4102: Harry Potter and the Meaning of Life - Harry Potter

Jun 27, 2017 22:48

PERPETRATOR: Viscount Anarchy
SUMMARY:” What if both Cedric and Harry died the night of the third task? Vampire!Harry. M for language and future violence/gore/sex not necessarily in that order or at the same time. HP/fem!blaisev”
FULL NAME: Harry Potter
SPECIES: vampire, “first wizard vampire in 800 years”
HAIR: n/a
EYES: n/a
CONNECTION TO CANON: Instead of going back to Hogwarts, Harry finds himself running through the village only to be bitten by a vampire despite the fact that is supposedly not normal. (See special abilities.) Rita reports her death, and Ron and Hermione “both burst into tears”. However, there is further investigation into the matter despite the fact they’ve declared him dead. Second chapter is him changing. He’s of course hungry with blood. He then turns Blaise, gets a ton of riches from the Potter Earldom, etc.
ORIGIN: The writer tried to go AU with both dying, but…
SPECIAL ABILITIES: “You are going to be the first wizard vampire in 800 years. Mundane vampires like all of us out there never turn wizards, as it costs us our own existence. Some of us live for so long that it seems a waste to sacrifice ourselves in such a manner. It seems I made a fatal mistake in a moment of pity. Even a master vampire like myself can’t deny the inevitable. We are, as loathe as I am to admit, abominations to the natural order of the world. A person’s magic recognizes that and instinctively lashes out. Your magic is lashing out at me, as I have drunken you blood. I only have minutes left to exist, most wouldn’t last 10 seconds.
NOTES: It’s pretty bad when in chapter six the writer says, “I don’t really have too much planned out to be honest.


"Kill him!" He heard shouted from behind him.
He was running through the deserted streets of a town called Little Hangleton, if the shop signs were anything to go by. Looking left and right for a place to hide, he saw a turn up to the right.
He took the side street hoping to lose the followers. He hooked the next left so he was still running away from the graveyard. He saw an alley coming up on his right and he ran for it. His lungs and legs were burning from over exertion. He stopped hearing the voices about a minute ago but he didn't want to let his guard down.

He let go a sigh of relief as he leaned up against the brick wall.

And then he realized that he wasn't as alone as he thought he was.

He slowly turned around and saw a dark figure lurking behind him. "Well, what do we have here? A little school boy?"

'Ah shit, thugs! I can't get a break' Harry thought to himself. Before he could even bring his wand up to defend himself, the man was on top of him and pinning him to the wall by his beat up shirt.

"The young always taste better…" The man said with a wicked glint in his eye. The man slowly bent Harry's head so his neck was exposed. He licked his lips and bared his fangs in anticipation.

"Ah SHIT! Fucking vampire!" Harry couldn't do anything but struggle as the vampire bit his neck and started to drink his blood. He could barely even struggle. After spending hours in a maze, fighting a dark lord, and running for his life, he was the most tired he has ever been in his life, mentally, magically and physically.

The man was too enamored with Harry's blood to register what he said. If he did he would have been panicking.

rating - toxic, stu - blaize zabini, ct - vampire (full), pb - taco-show, stu - harry potter

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