5061: Disenchanted - Hermione Granger

Dec 01, 2020 16:33

I figured getting back into the routine of things on the first of the month would be the best, but for some reason I got the good idea to look at Harry Potter stories on the pit which somehow involved COVID and I managed to come across today’s doozy.

Title: Disenchanted
Perpetrator: Miss Corbyn
Sue-O-Meter: Toxic
Cover/Banner Art: Their avatar is ( Read more... )

rating - toxic, pw - subject matter not kawaii, p - plot prop, sue - hermione granger

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darth_gojira December 6 2020, 18:33:29 UTC
"About a year after the event of the Cursed Child,"

(Enterprise Red Alert SFX)

It's ironic: in order to fight Cursed Child, this fic adopts the same toxic trope from the play: If you don't marry my OTP, you will forever be doomed and miserable.
I want to lock the author and JKR in the same room and let them fight it out.


yemi_hikari December 14 2020, 00:33:31 UTC
I actually interpreted Cursed Child a bit differently in that Rowling was saying the only way the two could remotely not be doomed and miserable with each other is with the help of Harry, but that neither truly met the one or that the one they were meant to be with the ended up not being with for a multitude of reasons.

Of course, by this I don't mean Hermione not getting together with Harry because he got with Ginny. Harry and Ginny works, but it still floors me that when Rowling actually came out and admitted that Ron and Hermione doesn't really work that Harry/Hermione fans jumped on that as proof Harry and Ginny also didn't work which is a major leap in logic.

Then again, should we be surprised that we are discussing this in regards to a Harry/Hermione story?


darth_gojira December 14 2020, 15:36:24 UTC
Honestly I usually agree with Harry/Hermione shippers on other ships, but when it comes to their own ship I wish so many wouldn't be so desperate and insistent (to be fair, a lot of Romione shippers are just as bad with their "YOU JUST CAN'T READ BOOKS" position)


yemi_hikari December 15 2020, 06:38:06 UTC
The funny thing about the Romione shippers insisting that people read the play as proof that their ship works is the fact when I read the play I saw it as proof the ship doesn't work. I prefer the pairing in the live action movies, but that's because of the actor and actress not to mention - well, there's a reason why I wrote a couple of one-shots about the characters from one media being exposed to another media and noting they're not the same. None of that copying lines from the books or movies either that people have gotten into ( ... )


darth_gojira December 15 2020, 19:43:39 UTC
Yeah, I've come to terms that my OTP isn't popular or even considered, and that's because there aren't that many canon interactions and the author herself never considered it. I'm appalled it's less popular than other ships, but I understand why it's not as popular as Hermione or Romione.

I've seen Romione done well, but the author has to balance between make them between their canon personalities and an actually healthy dynamic.


yemi_hikari December 18 2020, 07:58:04 UTC
I actually adore the writer who is able to do that well, particularly since they typically end up not getting together or staying together in the stories I write as I do them much better as just friends or mutual exes.

As for popularity, I think unpopular and popular ships have their own advantages. With my unpopular ships the chances of someone writing a new story is slim, but I don't have to try and dig something out like my popular ones. Sometimes the stories for the unpopular ship end up being better written as well.


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