5068: oh, take me back to the start - Draco Malfoy and Harry Potter

Dec 10, 2020 14:58

I would like to introduce the planned phases for getting the blog to peak condition. Continuing with my quest for Covid madness, here is another entry. Of course, before I dive into that, I would like to introduce the minions to Deadpool Kills the Coronavirus. I also found because of those lists a Dramione piece for fans of the pairing looking for a bit of smut which isn’t bad and is translated into French. And yup, the person putting together the lists I’m looking at is definitely into Draco/Harry.

Title: oh, take me back to the start
Perpetrator: grahamcracker76
Sue-O-Meter: Awful
Cover/Banner Art: None
Summary: “The road to true love is never easy, even if you are soulmates.

OR: The one when Harry and Draco are soulmates, but when they meet, it’s not love at first sight - in fact, it’s kind of the opposite.”
Full Name: Draco Malfoy and Harry Potter
Species: soul mates because they’re soul marked
Hair: n/a
Eyes: n/a
Markings: n/a
Poessessions: Draco has a birthmark which is “yes” and Harry gas a birthmark which is “Hello. Hogwarts too?”
Connection to Canon: This is a soulmates AU identified by a special, super annoying mark. Draco bullies Harry until he realized that he is his soulmate.
Origin: We’re supposed to believe that those not born into the wizarding world actually know what the soul mark is.
Special Abilities: Characters have a soul mark, but the whole soul mark idea’s been improved upon making it worse than what we’ve ever seen before on Pottersues. Here is how it now works. “You see, in a world where the words imprinted on your skin were supposed to be the first thing your soulmate said to you, Draco’s had to be the most generic and unhelpful anyone could possibly have. After all, a person could only hear the word “Yes” so many times in a day a day before going completely mad hoping to meet their soulmate each time.”

Notes: Am I the only one who feels that this type of fact blatantly ignores ones personal sexuality along with freewill regarding who one will end up with? I mean, there are some decent soulmate stories out there, but way to many are presented as the characters not having any choice in the matter and that if they fight it they are in the wrong. To me that says the characters aren’t soul mates.


The next day, they went to Diagon Alley to get his school things. He stopped in Madam Malkin’s to get his robes and stood there, trying not to fidget with nervous energy as they pinned up his robes.

As he waited, another boy came in - he was tall and gangly, with a untidy black hair and striking green eyes.

“Hello,” Draco said, looking the new boy up and down. “Hogwarts too?”


His heart in his throat, Harry stared at the boy who had just said the words he had been waiting for for so long - his words.

He couldn’t think of anything especially clever to say, so he just said “yes,” slowly.

Harry searched the boy’s face for any response, but he just shrugged and nodded, before he started going on about brooms and Quidditch, whatever that was, and something about houses, which apparently included Slytherin and Hufflepuff.

pt - soul mates, stu - draco malfoy, rating - awful, pc - relationship sue, bp - birthmark, stu - harry potter

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