1146: If I Could Change The Damage I've Done - Camilla "Cami" Lupin-Potter

Jun 14, 2006 23:19

TITLE: If I Could Change The Damage I've Done
PERPETRATOR: My Flawed Perfection (What is it with these kids and their oxymorons?)

FULL NAME: Camilla "Cami" Lupin-Potter
HAIR: "short brown hair that was in every direction."
EYES: "her mummy's emerald green eyes that she had inherited."
MARKINGS: "she had a longish cute nose with high cheek bones that any girl would be jealous of, a heart shaped, pale face..." and "She was skinny and had a small built, a proof of her health problems." Oh. Well, I'm glad to know that's proof of health problems.
POSSESSIONS: None described.

ORIGIN: "Remus and Harry are married and Harry is pregnant and carrying triplets. After they're born, the wolf in Remus forces him to reject the youngest of the three because she almost died and was the weakest." So he ignores Camilla, the youngest, and Harry notices, and somehow this means Harry must up and leave and take the kids and it's all dramatic. I mean, I'm not saying Remus was fine in going all Leader of the Pack EAT OWN YOUNG, but Harry might've at least caught Remus leaning over the crib, pouring steak sauce on the kid or conveniently leaving her in the window flowerbox when there's a blizzard coming or something.
CONNECTIONS TO CANON: She and her siblings got the Hogwarts letter, and Harry, their mother (it appears to have been temporary uterus syndrome), is going to teach Muggle Studies.

NOTES: The summary was too priceless. And Remus has inner conversations with the Wolf!

SAMPLE:Remus was true to his word to the Wolf. He wouldn't feed Camilla, change her, tend to her cries, wash her, dress her, play with her. Nothing. He'd pay only attention to Todd and Lily. The Wolf was right though. Harry did pay enough attention to Camilla for the both of them while he neglected her. He was surprised that Harry hadn't confronted him about it yet. He also didn't notice the some what frightened expression that would come across his love's face everytime he ignored Camilla.

It was the middle of the night when two cries woke up both Harry and Remus.

"I'll take care of it." Remus stated, recognizing the cries to be from Lily and Todd.

"Thank you." Harry said tiredly. Remus just kissed his mate on the forehead and got up from the bed, letting Harry go back to sleep.

He walked to the nursery and was relieved to see that it was indeed Lily and Todd who were crying. He fed them and changed them before putting them both to bed, staying until he knew they were asleep. He leaned down and kissed them both on the foreheads. Before he left the nursery though, he couldn't help but walk over to Camilla's crib and watch her for a few minutes. She seemed to be doing alright. It had been almost a month since the triplets were born and Camilla didn't seem like she would die so soon.

'Just a little longer." Remus told himself. After a little while longer, after they brought the three babies to St. Mungo's for a check-up he would know whether to keep up with ignoring Camilla or becoming a loving father to her.

Then he walked back to his and his mate's room for bed.


Harry was scared. He noticed how Remus ignored Cami even though he probably didn't think he noticed. He payed to much time loving Lily and Todd that it frightened him how easily he could ignore his youngest child. It was so wrong!

Right now Remus was at his job. He worked in Hogsmeade at this bookstore called Magical Muggles. It was a book store that sold both magic and muggle books.

Harry was very scared though. If Remus could ignore Cami so easily... What if he then began ignoring Todd and Lily? How could Remus be so cruel? To a wolf and werewolf, his pack was the main priority! For him, leader of that pack, to not care about part of it was just plain wrong.

Harry wouldn't put up with it. He wouldn't allow his babies that he was in 12 hours of labor with go unnoticed by their father. No sirrie!

Harry stormed upstairs and grabbed a suitcase of his from his and Remus's closet. Then he threw open the door of their clothes closet and started pulling out his clothes and putting them in the closet. He packed all of his belongings before going into the babies nursery.

Right now the babies were being baby-sitted by Molly Weasley, who was kind enough to offer to take them for the day seeing as Remus was at work and she was experienced at taking care of babies as she had 7 herself.

He shrunk all their baby furniture and placed it in a bag as well as all their baby clothes. He didn't change the color of the room though.

He rushed to fetch a letter from Gringotts that he had gotten a long while back about the properties he owned from his inheritence. He noticed a nice place in the country that had wards against tracking spells, and would not accept an owl if it had a tracking spell on it. Also no one could see the place and it was very difficult to floo there. The place sounded perfect to get away from Remus.

He shrunk down the suitcase and his old school trunk, and his suitcase and put it in his pocket. He left half of the photographs of him and Remus together with the children or plain him and Remus together to Remus. He didn't even write a note before going over to the Weasley's home.

"Molly! I'm here to pick up Todd, Lily, and Cami." Harry smiled a fake smiled as he faced Molly. He might never see her again though, he thought sadly.

"So soon? Oh well. Just remember, if you need someone to watch them, I'm here." Molly said before getting the three.

Harry gave her a hug and a whispered thanks before kissing her on the cheek and breaking away.

Molly thought nothing of him whispering as the babies were napping. She didn't know that she wouldn't seem him for many years or that would be the last hug she'd give him and the last kiss he'd give her for the next 11 years.


"We're home babies." Harry whispered to his three sleeping babies.


"Harry? Harry are you home?" Remus called as he and Sirius Black entered the home.

"Maybe he's out." Sirius suggested.

"well... He didn't leave a note... He always does that." Remus pointed out. He and Sirius walked upstairs to their bedroom. Maybe Harry was asleep?

But... he wasn't there either. So they checked the nursery as sometimes he had fallen asleep rocking one of the babies asleep... But everything in the nursery was gone. So they rechecked the bedroom... and everything of Remus's was gone too.

And Remus knew why he left too.

'I screwed up... I didn't want to get attached... And I ended up screwing up...' Remus thought as the Wolf mourned.
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