0710: Fallen - Draco Malfoy/Decariel

Mar 15, 2005 15:37

Four days left for voting!

Kitty Link: Kitten Pictures! I like the one that's WTFing over the hedgehog, myself.

TITLE: Fallen
PERPETRATOR: TsuirakuMitsukai


FULL NAME: Draco Malfoy, AKA Decariel
SPECIES: Fallen Angel. *snert*
HAIR: not described, I guess it's blonde.
EYES: 'a color of the purest silver'. Apparently they shed crystal tears.
MARKINGS: a black star marking on him somewhere.
POSESSIONS: wings. 'They were a color of white as pure as untouched snow'

ORIGIN: Um... some guy died and went to heaven, and became an angel (note to aspiring theologians of the world: it doesn't actually work that way). Then he broke a rule by going to stop his wife from killing herself (after spying on her for months using his mystical angel powers), and got kicked out of heaven. Now he has to redeem himself by the age of eighteen or he dies and goes to hell.
CONNECTIONS TO CANON: Is supposedly Draco Malfoy. I'm not believing it. Will be paired with Hermione.
SPECIAL ABILITIES: Did I mention the wings?

NOTES: Yes, it's another Stu hot on the heels of the last one... but come on! It's Fallen!Angel Draco Malfoy! Could you have resisted?

The prologue reminds me strongly of that scene in City of Angels where Nicolas Cage uses his mystical angel powers to spy on Meg Ryan in the bath.


Decariel flew about the clouds, relishing in his ability to fly. Even after seven months, he wasn’t quite used to it. In fact, he wasn’t used to being an angel at all. He kept on thinking of mortal things before he remembered he was now an angelic being. To tell the truth it took a whole lot of getting used to. One thing he had gotten used to was watching mortals go about their lives. There was only one he looked at, though. Rachel.

He watched carefully as Rachel went about her day in a depression. He observed his former lover as she returned home from work and began to cry. She did this quite a lot. Of course, he couldn’t exactly blame her. She did lose a perfect creature such as himself. Decariel began to panic as she reached into the drawer. She pulled out a silver dagger and placed it against her wrist. She was going to kill herself!

He hurriedly transported himself to where she was. Decariel knew he was breaking the most important rule of Heaven, but he didn’t care. He appeared in front of Rachel. Her eyes went wide as she saw her former lover. Her relief turned to shock as she saw his wings. He was… an angel?

“Rachel, don’t you dare kill yourself,” Decariel said quickly. He only had a bit of time before he had to return to Heaven and take his punishment. “I know you suffered a lot, but I will always be here. Even if you can’t see me. Please don’t do this.”

“Decariel…” she whispered, tears streaming down her cheeks. He felt a sudden tug. He had to go back to face the wrath of the council. He spoke swiftly.

“Promise me!” Rachel nodded. Decariel stepped closer and gently wiped the tears off her face. He smiled at her before he was pulled back into Heaven. He appeared in front of the angel council. Immediately the judgment began.

“Decariel, angel of seven months,” spoke one of the council members, “you know the rules. Why would you so deliberately break the most important one? You know we are forbidden to reveal ourselves to mortals! You also know the punishment. You are sentenced to live your life on Earth as a Fallen.” Decariel sighed and nodded his agreement. Every council member began to glow with power as they sent him to Earth. Without warning, he felt himself falling, falling, falling…


Narcissa Malfoy cried tears of joy as her newborn child gave a loud wail. He opened his eyes, shedding crystal tears. Narcissa gave a gasp as she saw his eyes. They were a color of the purest silver.

One of the doctors cried out in amazement. The child had wings! What in Merlin’s name was going on? Narcissa gingerly touched one of her son’s wings, and saw that they each had a solid black star on them. That was the only thing wrong with them. They were a color of white as pure as untouched snow. She gave a gasp as she realized exactly what her son was. A fallen angel.

Lucius! Narcissa was about to panic. Lucius couldn’t know what their child was! He had plans for this child. He was to become a Death Eater. An angel couldn’t do that! Narcissa held her child close to her.

“I will hide your nature from him,” she whispered. “Don’t worry. I will protect you forever, my angel.”

stu - draco malfoy, rating - awful, b - speshul eyes, ct - angel (part), ct - alien (full), bp - wings

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