5115: The Aftermath - Adelaide, James Sirius, Frederick Severus and Lily Nymphadora Potter

Jan 13, 2022 16:39

I actually thought today’s entry would be more exciting than it actually was.

Title: The Aftermath

Perpetrator: Umecchi

Sue-O-Meter: Awful

Cover/Banner Art: None

Summary: “'He followed the noise, and came to what he was looking for. A red door. A bright red door. A crimson door. Apollo knocked three times. The scuffling froze. The door opened surprisingly quickly. The girl standing in the doorway had dark red hair, emerald green eyes, and pale skin. The girl looked to be about seventeen and was very very pregnant.'”

Full Name: Adelaide Potter, plus her spawn James Sirius, Frederick Severus and Lily Nymphadora Potter.

Sueworts House(s): Quanonreip and Tootsietramp, the first because she breaks Harry Potter canon and the second because she’s a relationship Sue that serves the purpose of having Fred’s kids.

Species: Yet another OC pretending to be a female Harry. The Sue gives birth to triplets.

Physical Description: As you can see from the summary, she looks like Lily to the letter. She’s also pregnant with Fred Weasley’s babies.

Possessions: She’s kidnapped Teddy Tonks and takes him to the world of Percy Jackson. She claims it’s because Andromeda couldn’t take care of him. (I don’t buy it.) She then has the three kids.

Origin: We’ve yet another story where an OC is given Harry’s background in order to make the story a crossover and justify her as not being a Mary Sue. Except it isn’t a crossover

Connection to Canon: Apollo picks her up in his cab, she gives birth and Apollo admiers her because, “not many seventeen year olds could take care-or be willing to take care-of four children, one of them not even her own. Yet here she was, not even complaining about the fact that she’ll have no free time, or whining about the fact she was all alone in taking care of them, or looking at the children like they were taking something away from her.” She also seems to have a rather pleasant pregancy. Oh, and Apollo knows how that Potter is. The next chapter starts off with her realizing that babies before going into why this isn’t the case, but apparently the boys are twins and Lily is not. (They’re triplets, not twins!) Apollo freely intrudes upon her life and she becomes an over glorified babysitter while the Harry Potter canon character feel more like Percy Jackson OC.

Special Abilities: The Wealsey family blames her for Fred’s death so she runs away. (More like Ron, Molly and Ginny as George is in the picture.) We’re also supposed to believe Molly didn’t know she was pregnant.

Notes: The most exciting thing was the first chapter. Oh, and thumbs up to the writer for admitting their older stories aren’t the best thing while admitting the purpose was to grow as a writer.


The door opened surprisingly quickly. The girl standing in the doorway had dark red hair, emerald green eyes, and pale skin. She wore a powder blue dress that looked like it had just been thrown on haphazardly, a pale yellow jacket, and plain black flats. She was holding a sleeping baby that couldn't have been more than a few months old with teal hair wrapped in a fuzzy red blanket that matched the door. The girl looked to be about seventeen and was very very pregnant.

Wait… teal hair?

She raised a black eyebrow skeptically, "You serious? Because I don't have time to deal with bloody lunatics at the moment." Her voice was strained and her back hunched over.

"Of course I'm serious," Apollo replied, as if offended, "as the god of truth, it is impossible for me to lie." He smiled cockily, and was just coming up with a good haiku when the girl groaned in pain. That was when it hit him that she was going into labour. He paled, "Oh…"

"Yeah… oh…" she panted, "now, god of healing, would you mind getting me to the nearest hospital so I can give birth?"

Apollo, suddenly all business, nodded curtly. He walked into her apartment, absently taking note that it was bigger than it should be, picked up her bag that he assumed she had been trying fruitlessly to pick up before he knocked, and took her by the elbow. He walked her outside, hailed a cab, and helped her in before getting in himself.

The cabbie took one look at her sweaty face and swollen belly and drove as fast as he could. He hadn't even needed to be told where to go. New York traffic though, even before dawn, was a bitch.

"So what's your name sweetheart?" Apollo asked while waiting in traffic. He thought that maybe if he kept her talking it would distract her from the pain.

"Adelaide Potter," she said, then gestured to the teal haired baby she carried, "This is Teddy Lupin, my godson."

"My names James," the cabbie put in.

"What a coincidence," Adelaide forced a breathy laugh, "that was my father's name."

"Well, uhh…" Apollo tried to think of something to say, "your British; what are you doing in America? And why do you have your godson?"

Adelaide winced. Apparently this wasn't the best question-although it could have been because of the pain. "My boyfriend died. His mother and sister and one of his brothers blamed me-of course, they didn't know I was pregnant with his child-and I thought it would be nice to get away from some of the things that had happened there, not to mention the newspaper reporters stalking me, which would have just been worse when they found out I was pregnant." Why would she have reporters stalking her? Apollo wondered. She took a few deep, stuttering breaths, "Teddy's with me because his parents died, and his grandmother was unable to take care of him. Are we just about there?"

pw - woobie/cry for me, related to the potters, rating - awful, p - hino (harry/hermione in name only), pb - taco-show, pt - pregnancy (im pregnant), related to the weasleys

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