2027: Evergreen - Mayonaka Bara/Himitsu Kesshin

Nov 17, 2008 20:08

TITLE: Evergreen
PERPETRATOR: Tsuchi-no-uta

FULL NAME: Mayonaka Bara aka Himitsu Kesshin
HAIR: "thick but straight hair". "her hair was a lighter brown than her natural hair color. Of course her hair was shorter as well. Her long mid-back length hair was replaced by hair that was cut layered in a fashion that had bangs on one side hung over just a bit while the other side of the bangs were held back by her ears. The back of the hair was cut short and layered, the longest bits reached down to about the chin."
EYES: "Her eyes were darker, almost black."
MARKINGS: "Her chin was more like a man’s than one she had naturally"
POSSESSIONS: a "gleaming sliver band ring" her mother gave her. Dumbledore charms it to act like a "a sort of memory card" to store ew new appearance so she can change at will.

ORIGIN: Japan. She witnesses some evil-happenings and under Dumbledore's orders, she is turned into a boy and is sent to Hogwarts.
CONNECTIONS TO CANON: Is sorted into Ravenclaw. Falls in love with Marauder!Remus Lupin.
SPECIAL ABILITIES: Is important enough to have Dumbledore go to great lengths to keep her hidden.

NOTES: Do you think Remus falls in love with her as a boy or a girl? Let's vote. I say girl, and it's going to end up like the "climax" in Mrs. Doubtfire.


“Now,” Dumbledore continued. “Those Death Eaters are probably looking for you now. You saw them kill Meiyo, and they obviously suspect you know something about the crystals… more than them. They don’t really now much at all about them, other than the fact it makes people perfect beings… to them meaning powerful. If they get a hold of all those crystals we are all in trouble. So what we can guess is they are on a man hunt for you.” Dumbledore looked puzzled for a moment.

“They’ll look for you at your school, and I want to keep an eye on you to make sure nothing happens. Would you like to attend Hogwarts?” he asked hopefully. There was a spark in his eyes. How could she possibly say no? They had done so much already.

“Uhh… sure. What other choice do I have?”

“Great! Hmm…” Dumbledore contemplated. “They would suspect with the order that they’d take you to me. So they could figure out you are here.”

There was a moment of silence.

“AH-HA!” cried of Dumbledore, causing Mayonaka to jump.

“That’s it! Well turn you into a male!”

“NANI?!” (A/N: nani is ‘what’.) she exclaimed.

“You see, they are looking for a young witch. Not a young wizard.” He explained.

“No, no, no! I can’t be a boy!”

“This is your life here… and perhaps the lives of others as well. Think about it. Also, there are two witches and wizards schools in Japan so we can say your from the other one so it doesn’t bring up your from the same school. If you do this you have a place to stay and you get to finish school. Just think about it!” Dumbledore said, bringing up some good points.

“But I don’t look like boy!” saying quickly, even forgetting her English grammar was a bit off.

Dumbledore smiled, his eyes twinkled behind his half-moon glasses. “That is what magic is for dear!”

Mayonaka sighed, seeing no way out of this. “Fine.”

Dumbledore was overjoyed. Whether it was because he got to have fun making her into a boy, or he had a new student to stir things up, she had no idea.

“So how are we going to do this?” she asked.

“Hmm… what is one thing you never are without?”

She thought for a moment and replied, “My mother’s ring.”

“May I?” he asked kindly, and she obliged. Placing her ring in the old man’s hand. He muttered a few spells and pointed at that ring in his hand with his wand. The ring glowed a few colors before turning to its true color of silver.

“Now, if you put this ring on.” He handed her the ring and she put it on.

Nothing happened.

“Nothing is happening.” She noted the obvious.

“Well first we have to change your appearance. You see, the ring acts as a sort of memory card. We change your appearance, save it, and then you can go back to that exact appearance to your own.” With that he started muttering spells again, this time directed at her.

Lastly Dumbledore conjured a mirror for Mayonaka to look into.

She was quite surprised at her appearance. It was masculine, but handsome to. Her chin was more like a man’s than one she had naturally. Her eyes were darker, almost black. But her hair was a lighter brown than her natural hair color. Of course her hair was shorter as well. Her long mid-back length hair was replaced by hair that was cut layered in a fashion that had bangs on one side hung over just a bit while the other side of the bangs were held back by her ears. The back of the hair was cut short and layered, the longest bits reached down to about the chin.

“Wow. I look…. Handsome.” She said, admiring her reflection.

Dumbledore laughed. “Yes, but now I think it would be quite noticeable that you have a man’s face but a females chest.”

Mayonaka blushed, “Yeah… umm… what are we going to do for that?”

“Nothing a spell can’t fix.” He assured, and sure enough her chest flattened into a man’s. “I won’t change anything below that, because that could get quite awkward.” giving an innocent smile.

Mayonaka was at a loss of what to say, so she just nodded her head, cringing at the idea of have that area changed.

“Now we save the changes we had just made.” He tapped the ring on her finger. “Think of a password. It has to be something no-one else would know because if they say it within a ten feet radius of you you’ll turn back into a girl, or vice versa.”

She thought for a bit before deciding, “Ano hi made” (A/N: means ‘Until that day’ pronounced ‘ah-no hee mah-day’)

“I don’t quite know what that means, but sounds good to me!” he approved. “So whenever you want to change back, from now on just say that password. Same for if you want to be a boy.”

Mayonaka winced at the ‘want to be a boy’. It just sounded so strange.

“You need to chose a fake name as well as a cover story.” He added.

Once again Mayonaka thought for a while and came up with, “Himitsu Kesshin.” She continued, “and I come from Yokohama, Japan.”

Dumbledore urged her to continue.

“Umm… my parents hired a tutor for me so I was home schooled. The reason I’m here is because my dad had a business opportunity?” she said uncertainly.

“That can work.” Dumbledore said.

That’s how Mayonaka Bara became Himitsu Kesshin.

rating - awful, pb - magic stick

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