4120: All That Remains - Hermione, Fred, George

Aug 27, 2017 02:24

Title: All That Remains
Perpetrator: Panja Mysy
Sue-O-Meter: Awful
Cover/Banner Art: Their avatar is Captain America’s shield.
Summary: “Hermione shows up on George's doorstep with some surprising and life-changing news...post-Hogwarts, eventual HG/GW, eventual M rating possibly because everything I touch turns to smut.”
Full Name: Hermione, Fred and George
Species: Supposedly the canon characters.
Hair: n/a
Eyes: n/a
Markings: n/a
Possessions: n/a
Connection to Canon: Let’s start off with the fact Hermione freaked out enough about not possibly living another day that she slept with Fred before he died. Let’s move onto the fact she’s not telling Ron, but she’s also “scared” because of the situation.
Origin: We’ve got a story where Hermione and Fred bond, which isn’t the bad part. In fact, the start of the story starts off well.
Special Abilities: She gets with one twin because she’s pregnant with the other twin’s baby.

Notes: I debated whether to give this one an awful or a bad rating. The chapter started off nice enough, before Hermione went all OoC. If it was just her going to George, no problem, but then she’s acting not at all like the strong character we know she is, and pretty much pining that she doesn’t know what to do now that she’s pregnant.

"I'm pregnant."

She wasn't sure what she expected, but she was a bit surprised how unaffected he was to the news; he simply nodded and took another sip of tea before turning his head to give her atiny hint of an attempt at a smile. She would rather he not smile at all than that...

"Congratulations. Didn't think Ron would ever make a move."

She couldn't help it...the parallel was too much and her stressed out brain found his statement so ironically funny that she actually began to laugh, a tight and slightly crazy laugh, but a laugh none the less.

"Funny...that's exactly what Fred thought too."

At the mention of Fred, George's head tilted to look at her closely and she took a quick breath before spilling everything she had kept hidden inside for the last couple of months, her secret that she never dreamed would have become such a drastic problem.

"That's...how I got to this point," she admitted with a sigh, "It was...before the battle...Fred and I went to check the secret passage by the witch statue to make sure it had defensive charms on it...we were terrified, nervous, and we started joking to ease the tension. I mentioned how terrible it would be if I died a virgin."

She took a breath at thie point because she saw George's eyes close and his head nod slightly in understanding, knowing his brother as well as he did, it was no surprise to him what the next inevitable part of her story would be.

"He told me it most certainly would...and...I don't know, I was scared and I honestly believed I would die that day...Ron was with Harry downstairs and Fred was right there...and we both just..."

"Yeah, I get it," George halted her stammering with his unexpected statement and she fell silent. "So...that baby...?"

"It's his. Fred's."

pw - woobie/cry for me, rating - awful, stu - fred weasley, pc - b swanitis, stu - george weasley, sue - hermione granger

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