0128: Graduation Plans - Rowaine Potter

Aug 10, 2003 21:00

Remember my WhatTheFuck-O-Meter?

It just exploded.

TITLE: Graduation Plans


FULL NAME: Rowaine Potter
SPECIES: Human/Witch
HAIR: 'raven' or 'ebony', 'falling midway down her back in soft waves'
EYES: 'brilliant green eyes', 'killer green eyes' (insert your own joke here, folks)
MARKINGS: lightning bolt scar, yadda yadda
POSESSIONS: Snape's heart. As well as, apparently, his testicles.

ORIGIN: Oh, God... well, in this story's twisted universe, Harry Potter is a transsexual. He drinks a potion to turn himself into a woman, and then starts hitting on Snape.
SPECIAL ABILITIES: none beyond Harry's usual, so far.

NOTES: You hear that flushing sound? That's the last vestiges of my faith in human nature, heading down the crapper.


It took him seventeen years to realize what was wrong.

At first, he couldn't put his finger on the problem. A general sense of unease. Not feeling like he fit in his own body. Normal problems for normal teenagers... except those feelings had started long before adolescence hit.

Then he found himself looking longingly at girls. Not sexually - with envy. He began to notice boys, in the way that most boys noticed girls. Disturbing dreams plagued his sleep every night, and unwanted physical reactions riddled his every waking moment.

With only weeks to go before graduating, Harry Potter finally found the courage necessary to admit - if only to himself - that he wanted to be a woman.

Hell, I'm a wizard. There's bound to be some sort of charm or potion to do the trick.


For two weeks straight, while his classmates were cramming for NEWTs, Harry lived in the library researching his problem and possible solutions. He finally admitted defeat, knowing that any answer he could get would be found in the Restricted Section.

After convincing Hagrid to write him a no-restrictions pass, the Gryffindor Wonder Boy happily plopped down on a small table at the farthest back corner of the Dark Arts books. He located two spells (both curses) and one potion that didn't seem too difficult that would create the change he desired. Thanks to years spent with Hermoine, he knew how to best cross- reference and compare the benefits and drawbacks to his three choices.

Finally, he settled on the potion. It appeared to have no side effects at all, and could be made without having to raid Snape's storeroom. Having made his decision, Harry copied the instructions with meticulous care, wanting to be finished before final exams.

If he had been paying more attention, he would have noticed the tall figure standing in the shadows between shelves. If he had been paying more attention, he would have seen the dark man casting a spell - a charm to discover what the young man had been researching. If he had been paying more attention, he would have laughed at the comic expression of stunned disbelief on his professor's face.

But with single-minded determination, Harry Potter was too busy making plans for his future to notice Potions Master Severus Snape at the moment...


What the bloody hell is that miscreant up to this time? Restricted Section indeed! If he thinks he's going to perform some final prank before graduation, he's definitely out of his mind. Wait... what the fuck was he reading about this potion? Surely he doesn't think Malfoy would be stupid enough to drink it. Nor any of my Slytherins, or the other teachers. Who is he making it for? And does he believe he's capable of brewing it? With his normal aptitude in my classroom, I doubt he could get farther than the rosemary leaves -- but what if...?

Grabbing the ancient tome, Snape quickly checked in out with Madam Pince and stalked his way down to the dungeons. He knew the Potter boy would need someplace controlled to begin his potion, and his classroom would be the most obvious location. Casting a few alert spells, the Potions Master went to his office to grade papers while waiting.


Hmm... I've got all the ingredients necessary, although my boomslang skin is a bit old. I'll just swap some with Neville - he's always got new potions ingredients *snicker* - and then make my way down to the classrooms. No one will be there this evening, and I doubt Snape would think of me brewing a potion without a wand to my throat. This time tomorrow, I can finally be rid of this damned body!


The alarms went off just on time, breaking the Snape's concentration on yet another abysmal attempt by that Thomas boy to pad his essay with Quidditch history. Sighing softly, he sorted his papers carefully, putting on his best affronted teacher expression before heading toward his classroom.

As expected, the Potter boy was setting up to brew that highly questionable concoction.

Yet the professor waited. Purely for information, he assured himself. He was curious to see if the boy were truly inept at his preferred science. Of course. And the niggling question of *why* he was attempting this particular potion just wouldn''t leave his mind.

Perhaps he should have interrupted, or gone for the headmaster, or at least stopped staring in disbelief. Any of those options would have been more appropriate than standing in the doorway of his own classroom, watching in alternating horror and admiration at the raven-haired young man.

He is bloody well going to do this. But WHY?!


Harry worked slowly, humming to himself as he carefully prepared each item for the intricate potion. Technically, this tincture wasn't a Dark Arts creation. It skirted a very fine line. But the question of intent absolved him from crossing that line, thank the gods.

He stayed so very engrossed in his personal project that he was blissfully unaware of the very confused professor watching his every move.

A dash of aconite, some shrivelled honeybee wings, a pinch of fairy dust... Some very simple incantations at just the right times... In surprisingly short order, his work was complete. A triumphant smile blossomed on his face, as he scooped out the required dosage and cautiously drank his vile salvation.

Somewhere in the back of his mind, he heard a startled gasp and a few words calling to him. Before he could respond, blackness took him, sucking him into oblivion. He was far from afraid - the book had mentioned that if he created the potion correctly, his body would need at least four hours to process the changes.

Slowly falling to the floor, he was barely aware of strong arms catching him...


Oh what in Merlin's name is the boy doing? He's deliberating turning himself into a female?! What sort of joke is this, that the wizarding world's Golden Boy wants to become a Diamond Girl? Albus, I hope you understand this one, because I'm about to land you with an unconscious saviour and ask a million questions.


Some time later, both the headmaster and the potions instructor were still baffled at their student's actions. Neither could understand Harry's motives or intentions, but since he had broken no laws, they could merely sit and wait for him to awaken.


"Ah, he's finally coming to. Or I should say *she* is finally coming to. Severus, I do believe you've given your student too little credit in potions. This is hardly a first year exercise."

"I'm sure there's a mischievous reason behind it, Albus. The boy... girl... whatever! has never failed at bringing attention to himself... herself... oh damn it all, IT!"

"Now now, no need to be insulting. Surely we have an interesting development on our hands, and should wait till young Harry has rejoined the land of the living for answers."

Slowly opening those brilliant green eyes, a newly transformed Harry Potter took a very private inventory of his/her new body. Determining that all the proper parts were located in appropriate places, he/she sat up carefully to address the two older wizards.

"Er, hi Professor, Headmaster... Guess it worked, huh?"


By midnight, the two wizards were still no closer to understanding Harry's true reasons for altering gender. That much was obvious to the young witch, who was secretly relieved that she had finally managed to impress her instructor with a potion.

Finally getting tired of hearing her pleasant alto voice, she said, "I'm sorry, Headmaster, but if you haven't caught my reasons so far, you aren't likely to do so in the next few hours. Can I possibly get some sleep before you interrogate me more?"

A soft snort broke free from Snape's throat. He found it quite amusing when anyone dared contradict his employer. Granted that the man was a powerful wizard, and a damned fine headmaster, but he was still completely insane at times. Right now he was beyond even that.

"Of course, I'm sure you are quite exhausted by your... changes. Could I request that you not go back to your dorm room? Your classmates will undoubtedly be startled by waking up with a female in their midst."

In a fit of gentle laughter, Harry managed to respond, "You're quite right, sir. Is there any place in particular that you would prefer me sleeping for the night?"

Visibly shaken, the old wizard sat in thoughtful silence for several minutes. Coming to a decision, he said, "I believe that the most logical place for your temporary lodging would be the spare prefect's room in Gryffindor Tower. I'll send up a couple of house elves to take care of your belongings and to prepare the room."

"Sounds terrific, thank you, sir."

"Excuse me, Albus. I need to ask two more questions of our student here." At his employer's nod, Snape continued, "First, you say that you did this on purpose, because you felt uncomfortable being male?"

"Yes sir."

"Second, what in bloody hell are we supposed to call you now? Harry is definitely a boy's name. Or have you even given it any thought?"

Blushing slightly, the young witch answered, "I think I'd like the name Rowaine, sir. My mother and aunt were both given plant names, and it seems to suit me." Twin looks of confusion. "The rowan bush is well known for offering protection against a variety of magical attacts. Considering what all's happened in the past seventeen years, I believe the name fits perfectly."

The Potions Master was first to recover. "Very well... Rowaine... how thoroughly did you organize your change, and the ramifications? Do you have adequate cloths for your new body? Have you warned your friends?"

The dark-haired young witch thought for a moment before answering, "I didn't tell anyone about it, sir. Most of my friends would have been confused, or tried to have me locked away at St. Mungo's. Yes, I have a few items of clothing, but today is Friday and we can go in to Hogsmeade tomorrow, so I was planning on buying whatever I need then. Hopefully with Hermoine's help. And yes, I have thought out the consequences of my choices, sir. All my life, I felt odd and uneasy being a boy... but even after so short a time in this body, it feels completely natural. Maybe neither of you can understand what I mean, and that's alright, but I don't regret doing it. If my friends can't accept that, then they weren't my friends to begin with, right?"

At his student's show of maturity, Snape was baffled. "Indeed... I only wish you had shown some of your potion-making talent before now, Potter."

"Sorry, Professor. I'll try harder, if you like. Or you can let me stay here over the summer and prove that I did learn something since first year. Most of the time, any accidents in my potions were from Malfoy and his goons sabotaging my classwork." Chuckling softly. "But we won't have that problem for the next few days at least."

"And why is that, Har--Rowaine?" The headmaster caught himself, looking intently at his favored pupil.

"Because it'll take that long for them to accept that I used to be Harry Potter, and during that time, I'll be able to work without worrying about what unnecessary ingredient will be tossed into my cauldron." Snickering moved into a small yawn. "Excuse me, sirs. May I please head to bed now?"

"Of course, of course. We will undoubtedly need to speak with you again soon. For tonight, sleep well."


By the time Rowaine reached Gryffindor Tower, the house elves had moved all her belongings into the unused prefect's room. With a weary sigh, she changed into a nightshirt and climbed into bed, completely unaware of the musings from her teacher.

The last thing that crossed her mind before sleep overtook her was that she no longer needed those hideous glasses to see properly.

rating - toxic, pb - taco-show

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