4127: The Half-Blood Princess - Autumn Snape

Sep 04, 2017 19:16

Title: The Half-Blood Princess
Perpetrator: autumnsnape19
Sue-O-Meter: Awful
Cover/Banner Art: Their avatar is Link from Legend of Zelda.
Summary: “Autumn Snape hasn't lived the ideal life. Hidden away because of her father's fear of embarrassment, she's been brainwashed to believe many horrible things. But when she meets a certain Draco Malfoy, she suddenly has a reason to smile.”
Full Name: Autumn Snape
Species: According to her, “Snape’s unloved daughter”.
Hair: “long dark red hair”
Eyes: n/a
Markings: n/a
Possessions: A very dull looking room.
Connection to Canon: There’s only one chapter so far and we get an angst ridden introduction and how woe her life is.
Origin: She’s the writer’s first attempt at writing fanfic with the adorable young writer angst, and making the character related to a canon character - oh, and Romance. She’s to be romanced with Draco.
Special Abilities: Existing despite the fact Snape is super in love with Lily. However, she may be Lily’s daughter, which begs to question why Snape would hate her.

Notes: There are some Suethor’s I feel bad for. I don’t feel bad for them because I think their writing sucks. They actually have quite a bit of potential, and I love their zeal. I feel bad for them because they start writing with this story in their head. Said story just so happens to be an obvious self-insert, but to them it is the most original thing ever, and they simply want to share it, not realizing it’s been done before. They’re not “not thinking outside of the box”, because they actually are, and what they’ve written is creative. It’s just not believable, takes to much attention from the canon.

This said, these pieces are also enjoyable to read. In this particular case, I’d kind of hoped the writer would have added a bit more before featuring, but I don’t know if they will update. I enjoy these a lot more than the stories from writers who know and understand they’re making the characters OoC, or not paying attention to canon, or the writers who write an AU still trying to make it good despite knowing it doesn’t normally turn out that way. I think it comes down to the “try, try again” and being able to tell which writers are actually trying. This one is trying, but the piece is sweet.


I swiftly turned around and walked to my small bedroom. I walked in, shutting the door and locking it. I grabbed some pajamas and changed into them. Right after I did, I stared at the strange scar on my hand. It was lightning shaped and I knew Harry Potter, the Boy Who Lived, also had one similar or exactly the same. It was weird. My father just won't tell me how I got it, so I really just try to ignore it most of the time.

I crawled into my stiff, grey bedding and laid my head down on my pillow. I let out a long and loud sigh. I hoped that when I started going to Hogwarts I'd finally find my place in the world, other than "Snape's unloved daughter". I wanted to be a normal girl, despite my flaws and disorders. I hoped to make friends. I'd never, throughout my entire life, had a single friend. I mean, I always stayed locked up in my room everyday, so that would definitely make it hard to make friends.

More than anything...I wished my life was better than it was...

pw - woobie/cry for me, rating - awful, related to snape

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