0853: The New Girl - Madeline McGonagall

Aug 05, 2005 20:53

I am not at all well, so this will be a brief Sue.

TITLE: The New Girl (simple. Classic. Sue.)
PERPETRATOR: lovely ravenclaw


FULL NAME: Madeline McGonagall
SPECIES: human/witch
HAIR: 'long ebony hair'
EYES: 'sparkling gray eyes'
MARKINGS: 'Her cheeks were rosy, like she’d been out in the sun recently'
POSESSIONS: none mentioned

ORIGIN: Transfers from Beauxbatons due to... unfortunate... circumstances. I assume this was because Madame Maxime forbids Sues. Sorted into Gryffindor.
CONNECTIONS TO CANON: Everybody loves her. Everybody. The summary has promised her to Harry.
SPECIAL ABILITIES: none mentioned

NOTES: Once you see that the title of a story is The New Girl, that really doesn't leave much to say, does it? I mean, the poor thing has already shot itself in the foot, and you really just want to feel sorry for it.


As the bell rang, the 6th years lingering in the corridor tumbled into the Transfiguration room as one laughing, cheerful knot. They took their seats but continued chatting happily about vacation, O.W.L. scores, and summer love. Now that they were beyond ordinary level, the class was comprised of the best Transfiguration students from all four houses. The room fell absolutely silent as Professor McGonagall rushed in looking frazzled. Harry, Hermione, and Ron exchanged a suspicious look. They had hardly seen McGonagall around Grimauld Place, not even for the most important meetings. They had assumed she’d been on a very important mission for the Order. “Good morning class and welcome back. I’d like to congratulate all of you on getting accepted to my N.E.W.T. class. As most of you know, I only take the best. However, I also expect the most from this bunch. I presume you will not let me down. Before we get started, I’d like to introduce you to someone,” McGonagall began class. The students murmured amongst themselves about this introduction until she cleared her throat loudly, which made most of her students wince at the memory of a certain High Inspector from the previous year. “Please come forward dear,” McGonagall said motioning towards the front of the class. Suddenly a girl in the front row rose to her feet. The same thought crossed everyone’s mind at the same time How did I not notice the new girl? She certainly did not blend in with the rest of class. She was lithe and tall, much taller than Professor McGonagall, they realized as she took her place at the front of the room, with long ebony hair and sparkling gray eyes. Her cheeks were rosy, like she’d been out in the sun recently, and her shy smile betrayed dimples at the sides of her mouth. Hermione glanced over at Ron and Harry who were now sitting alert and tall, waiting to find out who this new girl was. She had never seen them pay so much attention in class before, she noticed with a sigh.

“This is my niece, Madeline,” McGonagall said putting her arm around the tall, pretty girl. “Some of you may recognize her from a few years ago. Though she was too young to compete in the Tri-Wizard Tournament at the time, she accompanied Madame Maxine and her fellow Bouxbatons students to Hogwarts for the year. Due to some unfortunate…circumstances… she has left Bouxbatons and will continue her education here. I expect you all to treat her with the same respect you treat each other,” McGonagall’s eyes fell upon Draco Malfoy who was lounging in a desk in the back row, “make that more respect than you treat each other.” A chuckle went through the room, but Professor McGonagall remained absolutely stoic. With a nod from her aunt, Madeline bashfully took her seat again. “Alright, please turn to page 7 in your Advanced Transfiguration books where we will begin…”

related to mcgonagall, rating - bad

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