0444: At the Stroke of Midnight - Amiliare Greenleaf/La Noir

Jun 22, 2004 20:11

I have got to stop reading wtf_inc and tws_support. I think by now I've built up antibodies to the Sues, but I don't think there are antibodies for things like this...

TITLE: At the Stroke of Midnight(the Sue will turn back into a pumpkin?)
PERPETRATOR: Annunwilwarin (HELP!)


FULL NAME: Amiliare La Noir, called 'Mia'. Her real name, she discovers later, is Amiliare Greenleaf. Who's surprised? Anybody? Me neither.
SPECIES: Elf/Witch
HAIR: 'billowing long blonde hair'
EYES: 'deep piercing blue eyes', 'far-seeing blue eyes'
MARKINGS: pointed ears, 'although she did not know it or see it she had become even more beautiful and entrancing over the last summer'
POSESSIONS: none mentioned

ORIGIN: Dumped at Hogwarts as a baby and then given to the La Noir family to raise. The men in her adopted family all lust after her and the women are all jealous of her amazing beauty. She's 'head prefect' of Ravenclaw.
CONNECTIONS TO CANON: Harry is possibly related to her adopted 'relatives'. Hermione is her new best friend for no real reason at all.
SPECIAL ABILITIES: talking to herself.

NOTES: Hermione and Draco seem to be head girl and boy in this, which for some reason obligest them to bunk together - nothing new there. But this unspellably-named-Sue is also rooming with them... what is she, head elf?


For some inane reason she could not resist the temptation of looking in to those eyes, they were blue, a deep sparkling blue that seemed to hold memories that were thousands of years old. Those eyes seemed to see the very inner core of her soul, and knew her secrets, they looked at her as if he knew her, as if he knew her past, present and future.

These thoughts that were whizzing and careening into one another, were suddenly interrupted when Professor Dumbledore stood up and asked the prefects to lead the first years to their dormitories, and then to proceed to the prefect dorms where Professor McGonagall would be waiting for them. Automatically Amiliare arose from her seat and beckoned the first years after her. She led them to their dorms, (telling them to be careful, "the stair cases like to change") told them the password, ("Fantasia") and sent them off to bed ("Girls, up and down to your right, boys, the same on your left"). With that she left them to their own devices and walked silently towards her new dorms. * * * She found McGonagall standing with the other prefects, they were standing in front of a large picture of a man with a broken blade, who was kneeling in front of a tall and menacing being that was clad in black and silver. (Can you say "painting in Rivendell"?) The picture did not appear to move, until the man said, "I am Isildur, king of Gondor, speak the password or be gone!" "The password is 'Imladris'." Stated McGonagall. And with the mention of this word the painting split cleanly down the middle to reveal a rather tight doorway that led into a beautifully furnished common room, and in this common room there were eight beautifully polished doorways, that had a different symbol on each door. "Each of you is to pick a door, well, go on then." McGonagall informed them. Every one moved towards a door most of them picking it for its symbol. Hermione picked the door with the Moon, Draco picked the door with the bow and arrow, and Amiliare picked the one that had a strange green and silver leaf, which she thought that she had seen before.

Before Hermione went to bed, she asked Amiliare this, "Why did you choose that door, Amiliare? You look so troubled by the symbol." " Please, call me Mia. I honestly don't know why, but I feel drawn to it, there's something weird about it, but it's strangely comfortable." "I think I understand." "Of course it drew it to you, it had your junk inside." Snarled Draco. The two girls growled quietly at him and turned on their heels, going into their rooms and slamming their doors after them. * * * * Mia got up early that morning, she wanted to do some research. She quickly made her way out of her new dorm, not seeing the blonde sitting in the corner, and down towards the Great Hall. She ate quickly and left 5 minutes after arriving. She arrived at the library not late after and started searching. It took her nearly 10 minutes to find the book she wanted, 'Foreign Plants by Gutta Looke'. And after some quick skimming, she found that, "Shit!" it didn't help her at all and that she was going to be late for double potions.

"You are one extremely lucky Ravenclaw, miss La Noir," hissed Professor Snape. "Ten more seconds and you would be a very bad example to your house mates, by losing them 5 points." She was not in the mood for this. "Then wasn't it unfortunate that you didn't lock the door, Professor?" Mia retorted snidely. "SIT down, now!" That had got him pissed, just what she wanted.

They were having double potions with the Slytherins this year, unlike the last six, which were with the Hufflepuffs. Most of the Ravenclaws were relived; the Hufflepuffs were so accident-prone! "Miss La Noir, sit with mister Malfoy, you will be working with him for the rest of the year until I see fit. No arguments or I will put a binding charm on you two!" ((A/N: now THAT could be funny!)) *Groan* from both of them as Draco moved towards the empty seat at Mia's side. They didn't talk to each other except when necessary, which, thought Mia, was quite pleasant. ** Okay, very unnerving ** Mia thought ** what the hell is he looking at?!! ** Finally the bell rang and Mia walked very quickly away from him, and towards her friend Padma Patil.

Padma and Mia talked quietly amongst them selves at lunch. And then they made their way to their first Defence Against the Dark Arts lesson, which they were having with the Griffindors. They walked in silence up to their classroom, which was on the third floor.

When they entered the classroom they found their classmates, but no teacher. There were strange, and old looking weapons upon the walls, there were swords, strange writings were upon them, and there were also intricate jewels and old silver objects. Mia and Padma took a seat in the front row.

A voice that was silky and quiet came from the back of the room, were the light that came though the widows did not reach. "Legovanin, does anyone know what that means?" no one dared to answer. "No body? It means, 'Welcome' in the language of the elves. Does any one know anything about them?" as he said this he moved towards the front of the room, looking into each and every persons eyes as he went. "Miss Granger?" "Do you mean house elves, sir?" she said cautiously. This caused him to laugh, "No, no, definitely not! No I mean the immortals." This got a lot of stares that said 'this guy must be bonkers!' He then went on to tell them to write down the information that he told them next, and when he was asked is they would be able to see 'a real live elf', (as Dean Thomas called them) he replied by telling them that "of course you can, you have two here before you." This was followed by amazed silence. Lavender was the first to recover "Sir, who?" The professor chuckled. "Well, me for one. My name is Elaidin, son of Elladan, who is the son of Elrond the Lord of Rivendell. And the other is sitting among you." This sparked a thousand questions, most were "How old are you?" and "Who is the other?" "I myself am 1200 years young." He paused; he noticed that he had everyone's attention. "And to answer your other question, her name is Amiliare Greenleaf, although she is not familiar with her own true name."

This revelation left them shell shocked. They had no time to ask him anything more because the bell rang at that moment. So they all got up and headed off to their next classes. All but Amiliare. She headed strait towards Dumbledore's office. She found the office, and one word came to her mind "Lembas." And with that she was granted entry. She pushed against the heavy door and stepped into his office. It was exactly as she saw it in her dream, with nothing out of place.

"I've been expecting you, Amiliare." Said the silver haired Dumbledore kindly. "Oh have you, and why would that be? What do you know that I have never known, professor?" She was angry, and her patience was as thin as crepe paper. "Please sit, and do calm down. All will be explained"

**************************************************************************** **************

A/N: argh! I think I'm getting writers block!! Or maybe its humour block. Well tell me what you think. Flames will be graciously delete dafter they are read. ((And after I regain control of myself!!))

Till the next chapter, Annunwilwarin.

rating - awful, ph - ravenclaw house, pp - head dorms, ct - elf (full)

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