4156: Discord - Aquila Irma Lestrange/Corvis and Sebastian Corvis

Oct 22, 2017 21:58

Title: Discord
Perpetrator: KClown
Sue-O-Meter: Awful
Cover/Banner Art: The cover art is a smokie treble clef
Summary: “When Bellatrix was sent to prison everybody forgot about her daughter, this is her story. Warning Oc is main character.”
Full Name: Aquila Irma Lestrange/Corvis and Sebastian Corvis
Species: She’s likely Voldemort’s daughter, which as we discussed even before The Cursed Child came out that this was the most likely scenario of him having a daughter.
Hair: straight, but in reality “black curly hair”. She uses “Madame Rose’s Hair straightening spray” and thinks, “why couldn’t wizards make a simple spell to change hair structure instead of an annoying product.”
Eyes: “dark brown”…
Markings: Nothing specific.
Possessions: She has a Dueling Tutor named Sebastian Corvis who has “red beady eyes”. She also has a house elf named Mopsy. She gets a unique wand from Olivander which is the last one his grandfather made. “It has 2 dark shades of brown, with one dark red in a spiral pattern,” but is also “redwood, yew and cedar, Dragon Heart string, 12 and a half inches, Hard.” Last time I checked, wands only contained one kind of wood. She has to pay 50 galleons for it, “More than usual because of the 3 woods”. She also has a book called “Wandlore over the ages” and “Theories of Merlin’s Wand”. Says the writer, “a very rare book that gives detailed descriptions of Merlins wand and theories about it.(Very Minor thing that probably won’t come up ever again.) It probably should be in a museum but compared to the other books in the Library, this barely amounts to anything as the Corvis Family probably made copies of Rare Books (Knowledge is Power).) Suethor, you do realize that copies of books aren’t as worth as much as the antique, right?
Connection to Canon:  The first chapter is our Sue hoping to get out of training because she is hoping for her Hogwarts letter. We then jump to ten years ago with a certain someone’s trial. That occurs when she “see’s red” because she got pissed off at Sebastian. She seems to have anger issues, and is super bossy, acting far older than she really is. She doesn’t feel like a forgotten character either, what with the fact she’s privileged enough to have a tutor like she does. Who I believe she was choking. She gets her letter, and she thinks, “I smiled as I realized it wasn’t addressed under Ms. Lestrange, but frowned as they somehow got my address even under the Fidelius.” Suddenly, she’s also getting a letter asking her to spy for Voldemort, but to befriend Harry. (Sigh. Voldemort didn’t come back until Harry’s forth year.) When they arrive at Diagon Alley, everyone is there trying to get a glimpse of Harry. (Not exactly what happened. People were rather shocked, as the day he was going to come really wasn’t pre-planned.) She then goes and tells Harry that, “Hagrid follows the light. Meaning he believes anything that’s even distantly connected to the dark, like Slytherin is evil. It’s very biased and hypocritical.” Um, no. Magic in the Harry Potter series is not broken up into light and dark spells. Dark spells get their name because, you know, they hurt people. Same as the spells which fall under the dark arts. There is nothing “good” about this kind of magic.
Origin: “This is my first Fanfiction, so please don’t flame me. Constructive Criticism is greatly appreciated if I make some mistake PM me or review. Shoutout to Oceanbreeze7 for inspiring me to make this and helping me create my Oc. Go check out his amazing stories and please enjoy this fanfic.” The author’s note says, “Sebastian is a half-blood from a Pureblood family that’s less crazy about purity(but loves the Dark Arts and supports keeping wizarding traditions), his wife was Pure-blooded. That’s why Aquila Corvis is considered to be Half-blooded.” Um, she’s not considered half-blood. She is.
Special Abilities: She’s a bitch.

Notes: Does the Fidelius charm prevent mail being sent? My understanding was that it did not. The letter feels more like a weird coicindence that is super convenient for the plot rather than something that would believably occur within the Harry Potter world.

Normally Voldemort’s daughters fics get the toxic rating, but in this particular case the fic is actually better than some of the others we get coming through here. There’s something nice about this one, despite how awful the character is. But, the fact I don’t like the character is kind of excusable because she’s Voldemort’s daughter?


I slept soundly on my silver colored bed. I was enjoying my usual dream, murdering Mr. Dumb-as-a-door and promptly decapitating him. Ah, so soothing. Unfortunately, all good things end. "Mistress! Wake up before Master gets angry! " Shouted a house elf from downstairs. My dark brown eyes snapped open."Alright, alright!" I shouted. I forced my self up and pouted. I was just about to put him in the guillotine. I yawned and walked over to the bathroom. I quickly washed my face and black curly hair. I then proceeded to half heartedly glance at my hair. 'Why couldn't wizards make a simple spell to change hair structure instead of an annoying product.' I thought, glaring at Madame Rose's Hair straightening spray.

I then wore some casual robes and ran downstairs thinking of what my tutor could have planned today.

'He might let me off training because I'm going to get my Hogwarts letter today.' I thought.

Due to me going too fast I slammed into my Dueling Tutor, Sebastian Corvis. His red beady eyes glared at me with no small amount of annoyance.

"Truly you are the epitome of Time Management Ms. Aquila Irma Lestrange," He said mocking.(Yes, yes my mother is Bellatrix, it gets annoying seeing the same shock every, single time.)

I gritted my teeth determined not to shout at him.

I hoped he would stop, because I didn't want him to keep insulting me, or I might lash out at him. But unfortunately he forgot when to stop.

"Your mother would be disappointed in you."

I saw red.

pc - villian sue, related to the blacks, or - bath and hygene items, ph - halfblood, be - red eyes, bh - black hair, related to voldemort, rating - awful, o - speshul suetiful item, be - brown eyes, jr - guardian (legal guardian), b - unknown hair color

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