5098: The Truth in the Dark - Hadriena Cygnus Radolphus Lestrange-Snape and company

Feb 23, 2021 13:24

I ended up taking a much-needed break and hopefully can get back into the routine of things again.

Title: The Truth in the Dark
Perpetrator: Magoo18
Sue-O-Meter: Toxic
Cover/Banner Art: We’ve a serene landscape.
Summary: “The summer after Sirius' death Harry is left to mourn alone.When he finds out some shocking truths about who he really is.He's been abused and lied to for years.Harry is forced to choose which side is the right side and re-evaluate what he believes and who he can trust for the first time in Harry's life he's going to be himself,no more pretending,no more lies.He wont be used again.”
Full Name: Albus Dumbledore, Harry Potter whose called Hadrian in this, which is yet another annoying thing writers do. His full name turns out to be Hadrian Cygnus Radolphous Lestrange-Snape. Funny how Hadrian isn’t a name related to the stars like the rest of the Black family. Bellatrix, Snape, Bellatrix husband, Voldemort, the entire Weasley family, Hermione and I think that about covers it. Oh, Sirius is in on it, so yeah, him, James and Lily.
Sueworts House(s): Everybody gets put into Quanonreip.  Harry gets putt into Sparklypoo. Bellatrix, Harry, Severus and Roldolphus - the last one I never expected to hear myself saying - get put into Tootsietramp, and everybody whose good but harry gets put into Bitchiwitch.
Species: Not the canon characters to the point of not being even remotely funny.
Hair: n/a
Eyes: Harry’s true self has “ice blue eyes that had flecks of purple in them.”
Markings: n/a
Poessessions: We’ve a blood adoption potion given in the form of a baby bottle!
Connection to Canon: Dumbledore uses a blood adoption spell on Harry and makes James and Lily think they’re his real parents. Why? “For years he had manipulated the Wizarding world into believing Tom Riddle was a Dark Lord wanting to take over by force, willing to kill anyone who got in his way. He’d started the first war very successfully between the Light and the Dark.” His actual mother is Bellatrix and as for his father, well, it’s got to be one of her two mates, either her actual husband Rudolphus or Severus, but they inform her that her baby has been stolen, but they plan on finding him. Chapter one, for that was the prologue, starts off with how horrible Harry’s life is. We also have him contemplating the fact “he would not have to worry about the physical and verbal abuse that was generally a daily constant for him wile the Durlsey’s were home.” Well, it opens up with a letter from Griphook because for some reason the banks are in charge of wizarding wills because that makes a whole lot of sense, but Lily conveniently writes a letter saying she isn’t Harry’s real mother on his sixteenth birthday.  We then learn that Severus and Rodolphus are his birth fathers and his “magical guardian” is Tom Marvolo Riddle who would never use that name, but Dumbledore is his “Adopted Magical Guardian”. Like, stop making stuff up. Well, all three parents know Harry’s found out the truth, but apparently we’re supposed to believe Bellatrix is sorry she killed Sirius. Harry gets to start all over in this screwed up world with his loving parents and have a perfect happy ending rather than, well, just a happy ending. That’s pretty much what’s there.
Origin: From the writer’s summary we’re apparently supposed to believe that the side Harry choose may not have been the right side. In other words we’ve yet another story where the writer is trying to claim that the Dark Arts are called such not because they actually are, you know, harmful, but because they’re misunderstood. We’re also supposed to believe that manipulation is always a bad thing, so Dumbledore is this evil mastermind and not Voldemort who did far worse kinds of manipulations than Dumbledore ever did, nor did he care for those around him. The writer also wants us to believe that Bellatrix is this sweet woman whose done no wrong.
Special Abilities: We’re supposed to believe that there is such a thing as blood adoption which doesn’t make sense. Of course, this one is also a creature inheritance story which is yet another popular thing in fandom which is likely to result in a Gary Stu. Another one is labeling people as Light Wizard and Light Witches as this shows a major lack of understanding regarding what a Dark Wizard and Dark Witch actually is. We’re supposed to believe that Severus would forget his love for Lily but be in a relationship with a woman who by the time he started at Hogwarts was already graduated. His lost powers include natural occuluments, natural legilments, parselcasting, what ever that is, metamorpmagus, more intelligence, more logic, which yes, is considered the same thing, a creature inheritance of being Elven, creature mate connection, the whole stupid magic core limination despite magical cores not being a part of this universe, elementa magic, dream magic. We’re supposed to believe that there are loyalty charmgs which include the Weasley family and Hermione Granger despite her being Muggle-Born, but that Dumbledore can block protection charms placed by people who didn’t have time to place them, but they tried to make him fall in love with both Ron and Ginny.

Notes: The writer’s profile which hasn’t been updated since 2016 says they are twenty-eight, which would make them twenty-six when they wrote this particular story.

I’m getting really sick and tired of cropping up in Harry Potter fanfic due to the fact it is one of the most illogical things out there. Sure, an adoption that is legally binding, but this blood adoption thing going on? Does a google search and finds only seventy-five of these stories over on AO3. You know, that’s likely enough to do an entire week if not an entire month dedicated to Blood Adoptions. Who knows, maybe if I did do a month worth of Blood adoption stories I’d find one that would work, though unlikely. I also may burn out of these kinds of stories sooner rather than later, but this is the “theme” I’m going to run with over the next few days.

Also, I’m tired of fans claiming that Harry was physically abused by the Dursley family, which is not the same as saying he wasn’t abused at all. Yes, there were a couple of incidents which crossed the line, but you can’t use those few instances to actually approve there was constant physical abuse going on. In fact, as someone points out Petunia throwing a frying pan at Harry was after Harry used a spell on Dudley. No, I’m not counting Dudley in this, who one can say did indeed physically abuse Harry.

“In instances where he was threatened with physical harm (Petunia and the frying pan) that’s not out of habit, that was in her mind, self defense. Harry casting a spell on her son is the equivalent of pulling a gun on him. And any parent would throw a frying pan at someone what pulled a gun on their child.” Also, “He is threatened, and probably hit, but more likely on part with spankings as opposed to being actually abused. But if Harry was in actual physical harm, that would have altered the story.”

Stories which push the physical abuse agenda - that Harry had to have been physically abuse - just trivialize other kinds of abuse which Harry did suffer from as if a person can only truly be abused if they’ve been physically abused. It’s saying the abuse he did suffer did not count, which is why tacking physical abuse on as another of the Durlsey’s crimes is considered don’t go territory. Then again, blood adoption potions exist in this world despite the fact all you need to adopt is a legal document and this is a method of trying to do it illegally.

It was the night of July 31st, and Albus Dumbledore paced the hallways of St. Mungos Hospital under the pretense of being there for the birth of a friend's baby. It was a few weeks ago, when he had interviewed Sybil Trelawney for the Divination post at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, which was not going very well for the poor girl. That was at least until she'd said the prophecy; her eyes glowed and she talked in an otherworldly voice. This Prophecy stated that at the very moment that July turned into August, a boy would be born that would either defeat the Dark Lord or join him and make him unstoppable. Dumbledore knew in that moment that the Light side of this war needed to control the boy, thus controlling the power that the boy would have when he came of age. For years he had manipulated the Wizarding world into believing Tom Riddle was a Dark Lord wanting to take over by force, willing to kill anyone who got in his way. He'd started the first war very successfully between the Light and the Dark. A few murders in both the Wizarding and Muggle worlds, blamed on Lord Voldemort and his followers; a few headlines in both papers about the atrocities committed by the Dark with the Light fighting back and everyone was choosing sides and terrified. Dumbledore already being the great Light hero that defeated the Dark Wizard Grindlewald, he was beyond reproach. No one questioned his word, not even in the Minstry itself. This was his world and he was not going to lose it to an infant and a fake evil Dark Lord. It was this that really brought the great Albus Dumbledore to St. Mungos.

The boy in question was currently being born to one of two families that very night, in private rooms across the hall from each other. Tonight could go either way, either he would have to enact the plan he had spent the last few weeks developing or he would not have to worry about it. The boy could either be born to The Longbottoms, a light family that was firmly amongst his supporters so controlling the boy would not be a problem. This option was preferable as it required less work on his part to bring the boy firmly to his side. He could easily slip in as mentor and grandfather, so there would be very little risk on his part. But the boy could also be born to the Lestrange-Snape family, a dark family that was close with the Dark Lord himself. To make matters worse they were a family with creature inheritance, with multiple mates. This was certainly in principle not a family that should be raising a boy that was of such importance to the Wizarding world. He would not allow it. So now he waited to see which woman gave birth first, he was tense and cautious as he waited. The moment he heard the Longbottom boy cry first at ten of the hour, he waited a few minutes to see if when the other baby would be born. Nine minutes later he cursed silently to himself as the Lestrange-Snape boy was born. He quickly composed himself and went in to congradulate the Longbottom family on the birth of their son. Providing him with an alibi for when the other boy went missing. His image intact and being the great Albus Dumbledore no one would question why he was there, and he could not be connected to the missing Lestrange-Snape boy.

As he left St. Mungos a few hours later he took the boy with him under a disillusionment charm, walking out the front doors with one even noticing yet that the boy was missing. He summoned James Potter and Sirius Black with his patronus. Having already discussed with James that he and his wife Lily would take the boy and raise him for the light, to defeat Tom and cement his position in the Wizarding world. James and Sirius were firmly on his side and Lily followed wherever they did. He'd already implanted fake memories of Lily Potter being seen with child, so there would be no question that the child was theirs. He'd already placed several glammers on the boy to make him look like James and Lily's son, not to mention several charms to bind the boy's power and his creature inheritance enough to make the boy more controllable. He'd also given the boy a bottle with a blood adoption potion in it, to make the boy bound by blood to the Potter's and their family magic.

be - blue eyes, rating - toxic, of - blood adoption, stu - bill weasley, related to the lestranges, bp - pale skin, sue - bellatrix lestrange, stu - severus snape, b - flecks in eyes, pt - soul mates, af - magical cores, a - made up ability, b - speshul eyes, sue - molly weasley, jr - guardian (legal guardian), pf - makeover, of - inheritence will, sue - hermione granger, stu - percy weasley, stu - arthur weasley, am - elemental magic, stu - charlie weasley, related to severus, p - hino (harry/hermione in name only), be - purple eyes, af - blood magic, ct - elf (full), p - thirty sue pile up, o - speshul suetiful item, af - glamour, pw - ron the death eater, related to the blacks, stu - sirius black, pc - child genius, sue - lily potter, stu - george weasley, af - dark magic isnt really dark, ac - legilmency and/or oculumency, sue - ginny weasley, ac - metamorphmagus, 0 - themed weeks/months, stu - fred weasley, b - dna error, stu - harry potter, stu - ronald weasley, pw - character bashing, pc - gary stu, af - gains magical powers (wizard/witch), stu - rodolphus lestrange, pw - stalker syndrome, stu - james potter, pf - creature inheritance

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