0991: Finding Out My Inner Magic - Heaven Nevaeh Potter-Longbottom

Dec 21, 2005 20:34

Link O The Day: Graffiti Wall

TITLE: Finding Out My Inner Magic


FULL NAME: Heaven Nevaeh Potter-Longbottom. Yeah.
SPECIES: human/witch
HAIR: 'she had her red hair enhanced which made the usual shocking redness even more red. It was looking at the sun without any protection.'
EYES: not described
MARKINGS: none mentioned
POSESSIONS: her wand is '11 2/3", Oak, hair from a Veela', and she has a black kitten named Hermione.

ORIGIN: Her mother was Harry and Ginny's daughter Lily, her father was Neville and Luna's son, who has not yet been named. Her parents are dead and she was raised by Muggles.
SPECIAL ABILITIES: magical art abilities!

NOTES: I think my favourite kinds of Sues are the recursive ones... the ones who write Sues of their own. Something about that is just horribly amusing. This one starts off with the Sue's Sue, Jeneva.


It was unlike anything Heaven had ever seen before. Now she knew why Harry had wanted several pairs of eyes, it was very hard to take everything in at once. There was the pet shop, the place where Harry had gotten his firebolt, the ice cream parlor, and even Weasley’s Wizarding Wheezes.

“First, let’s get you your money,” the woman said in Heaven’s ear. Heaven barely heard her because it was so crowded.

After going to Gringotts, they went to Flourish and Blott’s, where Heaven got her school books and a few selected ones with permission. Then they got her robes from Madam Malkin’s and her potion ingredients. Finally, it was time for her wand.

Down at Ollivander’s, there was a customer already there, so she looked around at all of the posters describing the types of wands they sold.

“May I help you dear?”

Heaven jumped and turned around. A older woman was looking down at her with interest.

“Um, yes ma’am. I’m here to buy my wand,” Heaven said nervously.

“Good! Good! Come this way child,” the woman seemed excited and Heaven followed her, perplexed.

The woman shifted a few boxes on the shelf and took one down and handed it to Heaven. “Try this one, holly and dragon heartstring. Fifteen and a half inches. Whippy.”

Heaven waved it, but nothing happened.

“Let’s try this one.”

They went through what seemed to Heaven to be half the entire store. “Not to worry dear,” the old woman said. “It’s hard to find the right wand for some people. Let’s try this one. 11 2/3", Oak, hair from a Veela, I think.”

Heaven held the wand and felt a warmth sweep through her right arm and brought it down with a swish. A shower of gold sparks erupted from the wand and the older woman clapped enthusiastically. “Wonderful! Simply wonderful!”

Heaven paid for her wand and left to find the witch in the green robes waiting for her. “Got your wand?” she asked and Heaven nodded. “Good. Now would you like to buy a pet?”

Heaven thought for a minute. “Yes please,” she said politely.

They went to the Magical Menagerie which smelled like a farm Heaven went to once. She looked around for awhile before she decided on a black kitten, which she dubbed Hermione. Smiling slightly, she paid for the kitten and went outside into the warm sun.

When she got unpacked in her room, she met the woman back in the bar room where they chose a quite corner to eat some brunch. Heaven was tired, but she was too excited to go to sleep.

“First off, my name is Pavarti Rose. My mother Pavarti Patel, who you very well had probably read about.”

“Yes,” Heaven said.

“Well, Harry Potter, did manage to defeat Lord Voldemort and there was great jubilation. But Hogwarts was destroyed.”

“Why?” Heaven asked.

“Well, Harry and Voldemort’s battle took place at Hogwarts and somehow the castle was destroyed. Hogwarts was no more. For thirty years, the place was a ruin until Lucius Malfoy made a contribution for the rebuilding of the school. It was rebuilt and for twenty years now, Hogwarts has been it’s former glory, with Arthur Weasley as the Headmaster.

“Now after the downfall of Lord Voldemort, Harry was free to live his life anyway he wanted. He started going back out with Ginny Weasley and nine years later, he married Ginny in a joint wedding ceremony. The other couple was his best friends, Ronald Weasley and Hermione Granger. Two years later, Ginny gave birth to a baby girl they named Lily, in honor of Harry’s mother.

“Most recently, one day short of his sixty eighth birthday, Harry Potter died. He was buried next to his parent’s in Godric’s Hollow. He died slightly broken hearted. You see, at the age of twenty six, Lily Potter got married to her school sweetheart, who was the son of Neville Longbottom and Luna Lovegood. At twenty eight, she gave birth to a healthy baby girl. Two days later, she died. Harry was heartbroken.”

“But why are you telling me this?” Heaven asked.

Pavarti sighed. “You know you are adopted?”

“Yes,” Heaven said. “I was adopted at the age of two. My adopted parents later told me that the orphanage said that my mom died giving birth to me and my dad soon died in a car accident.”

“That’s true,” Pavarti said. “But what they didn’t know is that your mom is Lily Potter Longbottom. You are the granddaughter of Harry Potter and Ginny Weasley.”

related to the potters, rating - awful, related to neville, pf - new/next generation, related to luna, related to the weasleys

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