5133: The Sage of Compassion - Rey "Not-a-Skywalker" and Harry Potter

Jan 11, 2025 16:00

Here is day six of Rey “Not-a-Skywalker” week, and we’ve finally gotten to an entry written after the third movie.


Title: The Sage of Compassion

Perpetrator: Jamesyosho

Sue-O-Meter: Toxic

Cover/Banner Art: None

Summary: “Rey's Life changes forever when she is found by a wandering sage who offers a new beginning.”

Full Name: Rey “Not-a-Skywalker” Palpatine and Harry “Likely-Master-of-Death” Potter. I mean Hadrian, misspelled as Hadiran at times.

Sueworts Houses(s): Quanonreip, Tootsitramp

Species: Harry is likely the Master of Death and this sage of compassion. However, I wouldn’t call someone offering to heal someone if they can do anything to their body compassionate, let alone find that situation consensual.

Appearance: Like canon, I guess.

Possessions: Rey ends up with a BB unit again, but that’s canon, so not really something to tag for this entry.

Origin/Connections to Canon: Harry’s turned into an old pervert who manipulates young girls into becoming his lover by healing them from what appears to be a life-and-death situation.

Plot: Rey has a life-threatening experience where Harry comes and heals her, as long as he can do what he wants with her body, and she’s like, “Yeah! I trust you, dude!” and then they travel the universe from planet to planet despite Rey whining about not leaving the planet because her parents were going to come back for her in the first movie. Then the movies go down as they do, just with this fake Harry in the toe, which adds nothing to the plot despite being this remarkable sage. Unless you count putting Rey in a relationship already, and we’re supposed to believe there’s nothing sus about said relationship.

Special Abilities: Harry is presented as some kind of compassionate savior.


Notes: I wish I could still decide what the spoilers on the journal say. If I could, I’d hide the sample under a line of “there is nothing consensual about this.” And can writers STOP calling him Hadrian. It’s JUST Harry. It’s one of those warning signs that Harry Potter has been turned into a Gary Stu.

And before someone says, this must be a Stuthor writing this because no woman would put another woman in a non-con like that, keep in mind some of the stuff the Harry/Hermione shippers write, such as the entry from yesterday. But, yeah. There was a major face-palm moment there. That said, the name of the writer does make me suspect a male writer unless it’s a female writer with a male name.



"Rey I am a healer but I am a Immortal deity, If you swear that oath you will become a immortal servant bound to me this would allow me to do anything and everything to your body should I ever desire to, Are you sure you want that?" He asked her, his voice soft and gentle, his eyes boring into hers, searching for any sign of doubt or fear.

Rey looked up at him, her eyes shining with determination and unwavering loyalty. "I am," she said firmly. "I would give anything for the chance to serve you, Hadiran Potter. I trust you completely. I know that you will never abuse that trust, and that you will always use your powers to help those who need it most."

Hadiran studied her face for a moment longer before nodding slowly. "Very well," he said finally, his voice taking on a new air of authority. "Then it is done. You are now my most devout follower, bound to me by blood and oath. From this day forward, you shall be known as Rey Potter, servant of the Immortal deity Hadiran Potter."

With those words, Rey felt a warmth spread through her body, as if a light had been switched on inside her. Her heart soared with joy and purpose, knowing that she had found her true calling in life, serving the benevolent and compassionate Hadiran Potter. As they walked away from the oasis together, the harsh desert sun beating down upon them, she felt invincible, protected by the power and love of her new master.

Over the years, Rey Potter became Hadiran Potter's most trusted and devoted follower. She learned the ways of healing, both physical and emotional, and used her newfound abilities to help those in need, just as her master had always intended. Together, they traveled across the galaxy, bringing hope and deliverance to countless people, or all of humanity, he extends their benevolent hand to deliver others from the depths of unimaginable tragedies. Granting deliverance from cruelty of tyranny, or any other source of profound anguish plaguing those in need.

rating - toxic, rom - harry potter, pf - harry's name isn't hadrian!!!, sw-c - tootsitramp, p - crossover, jc - healer, ship - (canon character/other canon), sw-c - quanonreip, jr - guardian (protector of some kind), p - plot prop

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