4482: Beauty and The Beast - Harry, Hermione, Daphne, Draco

Oct 16, 2018 22:10

Title: Beauty and The Beast
Perpetrator: harryjackson9
Sue-O-Meter: Toxic
Cover/Banner Art:
Summary: “Harry was bitten by Lupin protecting Hermione. He is a different breed called the king wolf. Hermione is a veela blessed by Aphrodite and Hephestaus. Daphne is an Ice Queen blessed by Kione and Poseidon. Harry must control his life and the new species he has become. Story much better than summary. Dumbledore/Ron/Molly/Ginny/Arthur bashing”
Full Name: Harry Potter, Hermione Granger, Daphne, Drago
Species: Harry is a werewolf, but more specifically a “spezul” one. We’re told it is “the newest most powerful and deadliest species of werewolf known as the King Wolf.” Lily says “you are a werewolf, but you are also not a werewolf.” (In other words the writer pulled a Twilight here.) Hermione is a veela so she can get blessings. I guess Daphne is now a Veela, but Draco is also a King Wolf.
Hair: n/a
Eyes: When he transforms his eyes are a platinum color. Draco’s becomes scarlet.
Markings:  The King Wolf, “it was 6 feet tall, covered in midnight black fur with a lighting bolt shaped patch of white fure on its forehead. In chapter five we have this. “’Holy fu*k. I’m gorgeous.” A six-foot-tall, lean, muscular and handsome Harry said. As Harry looked at himself he saw that his canines where slightly larger and sharper than normal. He realized that he could see without his glasses. He also realized that he was in the nude. ‘Where will I get clothes that fit me?’ Harry thought.
Possessions: The forth chapter is a poll which asks what familiar Harry should have.
Shadow Wolf
Dark Phoenix or a
Slithering Wolffang dragon”
King Wolf or Howl as Harry now calls him says that he simply needs to think of the clothes he wanted and he gets them through shadow manipulation.
Connection to Canon: Harry got bit the night Wormtail escaped. James and Lily warn him that “Dumbledore, Mr and Mrs Weasley, Ronald and Ginerva are the ones who have been using you.” We find out they’re trying to manipulate Harry into marrying Ginny so they can get into his vault which has “20 billion galleons.” Apparnetly Harry can simply approach Amelia Bones and get Sirius free. The third chapter has the King Wolf talk to Harry. The King Wolf’s words are bolded and underlined. In chapter five Howl attacks Dumbledore because “that bastard just tried to read your mind and I ripped him to shreds.” Harry shows off his awesomeness to Hermione and she’s not to say anything. Daphne has a flashback to Atlantis. This gives her “Ice Queen” powers. (This idea of butchering the canon material - let it go.) In chapter six Harry is able to summon Hermione and Daphne on a whim when he attacks Draco and makes him pretty much one of his minons because “’h-he attacked me and then we fought in the Astronomy Tower and then he tripped and fell over the side and I-I tried to grab his hand and I-I did but his hand slipped and I-I wasn’t thinking so I bit him to stop him from falling.’ Harry said on the verge of tears.” This is so the girls go “oh poor you”. Now Draco is a King Wolf, but is to call King Wolf “Bright”. The last chapter up jumps to Harry getting into the car with Vernon. Harry tries explaining to Hermione’s dad why he has two girlfriends. (Sorry, but I’d wished Mr. Granger was successful because the whole, “Mr. Granger, as you can see I was blessed with a power that is capable of protecting your daughter. However, sir, I have to balance it with two’ mates’. I love your daughter with all my heart, but I also love Daphne, my other girlfriend. I’m sorry fro transforming but I needed to prove my points and you were acting stubborn.” He then calls Draco because Mr. Granger is for some reason in the wrong. (No, Stuthor, Harry is in the wrong, but I’ve got to call this one out for the blatant sexism going on. Women are not objects.) Of course, there is no indicator that the girls have any choice in it yet also have no problem. (Oh, the implications...)
Origin: The writer says the following in their disclaimer. “I do not own Harry Potter, that honor blongs to JKR. If I did, it would be a Harry and Hermione and Dumbledore is a manipulative bastard.” We then get an Ass Pull where “The virus mixed with his blood which contained phoneix tears and basilisk venom as well as mixing with the horcrux. This concoction will become known as the newest most powerful and deadliest species of werewolf known as the King Wolf.”
Special Abilities: He’s a special werewolf. He’s a special Hermione and Daphne are supposed to be his mates. Why? One reviewer says, “I think that with Harry being a king wolf he will need two girlfriends to balance out the wolf.” (The writer going with it is sad.) How about we not be sexist towards females by turning them into objects like this? Hermione randomly gets blessed by Aphrodite and Hephaestus. Here first blessing “makes you breautiful and produces all your veela charm and allure plus your harpy form.” The second is she can “control fire and make weapons.”

Notes: Reading the summary made me suspect a toxic rating for this one. The story is full of Ass Pulls. As I’ve already said, I’ve got to call this one out as being super sexist towards women. Of course, there is a chance this writer is young as their account was made in 2017. This isn't to defend what the sexism, but they may honestly not realize the implications of what they wrote. I suspect this because a reviewer suggested the idea to the writer and then the writer implimented. I'm actually bothered the readers have this much influence over the writer.


Snapping out of his daze, Harry tried to lift Ron off of the floor and move Hermione from the spot she was rooted to. Suddenly a bloodcurdling howl ripped through the atmosphere and everyone froze. Bounding out of the forest, Moony dove at Hermione only to take a bite not out of a human girl but a human boy named Harry. Harry let loose a scream that chilled the blood of everyone including the dementors. The castle doors flew open to reveal Professors McGonagoll, Flitwick and Sinistra(the Astronomy teacher). Brilliant red stunning spells struck Moony with enough force to send him flying through the air away from Harry. Harry started to spasm vigourously, foamed at the mouth and suddenly passed out. Inside his body the werewolf virus was spreading through his body going into his heart and his head becoming in contact with his brain. The virus mixed with his blood which contained phoneix tears and basilisk venom as well as mixing with the horcrux. This concoction will become known as the newest most powerful and deadliest species of werewolf known as the King Wolf.

b - speshul other, ct - werewolf (full), stu - draco malfoy, rating - toxic, am - psychic/mutant (non-canon), b - speshul figure, pt - soul mates, a - made up ability, pw - subject matter not kawaii, b - speshul eyes, pc - relationship sue, stu - harry potter, sue - daphne greengrass, sue - hermione granger, ct - veela (full)

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