0366: Harry the Girl - Saria Potter

Apr 05, 2004 20:57

Well, as shadowy_phoenix noted last night, today is an anniversary - this is our three hundred and sixty-sixth Sue, and thus the Potter Sue of the Day is one year old today. I was actually thinking of giving this up after a whole year, but after Certain People's ultimata, continuing has become a matter of honour - here's to another year of Sues!

Today is also the last day of Gender Bender Week. But if you just can't get enough vagina monologues, you can always read Draco Dormiens, the Gender Bender Version - yes, ladies and gentlemen, what we have here is a fanfic of somebody's fanfic. I think it's pretty fair to say that this could only happen to epicyclical

Anyway. Will try to be snarkier tonight.

TITLE: Harry The Girl
PERPETRATOR: spellmaster (well, now, isn't that ironic?)


FULL NAME: Saria Potter, nee Harry Potter
SPECIES: Human/Witch
HAIR: 'She had the same black colored hair as she used to when she was a boy, but now it was longer, reaching to her shoulders.'
EYES: not described, though I suppose they're green.
MARKINGS: lightning bolt scar, I suppose.
POSESSIONS: none mentioned

ORIGIN: Somebody (I'm actually unsure as to who - the fic makes it sound like it might've been Hermione) messed up their potion, so instead of turning into a cat, Harry turned into a girl. Which leaves me wondering whether the 'right' potion would have made him a female cat...
CONNECTIONS TO CANON: was Harry Potter. Ron hits on him, though Malfoy actually seems in character for once.
SPECIAL ABILITIES: none mentioned.

NOTES: Griffander.


And I wish the so-called author could make up her mind which pronouns she's using. We have Harry/Saria being he and then she within the same freakin' paragraph.


Harry the Girl (Part 3)
By: Werecat

Note: This is part three! If you haven't yet then go and read part one and two first or it won't make very much sense. Harry is a girl and will stay that way for three months until the cure for the curse is ready. Harry will learn from Hermione how to act like a girl.

It was nighttime and Saria (Harry) was in a four-poster bed in the girl's dorm! She felt really out of place. Not being able to sleep she got up and went into the bathroom. Saria studied her face in the mirror. She had the same black colored hair as she used to when she was a boy, but now it was longer, reaching to her shoulders. He had the same facial feature but with a new girlish look to it.
Harry went back to bed. He recalled the reactions when Hermione told the rest of the girls that she was to stay in the dorm for three months because she was an exchange student. Harry's last thought before he went to sleep was it sure is hard to get to sleep with two lumps on your chest!

"Should I really?" Harry argued with Hermione that morning.
"Come on!" Hermione said. Harry wasn't so sure but he walks into the bathroom and shuts and locks the door behind him. He took of his cloth and quickly jumped into the shower without looking down. He was a little interested but he wasn't so sure he should look and himself naked. Oh, what the heck! He thought to himself, I'm going to see it eventually. He looks down... and stars for the next 5 minute. He had never seen a naked girl before, even if it was himself.

His first class for this week was Care for Magical Creatures. Even though Hagred, the teacher, was a close friend to Saria, she was still nervous.
"Oh, Hello there! Everyone, I'd like you all to mean the new exchange student. She will be here for the next 3 months In place of Harry." Then Hagred whispers in Saria's ear, "I know what happened Harry. Dumblidor told me, but don't worry." He winked, "You'll be back to your old self in no time."
The rest of the day went as smoothly as Saria had hoped, except for Potions. Professor Snape seemed to know what was going on too. But he wasn't nearly as kind as Hagred was.
"Hmmm, I wonder were Potter is today. Oh, that's right." Snape's eyes flashed evilly. "He has turned into Miss Saria Potter." Everyone turned to look at Saria. All of the Slitherans were laughing their heads off. To Harry everything was spinning faster and faster until...
"Huh?" He woke up with a start. Soon his memory came back to him. Nothing like that had happened in Potions. Obviously Dumblidor had told him not to tell any one else about what happened. "Only two months and 29 more days."

To Be Continued...

Well, That's part 3. Hope you enjoyed it. Start looking for part 4. I'm a fast writer and it should be there in a day or so. All flames will be shredded during the full moon in my werecat form. Until next time, goodbye.


rating - toxic, pb - taco-show, stu - harry potter

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