lucifer, "how ever did you tell?"

"Honestly Potter, you walk in here and hear what we were saying and you just now figure it out?" Snape said, rolling his eyes again, "idiot."

"Be kind Sevvy." Lucifer said, still smirking.

Snape scowled, "Sevvy? Where in hell did that come from? Do you want me to keep calling you Sparky?"

Lucifer blanched, "Please no, it's not my fault I have a connection to electricity-"

Dumbledore finally snapped out of his daze, "What are you!? How can you apparate so easily inside this castle?!"

Lucifer rolled his eyes, "What we just did was not apperition you old fool."

"Luccccifer," hissed Severus.

"Hm?" murmured Lucifer, visibly melting into Severus' arms at the sound of his hissed name.

"Perhaps we should take this discussion to the headmaster's office? The other heads of house should be there as well," he directed his second sentence to the furious headmaster.

A short "Hn" was all he got in reply from the blond in his arms who was obviously concentrating on distracting Severus as much as possible by subtly moving against him. Severus hissed at him, weather in pleasure or annoyance was hard to tell. Lucifer just smirked.

"Very well," Dumbledore nearly snarled, still glaring at the two men, "be in my office in twenty minutes."

"Hn," murmured Severus, Lucifer had succeeded in distracting him and his eyes now had a glazed look. Dumbledore shot them a last disgusted look and swept from the room.

"Umm..." said Harry, Severus seemed to have expected Harry to leave with Dumbledore as he was currently nuzzling Lucifer's neck with his eyes closed. Severus merely opened one eye, gazed at Harry, and proceeded to ignore him. Lucifer smirked again.

"Well, Harry is it?" at Harry's nod Lucifer continued, "why don't you show us the way to the headmaster's office, Severus seems rather... distracted at the moment."

Said man shot Lucifer a one eyed glare. Severus stopped nuzzling Lucifer's neck and raised his head, a scary look in his eyes. He slowly opened his mouth, showing long fangs. Lucifer's eyes went wide, he seemed to know what Severus was planning.

Without warning Severus sunk his fangs into the side of Lucifer’s neck, Lucifer groaned and leaned more heavily against Severus who, in turn, tightened his hold on him. He took one gulp and then removed his mouth, his fangs were so thin and sharp that they barely left a mark. Severus flicked his tongue out. It looked like a black snake tongue, long with a split tip, and slowly licked the mark. The once small holes turned into small white marks on Lucifer’s skin.

Severus smirked at a now terrified looking Harry and subtly nudged Lucifer in the ribs, “shall we, Lucifer?”

Lucifer blinked and slowly pulled away from Severus, he shook his head and muttered, “And he says I have bloodlust issues…”

pc - gary stu, rating - toxic, am - immortality (non-canon), ct - demon (full/youkai), ct - angel (part), stu - severus snape

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