0018: Story for Alli the sequal - Alli

Apr 22, 2003 21:50

Worse than the original.

TITLE: Story for Alli the sequal

SUE-O-METER: (how bad is it?)




SPECIES: Human/Witch
HAIR: Not described
EYES: Not described
MARKINGS: None mentioned
POSESSIONS: None mentioned

ORIGIN: Unknown
CONNECTIONS TO CANON: Harry's girlfriend for no good reason.
SPECIAL ABILITIES: Transforming a jaguar into a broom. That's jaguar the cat, not jaguar the car.

NOTES: Nothing's changed. The author still has no concept of spelling, punctuation, or grammar, and this is still being written for a friend who leaves reviews saying things like "YEE-HAW! I'M SNOGGING HARRY! THANK YOU, ERAINA!"

SAMPLE:Damnit to hell!" Alli shouted scaring everyone in the house she was in. "I wanted Harry Potters house not Gary Sotter. Damn powder doesn't work worth shit!" Alli said under her breath then turned to the tall Hispanic man "Where am I anyway?"

"In Columbia miss." He said in a thick accent.

"Oh well I'm sorry for everything. Goodbye!" Alli walked all over trying to think of what to do. In Columbia that's like half the world away from England and Harry! What to do what to do. Wait a minute I know I will turn something into a broom to fly with, But that will take hours! Oh well seeing Harry late is better then know Harry at all. Now all I need to do is find my future broom.


Already left that cant be what happen if she shows up and my Aunt and Uncle see her. Uncle Vernon yelled at Hagrid, Alli is only a third his size. I know what to do to get them out early. Harry walked down the stair to the kitchen where he spotted Aunt Petunia doing a cross word puzzle and Uncle Vernon reading the paper.

"Uncle Vernon since you and Aunt Petunia weren't doing anything I was wondering if you wanted to play a game, we never have any family time and I love you!"

"Petunia Vernon yelled we better get going if we want to get a good seat at the show!"

"But the show doesn't start for about six hours."

"Just get Dudley and get in the car and Harry is there is just a piece of dust out of place its off to Marge's!" And with that they left.

I knew that would work family time scares them.

-Seven hours later-

Finally Alli thought I'm here flying takes forever, Though a jaguar was not what I had in mind for my broom but I didn't have much of a choice. Alli arrived at the door the broom turned back to the cat and ran off "I wonder how much damage he will do?" she said as she rang the door bell. Harry answered

"Where have you been? I was worried the man at your house said you left seven hours ago."

"Well I did but I ran into some trouble and I'm sure the ministry of Magic will have something to say to me before this summer is over mean while why don't you show me around."

-Mean while-

"How did a jaguar show up in the middle of town and who would of figured that it would close everything down." Aunt Petunia asked.

"How the hell should I know I want to know what that Brat had been up to!" No sooner had that been said they pulled up in the drive way." Dudley rushed out of the car thinking about a the cake inside when he saw it right on the couch Harry and some strange girl snogging.

Muwahahahahaha read Irish charm and Snapes niece one and two!!!!!!

y - hogwarts years (non-specific), ph - gryffindor house, nts - no last name, sw-o - tootsitramp, ship - harry potter/oc, pc - self insert (sue is me), ap - athletic pursuit, rom - harry potter, rating - awful, ss/rpf - general, rom - oc (rpf), b - unknown eye color, nts - name is in the title (oc), b - unknown hair color

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