0484: And her name was Cynthia - Cynthia McGonegall

Aug 01, 2004 19:19

They're alphabetical by title, by the way - not Sue name.

TITLE: And her name was Cynthia
PERPETRATOR: Hades'Queen (egads, do they have >o?Hercules Sues now?)


FULL NAME: Cynthia McGonegall - author's spelling.
SPECIES: weretiger/witch (that's really all I needed to know in order to declare it toxic - everything else is just icing. And you know how you feel really sick if you eat a whole lot of icing? Yeah.)
HAIR: At first 'Her long black hair was tied in two loose pig tails.'
EYES: dark... until they turn silver. 'Well actually the light had to shine on them a certain way for them to look silver or she had to be feeling anger very strongly. If not she still seemed to have her black eyes.' And my favourite, 'Her black eyes that would turn silver and become a very dangerous weapon.' Bwa! Laser-eyed Sue!
MARKINGS: 'Her teeth where abnormally larger and sharper and her nails where as well.'
POSESSIONS: none mentioned

ORIGIN: The daughter of somebody named 'McGonegall'. First she's sent to Beauxbatons, and gets expelled for starting a food fight. Then she goes to Durmstrang, and gets expelled for being bitten by a 'weretiger'. Karkaroff says nobody knew weretigers existed until one bit Our Sueoine... I guess that would be because they only exist in the Sue Universe.
CONNECTIONS TO CANON: Canon is difficult to find in here. But Snape and Lupin both seem to like her. Despite the fact that either is old enough to be her father.
SPECIAL ABILITIES: Superhuman strength, and walking with grace and elegance, whatever that means.

NOTES: There's a lot of stuff in here that's unintentionally funny. My favourite example is in Chapter Two, where the author talks about her Sue's Tragic History:

The second time she had gotten hurt had been much worse than the first. It was the beginging of her seventh year when she had fallen in love with someone. Halfway through the year he had convinced her to have sexual intercourse with him and since she believed that he loved her and she loved him she gave in. (NEVER DO THIS! YES YOU! DON"T EVER DO SOMETHING YOU ARE NOT READY FOR! IT'S IMMORAL! WAIT TILL YOU GET MARRIED!) The very next day he dumped her. She had been so hurt when she found out that she had given something that she prized so much to someone undeserving of it. In fact he was the reason why she had gone to the club that night. The reason she woke up in a forest somewhere in India with a bite mark on her shoulder the size of a hand on it.

That's going to keep me amused for days.


A couple of days had passed since he had last seen her. The full moon was the day before yesterday. There was an Order meeting today in which she would be present. Against her mothers will she was joining the order. Her mother did not like the fact that Cynthia was joining and putting her life in danger, bus since Cynthia was of age she could do as she wished.

He didn't know why, but as of recently she was all that he could think of. Her silky, raven black hair. Her black eyes that would turn silver and become a very dangerous weapon. Her wit, intelligence, tastes, everything about her was so intriguing. The way she walked, the way she talked, the way her hair moved, it was all so graceful and feminine. Her pale creamy skin, her red lips, tven her dangerously sharp teeth and nails where beautiful. He had of course noticed that she had McGonagalls hands. Slender hands with long, bony and elgant fingers and well polished nails. She was just simply perfect.

The whole night was entirely fantasctical, subtracting the part where Lucius had come in and everything after that. The best part of the whole night was when he woke up and saw her sleeping. When she sun began to filter into the room and light on her. The image of her sleeping form and the dawning sun on her pale skin was etched into his brain. He knew the image would not go away and he knew that he didn't want it to go away. It was like watching an Angel sleep. She looked so peaceful, so beautiful. He could find no words to do her justice. And so here he stood in front of a canvas, painting her.

One thing that many people did not know of Severus Snape was that he was a very talented artist. It was not something that he did not boast on. He had many other talents along with painting. Many of them very artistic and for him art was something that you do not boast about. Art is much to personal to boast about. Art was a way of expression. You could express your emotions through songs, sonnets, poetry and paintings. And this is what he did. He expressed himself through painting.

He looked at his finished painting. He set his things down and inspected it. If he could not do her justice through words, he knew he would able to do it through the skill of painting. And here he stood looking at a magnificent painting of her. He ran his hand through his raven hair and smiled at the canvas. He stared at the picture, inspecting every little detail about it. He found it to be absolutely perfect. He hadn't exactly expected it to come out quite so nicely. He hadn't actually painted a person in a very long time. The last time he had drawn someone was about seven years ago when he had last seen her. The night that he had last seen her in fact. He had drawn her with a curtain of soaked black hair covering her face and her standing there driping wet. The last time before that was the day that he had met her. He hadn't known why, but when he had seen her he had been hit by inspiration and he had drawn her wearing a white dress, standing outside in a sunny day, smelling the rose from a bush.

Was she prehaps his muse? She was the only person he could recall ever painting. The only person that he thought he simply HAD to draw. He sat down in a chair nearby and looked at his painting. There where so many questions that he had in his head. For instance, why couldn't he get her out of his head? Why was her image inprinted into his minds eye? Why was the sound of her voice still ringing in his ear? Why could he not forget the feel of her hand in his hand? Forget her soft warm touch? What absolutely forced him to paint her all three times? Why was he pondering these questions at the very moment? Why was he looking forward to seing her in the afternoon?

He looked at his watch. There where still eight hours left until the meeting, it was merely noon. The meeting was not until seven in the evening. He cursed himself for waking up so early to paint her. What was he to do to keep himself busy for the next couple of hours? He also wondered why she was plaguing his dreams as of late. Had so infected her? Was she feeling butterflies at the thought of him? Did she rememeber every detail of their converstion?

He shook his head of his thoughts thinking that she was not plagued by him. He got up from his seat and decided to go eat lunch. There was nothing else to do to waste time at the moment. He walked down the hallways at a leisurely pace. He looked around the hallways, noticing a variety of different things that he hadn't noticed before. Like the fact that there where statues in the corners of the Dungeon corridors. As he walked up the stairs he counted the steps. He had never known that there where twenty two steps to get to the first floor.

He walked down the hallway and headed straight to the Great Hall. He walked over to the High Table and sat down. "Good afternoon Severus," Sinistra said as he sat down. He turned to his left to look at the Head of Ravenclaw. Her long straight black hair was tied in a tight bun. She had been working at Hogwarts for quite sometime now. He assumed that she was about thirty-four by now, though, she hardly looked a day over twenty-six.

"Good Afternoon Sinistra," he responded. Sinistra was perhaps the only teacher at Hogwarts that he had never said anything vile to. He did not know why, but he and Sinistra had never had an argument before. There was something about her that was so calming that he just simply could not argue with her. On top of that she was so full of wisdom and was usually right in everything she had to say. At that moment the halls doors opened and McGonagall came in. Severus turned to the doors and soon turned back to Sinistra. "How long as she been back for?" he asked.

"Two days, but she hasn't been out and about the castle until today," Sinistra responded as she watched her fellow colleague walk up to the High Table. She turned to Severus who sat next to her. "Why did you not eat breakfast this morning?" she asked curiously. He turned to look into her emerald eyes.

"I got cought up in what I was working on," he responded. Sinistra noded and turned her attention to her lunch. He turned his attention to his food and began to eat. A couple of minutes later he was interupted once more.

"Severus," she said. He turned to look at her. She sat back in her seat. "Are you doing anything the rest of the day?" she asked looking him in the eyes.

"Why do you ask?" he asked as he looked into her emerald eyes. He had always liked her eyes. They where so exotic. They very much reminded him of Lily Evans eyes, except without the annoying glow in them. Sinistra's eyes where more calm and more serene.

"Well Professor Dumbledore has asked me to make a trip down to muggle London for Lemon Drops and I'm affraid that he had asked the wrong person. You see I do not know how to purchase muggle things and I was wondering if you would like to acompany me. I know that you are well aquainted with muggle currency," she said. He looked at her and thought about her offer. Well he could go with her. After all he did like her company, for she was not an annoyance to him and he had nothing else to do for the day.

"I guess I can," he responded. She smiled at him.

"Thank you Severus. Meet meet me in the Entrance Hall in about an hour," she said getting up from where she sat and walking out of the hall. He sat back and cotinued to eat his meal wondering how Sinistra had gone her whole life not knowing how to use muggle money. He also wondered why she hadn't merely asked Professor Dumbledore to ask someone else because she did not know how to use muggle money. And weren't Ravenclaws suppose to know about everything?

He merely shrugged and got up. He made his way to the Dungeons and changed into Muggle attire. He merely put on a black shirt, a black turtle neck and black pants. He tucked his wand into his pant's pocket and walked out of the room. He walked to the entrance hall and when he got there he could see Sinistra pacing the hall tapping her wand on her hand. When he stepped into the hall she turned to look at him and stopped.

"You look nice," she comented as she looked at him.

"I thank you," he responded. He looked at what she was wearing. She was wearing a knee long green skirt, with black boots and a black tube top. Her long, ebony black hair was loose. For the first time he saw how long her hair was, it went an inch of so below her shoulders. He than noticed that her eyes matched with her skirt. All in all she looked very nice and looked to be about twenty. The outfit really seemed to make her look years younger. "But it does not compare to you."

"Thank you," she said blushing lightly and looking down. She put her wand in a pocket that was practically ivissible. She looked back up at him. "Ready to go?" she asked looking up at him. He noded and they walked out of the caslte together.

They where soon standing in muggle London, in a street full of shops. They walked down the street and soon spotted a sweet shop. They walked in and purchased the sweets. They than walked out and walked down the street. "So Severus, I don't mean to pry, but I have noticed that as of recently you seem to be more ... unaware of things going on around you. What is on your mind that you are unaware of what's going on around you?" she asked.

"Perhaps my age is getting to me," he responded sarcastically. Sinistra smiled and shook her head. "I'm becoming a fossil," he joked, which caused her to ever so slightly giggle. They soon stopped before two other people who where walking down the street.

"Remus," Sinistra said pleasently to Remus Lupin. He was dressed in brown pants, brown shoes and a black long sleeved shirt. He smiled at the two.

"Hello Sinistra, Severus. What are you two doing here?" he asked.

"I could ask you the same thing," Severus responded turning his gaze to who Remus was walking with. Cynthia gave him a warm, friendly smile. She was wearing black pants, with black tenis shoes and was wearing a black spagetti strap shirt. She looked so simple and yet she still looked beautiful. She than turned her gaze to Sinistra and looked between the two of them a questioning look on her face.

"Dumbledore asked me to pick Cynthia up," he responded. "Oh Sinistra this is Cynthia, McGonagals daughter, Cynthia this is Sinistra. Sinistra is the Astronomy teacher at Hogwarts."

"Nice to meet you," they said at the same time shaking each other hands. Severus could not tear his eyes away from her. A sudden thought came to mind.

"Why did you pick her up Lupin?" Severus asked turning to look at him.

"Dumbeldore asked me to, he wants me to take her to Grimmauld," he responded. Severus merely noded.

"Why didn't you apparate?" he asked.

"I wanted to walk," Cynthia responded. He turned his gaze to her. "I wanted to get to know Remus better. Since we both have something in common I wanted to talk to him." Severus looked at her and than turned to the wolf. "What about you?"

"Dumbledore asked me to get him some Lemon Drops and I asked Severus to acompany me, because I don't know how to work muggle currency," Sinistra responded. Cynthia noded. Severus looked at his watch and than looked back up. He noticed that Cynthia was staring at him.

"So anxious to get away?" she asked raising her eyebrow. Her tone made a chill run down his spine and the hairs at the nape of his neck stand on point.

"Merely checking the time," he responded as he looked into her black eyes. She noded and continued to look into his eyes. She than turned her head to look at Remus.

"Shall we go?" she asked. He turned to look at her.

"Ummm.... Yes," he responded. They both than turned their attention to the ones standing in front of them. They bade them farewell and began to walk away. Severus watched them walk away and thought that they looked as if they where a couple. They seemed so .... together, as if they had established a relationship. As if they had known each other for so many years and where a couple. He felt a pain in his heart at the mere thought of it. He turned to Sinistra and together they walked back to the castle in silence. He had longed to see Cynthia again, but now that he had he wished he hadn't. Nothing could remove the pain he felt.

rating - toxic, b - speshul eyes, related to mcgonagall, ct - wereanimal/shapeshifter (full)

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