4089: Awakening as a Wood - Oliver Wood

May 28, 2017 22:45

I’m not doing self-inserts still on purpose. This was just next on my to feature list.

COVER/BANNER ART: Their avatar is a picture of TurtleJesus. Perhaps it is best not to ask.
SUMMARY:” What would you do if you woke up as Oliver Wood! Would you help Harry with your future knowledge to defeat Voldemort? Or would you enjoy live as a wizard and let fate run it's course? I wouldn't have been able to give you a proper answer until it happened to me. This is my journey into the world of Harry Potter. Self-insert fic, warnings inside, Rated T, Enjoy!”
FULL NAME: Oliver Wood
SPECIES: self-insert
HAIR: n/a
EYES: n/a
CONNECTION TO CANON: The author ends up in the world randomly as Oliver Wood. He instantly figures it out, and Oliver gets Percy to help him with an essay and thinks about stopping Percy from breaking away from his family later on. However, while this is fun, there’s a lot of stuff which just rambles. Same goes for the second chapter.
ORIGIN: “Hey everybody! So I saw some self insert fanfictions and I thought, I wanna give that a try. So here it is. I wanted one that was slightly more realistic than others. So no Gary stu, don't worry. I will have problems with myself and I admittedly can be a bit of an asshole sometimes which will show in this story.” Well, that is actually encouraging. However, there is a bit more to this than just having flaws.” The writer is also attempting to stay away from character bashing.
SPECIAL ABILITIES: “First, do I act on my knowledge gained from reading the books to affect what is going to happen? The answer, yes and no. For one, my current body was one of a relatively unknown seventh year so there wasn't much I could do without it seeming suspicious. Also if I acted straight away then my future knowledge becomes irrelevant, there was also the fact that even though I seemed to be possessing the body of Oliver Wood, this world wasn't my own, I quite frankly don't care all that much about the people here and what happens. From what I knew the world turned out okay in the long run without Oliver Wood being majorly involved, so why should I now. That wasn't to say I would provide no help. I might be nicer to Harry, study hard so I could defend myself if need be and maybe make minor changes. I might do even more after I get to know people.”

NOTES:This one has quite a bit of potential honestly, and gets the bad rating simply because it’s not really going anywhere. There are only two chapters though. However, I think the writer may have tried so much to avoid making a Gary Stu they missed the fact it is okay to make the story interesting. Which, the making friends with Percy is interesting, and I kind of wished it focused on that, rather than random stuff. It’s not likely to be updated either. Sad really.


"Fuck me!" I groaned as I tried to shield my eyes from the blinding light that was piercing into them. Slowly with much squinting, swearing and groaning I managed to pull myself into a sitting position. At first, I didn't realise anything wrong about my surroundings, too focused on the feelings of nausea and pain that invaded my senses. Then, when I did pay attention I almost wished I hadn't. The first thing wrong was that I was sitting on a cold, hard tiled floor. Secondly, the room looked similar to the change rooms of my footy club. Thirdly, I was naked but even that didn't totally alarm me, no what alarmed me the most was that this was most definitely not my body. Sure, I felt everything it felt and it responded how I wanted it too but it still wasn't MY body. This one was tall, muscular and admittedly better than my own average, slightly round body that needed glasses. Still I would've preferred my body back.

Slowly, I got over my shock and stumbled across to the mirror on the wall. Yep, there staring back at me was someone I didn't know. He was, as I said before, tall, muscular, had brown hair and brown eyes. Overall, a decently handsome guy that looked more brawn then brain. I felt somewhat uncomfortable staring at some other guy's naked body even if I seemed to be inhabiting it at the present time. I'm not ashamed to admit that I checked the more manly parts and was proud to say it was around the same size as my old? Original? Last? Body, which proved that I wasn't that inadequate in my other body.

Then I thought some more, Where am I? Who's body am I in? How did I get here? It was after I had thought those things that a sudden rush of memories, emotions, thoughts and feelings hit me that weren't mine own. As sudden as they had started they stopped, leaving me a quivering heap on the ground with a raging headache but slightly more understanding into my situation. I had apparently been dropped into the Harry Potter world, Magic and all. Placed unceremoniously into this body taking all control over it.

Whose body is this you may ask?

I was currently in the body of Oliver Wood, Seventh year Gryffindor, Captain and Keeper of the quidditch team, Half-blood and slightly above average student at Hogwarts school of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Yes, I was now the insane quidditch fanatic that cared more about quidditch than even my players lives, sometimes. First things first, got to find a wand and make sure this is real, not a joke, I mean, how often does a sixteen year old Australian teenager end up in the body of a 17 year old character from the guys favourite book series. After looking around for a moment, I remembered where Oliver, no, I had put it. I ran over to where I had put it on the bench and grabbed it feeling a familiar yet unfamiliar warmth. Yes, 11 inches, Oak and dragon heartstring. After grabbing it I tried to think of what to cast first, before I decided on trying to summon my robes.

"Accio Robes" I called and to my surprise they actually did come flying across to me. So this meant I was either dreaming an insanely complicated dream or this is real. Hmmm, I'll treat it as real so then if it's fake no harm done but if it's real it goes how I want it too.

Now, by my recently acquired memories I realised it was around an hour after the lost against Hufflepuff in Harry's third year. I felt a pang of sadness at the thought of losing the game. Maybe I had gained some of Oliver's personality traits or maybe it was my competitive streak being annoyed at losing even if I technically didn't play. Anyway, on to more important topics, like Harry Potter and how I was going to deal with my situation.

p - sue what plot? swp, pc - self insert (sue is me), rating - bad

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