Scavenger Hunt (Round 1)

Mar 29, 2020 18:51

Again, I am doing okay. I am hoping everyone else is doing okay as well. Here is a scavenger hunt for those wanting something to do, as things are still crazy for me right now. The rules are simple.
  1. Find an entry for each item on the scavenger list and make a new comment on the entry which is relevant to said entry.
  2. When you finish, post a list of the Sues/Stus you found in the comments.
  3. Pay attention to the entries already posted - no repeats, exceptions being if there is a comment I need to unscreen.
  4. Bonus points - some of the entires aren't properly tagged for the given "trait", so if you find one, bonus points.
  5. Pretty much one point per entry found, one point per bonus, five points for the person who posts first, three for the person who posts second, an done point for the person who posts third.
Yes, one can participate in previous rounds I've set up. If you don't have an account, you can give yourself a name to go by. Have fun!

Here is the list.
  1. The character type featured here isn't just female, so find a Gary Stu.
  2. In honor of the lesbian minions who follow the blog, find a Lesbian Sue.
  3. Because we're all worried about getting sick, find a Sue/Stu which is unwell.
  4. Hufflepuff isn't well loved, so find us a Hufflepuff Sue/Stu. Canon characters don't count.
  5. Speaking of Hufflepuff Stus - Cedric used to get a lot of love.
Those are the five items for the first round.

0 - scavenger-hunt

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