Need the Minions Opinion on Something - Its To Help With Organizing the Blog

Dec 13, 2020 15:21

I am actually thinking of adding SSH or Suewarts Sorting Hat tags to the stories, but here is the basic idea of how I’m wanting to sort the Sues. Yes, I am looking for some input from the minions before I launch the initiative. I used the Mary Sue Tropes page for categorizing things.

  • Mary Sue Classic
  • Mary Tzu
  • Neutrality Sue
  • The Ace

  • Anti-Sues
  • Jerk Sue
  • Sympathetic Sue
  • Villian Sue

  • Lemon Stu
  • Relationship Sue

  • Black Hole Sue
  • Copy Cat Sue
  • God-Mode Sue
  • Possession Sue (We call them HINO or Harry In Name Only on Pottersues)
  • Sailor Earth
  • Canon Defilement

Einstein Sue - The problem with this particular Sue is that they can either fit into Sparklypoo or Bitchiwitch depending on how their trait is being used. If it is to make them come across as perfect, they are a Sparklypoo, but if it is used as a woe be me kind of thing then they are a Bitchiwitch.
Gary Stu - Also known as Mary Stu, can be in any of the categories.

Can a Mary Sue be in more than one category? Yes, yes they can.

Where would the house be noted? For the entries going forward it would be noted in the species. As for the older entries, I’m going to leave well enough alone unless there happens to be multiple characters which could actually fall into different categories depending on the Sue. In which case, I’m going to add to the note section with a time stamp of when I edited the note in which I note the addition of the tag.

Are there any problems? I’m wondering if any of these categories lean more towards a given category. For example, Possession Sues are always going to be our canon characters, but I’m wondering if having separate tags for OCs (original characters to the writer) and tags for canon characters instead of classifying them straight into Quanonreip. I’m actually leaning towards that to balance things out, with an SSC and SSO tag and leaving the Quanonreip tag for the Possession Sues where there is extreme canon defilement going on, beyond the norm.

Also, am I leaving any type of Sue out that you can think of? When I am definitely ready to start this, I'll post a new chart that I may or may not add to.

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