1953: The Second Wizard War - Susan Longbottom

Sep 04, 2008 18:26

Thanks to btyrhrtout for sending in today's Sue!

TITLE: The Second Wizard War

FULL NAME: Susan Longbottom
HAIR: not described
EYES: not described
MARKINGS: none described
POSSESSIONS: Hogwarts, A History.

ORIGIN: Neville's sister we had heard nothing about. I wonder why?
CONNECTIONS TO CANON: She is Neville's twin sister. Meets Harry and Ron in first year on the Hogwarts Express. Makes a special point of introducing herself to Ron. *wink wink* She fangirls over Harry. She dislikes Hermione because she talks too much. She is waaaay better than Hermione, obviously. She competes with Hermione. She is a prankster. She is almost sorted into Slytherin, but she is sorted into Gryffindor.
SPECIAL ABILITIES: Tells Neville to stand up for himself, and does so by ditching him on the train. Can say Voldemort's name without fear. She is "strong and confident".

NOTES: Apparently Neville's gran would beat him.


“Oh there you are Susan! Thought I had lost you for a moment.” Hermione took it upon herself to sit next Ron. She introduced herself the exact same she had with Susan. Telling her life story on how she’s so prepared for the school year. Susan was getting fed up with the bragging and decided it would be fun to give Hermione a taste of her own medicine.

Remembering Hermione’s story from earlier Susan began talking about Hogwarts, A History right Hermione was about to start talking about it. “Have any of you read Hogwarts, A History yet? I have, many times actually and it’s quite interesting. And I’ve already read all the course books many, many times. So I think that I’m quite ready for the school year. I’m actually aiming to be the top of our class. So what house do all plan to be sorted in?” Susan asked winking at Ron and Harry to let them know she was toying with Hermione.

Hermione seemed to be lost of all words. For once. But managed to compose herself quickly and answer Susan’s question. “Well I hope to be sorted into Gryffindor. From what I’ve researched it is by far that best. But guess Ravenclaw wouldn’t be too bad I quite enjoy studying……well I’m going to go help Neville find his toad. But you all should change into your robes. I expect we’ll be arriving soon.” Hermione quickly walked out of the room before Susan could challenge back. Hermione was actually very worried about Susan. The whole summer Hermione had studied and planned to keep studying in hopes to finish school at the top of her class but Susan looked just as determined. She continued down the corridor looking for the toad while thinking of new studying methods.

In the compartment Susan was laughing hysterically at Hermione.

“Whatever house she’s in, I hope I’m not.” Ron said.

“Did you see her face? She was so scared that I’m going to beat her to top student. Well she obviously does not have much of a social life. Poor girl, maybe I can change her convince her to pull a few pranks with me.” Susan thought to herself. But her thoughts were interrupted by Ron.

“Oh don’t tell me you’re a prankster too?” Ron complained.

“Yes actually I am and a very proud one at that. You should have seen the types of things I did to the neighborhood kids. Just imagine what I could do with magic now.” Susan bit her lip in excitement. ¬

“You could get along great with Fred and George.” Ron stated shaking his head.

“Who are they?” Susan asked curious about the two characters.

“They’re my brothers, they’re twins actually and they live for playing pranks, tricking people, and inventing things. They’ve gotten so good at lying lately that they can even trick my mum sometimes.”

“Well you’ll have to introduce me to these boys they seem like my kind of people.” She stood up from her seat next to Harry, “Well boys I’m going to go change into my school robes and you really should do the same.” With that Susan walked out of the compartment and towards the girl’s lavatories.

“Now when I call your name, I want you to step forward and sit on this chair. I will place the Sorting Hat on your head and it will decide what house is most appropriate for you.” Professor McGonagall stated to all the first years.

“So all we have to do is try on a hat!” Ron whispered to Susan and Harry. “Fred was going on about fighting a troll!” Ron crossed his arms in frustration.

“You know I really want to meet these brothers of yours now.” Susan said highly amused.

“Neville Longbottom!”

Susan snapped her head up to see her twin brother timidly walking towards the sorting hat. He looked so scared of being sorted into the wrong house. Susan was expecting Neville to be sorted into Hufflepuff or Ravenclaw. Neville never really was one to stand up for himself so he wasn’t really a Gryffindor and he wasn’t sly or cunning for Slytherin.

“GRYFFINDOR!” The Sorting Hat yelled.

Susan was in complete shock. Her brother, Neville Longbottom, just got sorted into Gryffindor house.

“Susan Longbottom!”

But Susan was in too much of a daze to realize that her name had been called. She was soon snapped out of it when Ron shoved her to get her attention. Unfortunately, this caused Susan to fall to the ground. The Great Hall irrupted into fits of laughter. Susan pushed herself off the ground and punched Ron roughly in the arm making The Great Hall laugh even more.

“THAT’S ENOUGH!” McGonagall yelled. The room gradually got quieter as Susan angrily stomped up to the Sorting Hat. She sat down on the stool and she jumped as the hat began mumbling to its self, deciding what house to put her in.

“Hmmm, you have the traits for each house. Oh this is a difficult one. Your brother was much easier. Well you’re certainty clever enough for Slytherin. But no, you’re not evil. And you’re intelligent very intelligent. You seem to be very courageous better be GRYFFINDOR!” ¬

Susan happily hopped off the stool and skipped to the Gryffindor table where she was greeted warmly. She sat herself next to Hermione who look extremely worried. She still believed that Susan was going to take her spot as best student in their year. Susan looked across the table to see her brother who was smiling widely at her. He was excited that he and his twin sister were in the same house together. Oh how their grandmother would be pleased. Being sorted into the best house in Hogwarts. Surely their grandmother had nothing to yell about now.

The sorting ended shortly after and Susan was happily eating and talking to Ron and Harry. Every now and then Hermione would find her way into the conversation but would fall out by Susan managing to over talk her.

“Oh Susan these are my brothers, the ones I was telling you about Fred and George.” Ron pointed over to the identical twins sitting not too far from him.

“Hello! I’m Susan Longbottom!” She introduced herself shaking their hands.

“I wonder, what has our wonderful brother been telling you about us?” One of them asked smiling.

“Well he said that you boys love to play pranks and I like to fancy myself in that area as well. Of course mine haven’t great because of the lack of magic but I’m sure now I’ll be able to cook up some good things.” She answered him excitingly.

“Well we’ll have to work together sometime.” They said together. Susan giggled at them. She was about to say something when Hermione cut her off.

“You really shouldn’t get mixed those people Susan; they’ll just get you into trouble.” She said accusingly towards the twins.

“Hey!” Fred, George and Ron said at the same time.

“Watch your mouth that’s my brothers you’re talking about.” Ron spat at Hermione.

“Well Susan is my friend and I don’t want her getting detentions before Christmas! And besides if she wants to be at the top of our year she can’t have any detentions.” Hermione stated thinking that Susan would back down from going after ‘her spot’.

“Well thank you for the concern Hermione but I think that I’m a good enough prankster not to get caught and my grades will be enough that if I do get caught I am certain that the teachers will let me get by.” Susan winked at Fred and George to let them know she was only being so arrogant to bother Hermione.

But this time Hermione was going to shrink away it seemed, “No, Hogwarts rules are very strict and don’t bend for anyone. There is no way you’re going to get through that way and be top student.” Hermione stated strictly.

“OK. We’ll see.” Susan said smiling brightly. She knew that keeping her composer was bugging Hermione, and amusing Ron and his brothers.

Before anything else could be said they were all interrupted be the Headmaster Dumbledore. “Now that I’m sure you are all warm and stuffed by that wonderful feast I’m sure you would all like to go and nestle into your beds. So if all the prefects could direct all the first years to their dormitories and everyone have a good night rest, classes begin tomorrow morning.” He put his hand up as a gesture to say good bye and walked out the Great Hall.

“Gryffindors follow me!” Yelled another one of Ron’s siblings. Together all the first year Gryffindors walked through the castle. Susan was admiring everything around her when her brother came up next to her.

“Aren’t you excited! We’re in the same house. Susan this is going to be so much fun. I can’t to see what grandma is going to say when she hears we both got sorted into Gryffindor, she’ll be so proud.” He finished with a big smile on his round face.

Susan smiled and nodded in agreement but knew that her grandmother would find something else to yell at them about, she always did. Whenever they were kids she made them practice with a singing teacher until they were almost perfect. Unfortunately for Neville he was never a singer and would have to practice for hours. At one point he even lost his voice, and there grandmother blamed it on him for not being an exceptional vocalist. Susan managed to have some singing skills. Much to her grandmother’s dismay. She was cruel, cruel woman. She was a perfectionist and had sadly managed to turn Susan into one too and gave Neville the fear of failure.

“Alright the boys dormitories are to your left and girls to your right. You’ll find all your belongings have already been brought to your beds.” Percy walked away and everybody broke apart into their little groups. Susan left Neville and walked up to her room.

She looked around and much to her disappointment Hermione was one of her room mates and the other two were 2nd years. Susan sat on her bed that was next to the window and looked out into the night sky. She smiled at the thought of being at Hogwarts for a whole year. Not having to hear her Grandmother’s shouts or Neville’s tears.

She changed into her sleeping clothes and got under her covers. The bed was a comfortable temperature and the silence and comfort of the atmosphere put her to sleep.

Well I've had this idea for awhile now and I was in the middle of watching Pirates of the Carribbean and I got the sudden urge to write it. So I feel as I should tell you somethings so yoou come back for more. I am planning on writing through all their years at Hogwarts. I think it shows more of the character and makes for a better story. I do have a romantic intersest for Susan in mind but I won't say who! xD But I will tell you he was introduced already, you can try and guess if you're up to it. Oh and what do you all think of Susan's relationship with Hermione. Let me know

related to neville, rating - bad

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