4499: Life is beautiful - Harry Potter

Dec 13, 2018 23:33

I am still needing to fix a few entries which came prior regarding links and such, but this may take a bit of time and I hope I don’t forget. I came across Queen of the Night again. The story is now called Queen of the Night: Years 1-3 and there is a second called Queen of the Night: Years 4-5. As for today’s entry…

Title: Life is beautiful (And according to the story nothing else.)
Perpetrator: TheRougeLibrarian
Sue-O-Meter: Toxic
Cover/Banner Art: None
Summary: “Harry realises something when he is nine years old that changes his life forever. Follow Harry as he drifts through life, simply happy that he can see the sky. Happy!Harry Neglected!Harry (apparently this has turned into my new major fic, who'd have guessed it?). SLASH IN THE FUTURE (fourth year)”
Full Name: Harry Potter
Species: Um…
Hair: n/a
Eyes: n/a
Markings: n/a
Possessions: Harry has a toy horse he plays with. “Harry doesn’t have glasses in this… I’m not sure why. Its not really that important.” He also got thirty pounds to buy whatever he wanted from Petunia. His wand is now “12 inches long dark wood wand with a unicorn hair core”, of which we discover “That is a wand I never thought I would sell, simply because it is contradictory. Dark wood is best for Dark magic, a wood that is thought of as cursed in this time, and was once revered. It lusts after violence and cruelty, wants power. Unicorn hair is the exact opposite, a core that is innocent and is best for channelling Light magic. It wants peace and equality, wants 'goodness'. My father once told me it was a perfectly balanced wand, and I told him it was a wand I never should have made. The third wand I ever made. Because casting any spell with it means that half of the wand always wants to rebel against it, a constant battle. I never thought there would be a person it suited.” He also soon after gets a snake named Jerry as a pet instead of Hedwig.
Connection to Canon: Harry decides he likes to wear dresses and gets sent to therapy, but this is enough for them to decide to give him a room without the Dursley family getting a letter despite the fact nothing regardingg the neglect has changed. We’re treated to how Harry is wise beyond his years constantly. Of course therapy means someone finding out about the neglect and Harry getting removed. (This honestly begs to question why the Dursley family did send him to therapy.) The second chapter ends with him in foster care. Chapter three goes into detail about how perfect his life was now that the Dursley family aren’t in his life. The saddest thing is Mrs. Figg dies. “He had read it in a newspaper one morning, but hadn’t paid much attention to it.” Apparently feeling one is not worthy of bacon is a self-esteem issue only for the writer to turn around and say this is a misunderstanding. He then gets to go to school and everyone is fine with this. McGonagall shows up. We get a reveal about his powers and how everyone is out to get Harry. (Yup. Cue the character bashing.) His foster family is sad to see him go. He makes friends with Neville and gets sorted into Ravenclaw. (No, this isn’t a Mary Sue Parody). He’s of course super smart and “he’s learnt most of the first year charms up to Christmas, and its only been a week.”
Origin: We have a story where Harry realizes he likes pretty things and wants to wear dresses. The writer says there are 28 dorms and 14 per gender in the sixth chapter.
Special Abilities: Harry waxes philosophical thoughts at a very young age. The phrase “water off a duck’s back” applies to his character in this, but he doesn’t speak like a child his age. The writer says Harry “didn’t bother putting his hand up, as he didn’t need the recognition,” but he also ends up being a perfect child. We also learn he can draw; a talent Harry didn’t have before. Harry also never once questions anything because unlike most kids dealing with the issues he is going through he is okay with who he is. We then get this nonsense.
“Natural Magics : Ritual, Parstlemagic, Legilimency, Air
40% magical block (fades 9 years 359 days) Instated by Albus Dumbledore
100% Occlumency block (fades - - - -) Instated by Albus Dumbledore
5% Blood magic protection (fades 14 days) Instated by Lily Potter
Tracking bind (fades - - - -) Instated by Albus Dumbledore
30% Life Force drain (fades - - - -) Instated by Tom Marvalo Riddle
Animagus Bind (fades - - - -) Instated by Albus Dumbledore
Oculis Obscuratis (permanent) Instated by James Potter
Mild Loyalty Draught (fades 7 years 34 days) Instated by Albus Dumbledore
Soul Bond (unfinished) Tom Marvalo Riddle Instated by Tom Marvalo Riddle
Betrothal Bond (semi-rejected) Ginerva Roe Weasley Instated by Molly Weasley”

Notes: Harry referring to adults as “miss” is driving me nuts. No child speaks like that. Then again, the fact he is constantly happy to the point he’s always skipping with glee is also bothersome. I got through the sixth chapter on this one.

However, one of the reviewers sums things up well in a short paragraph. “ok so i was on chapter 7 and couldnt stand the whole i dont really care harey so i akipped to here to see if it changes and it doesnt so im done i cant do it airheads and hippies annoy me to no end and harrys the worst of both.”


He bought two dresses, one purple and one green. The purple had small sleeves that ended above the elbows, like a T-shirt, and had beautiful embroidered gold bits and patterns of other fabrics. It was tight-ish to his waist, and then parted off like a skirt, so if he spun around it would spin too. It was a pale purple, perhaps a lavender colour or near enough to it.

The green one was more like a dressing gown than a dress, maybe something Japanese, and was a dark shiny fabric, with a black waistband about as thick the small sapling's trunk in his garden, which was some sort of elastic because it shrunk to fit around his waist and torso. There were little white lines all over it, some swirls, some straight, and Harry could imagine wearing it around the neighbourhood. Maybe pretending to be a samurai.

He bought some baggy jeans, as he had always wondered what jeans would be like to wear instead of the stretchy sweat pants that Dudley used to wear. And a red T-shirt with some sort of logo that he didn't bother to look at. Harry also bought some leather boots, that were probably made for girls based on how dainty they looked, but didn't really care because he could pretend to be a cowboy or a horse-rider. He bought some cheap undies and socks, as the ones he had now were scratchy. And stretching his money to the limit he bought a big baggy dark brown jumper, with big pockets, and a hoody.

When he returned to his aunt, giving her two dollars change, she asked what he had bought and he showed her.


She said, sounding appalled.

Harry simply smiled,

"They were pretty, mam."

rating - toxic, ar - friend to all, ap - purrfection of ones pursuits, p - fluff train, stu - harry potter, ap - academic pursuit, ap - fine arts pursuit, pc - lesbians and more

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