4485: Anastasia Potter/Alice Whitlock

Oct 21, 2018 22:44

Title: Anastasia Potter
Perpetrator: majorwhitlocksgoddess4ever
Sue-O-Meter: Awful
Cover/Banner Art: None
Summary: “After James and Lilly died Sirius takes his goddaughter the one family he knew could take care of her and hide her from her enemies but also defend her should they find her before she returns. (FemHarry)”
Full Name: Anastasia Potter/Alice Whitlock
Species: We’re supposed to believe this character is a female Harry.
Hair: n/a
Eyes: n/a
Markings: n/a
Possessions: n/a
Connection to Canon: The story opens up with Sirius going and rescuing his goddaughter, takes her to Cullen who from what I can tell is a Muggle doctor and leaves her with the man because he knows he is going to end up in Azkaban. For some reason “he also made sure that Dumbledore couldn’t touch his vault should something happen to him, or should he go to Azkaban.” He also makes sure Dumbledore can’t tell where Aastasia is.
Origin: For their first story the writer decided to write a female Harry AU, a story where a Harry Potter character is Alice from Twilight and also a crossover in one go. At least, I hope the character is Alice because having two running around wouldn't be a good idea.
Special Abilities: None so far. Alice is still an infant. Wait. Sirius transfigures his clothes to the latest style.

Notes: Is the writer new? The account is at least a year old. I think this person simply isn't active.


Once he tracked down the hospital James's family Friend Carlisle Cullen worked at, he transfigured his clothing into the current muggle style and walked into the Hospital asking for Dr. Cullen. It turned out that just as Sirius was thinking about coming to the Cullen's, Carlisle's newest daughter saw the decision and started getting the house baby proofed and called her 'father' to inform him of his soon to be visitor. While Alice, Esme and Rose where out baby shopping, Jasper had called the family Lawyer Arron Jenks in Seattle to get started on Adoption paperwork for Ana, he told him to keep her first and middle name but change her last name to Cullen. He was to send the paperwork once he had everything signed and validated; then after he was done on the phone, he and the other boys got together and fixed up a baby room for their new little sister.

When Carlisle was told that he had two visitors', he knew it had to be the one's Alice told him about. He quickly walked (human pace) towards the front of the hospital and there he saw Sirius Black, whom he hadn't seen since Charlus and Dorea's funeral four years ago. He knew that if Sirius was here without James and the other two boys it was serious (no pun intended) and that there was trouble brewing in the Wizarding World. "Sirius, why don't you come to my office and we can speak there?" Carlisle asked before Sirius could say anything that could get them all in trouble. "First do you think we could get Anastasia checked out? James and Lilly were killed, and I want to make sure Ana wasn't hurt in any way from the 'accident'.

rating - awful, a - made up ability, stu - sirius black, jr - guardian (legal guardian), stu - harry potter

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