4077: The Dhampir - Harry Potter and Severus Snape

Apr 04, 2017 22:05

- The link of the day is Mary Sue Chart, and here are some of the previous links of the day which you may find useful. Do you agree with their decision?
- Flashback Sue
- Don't forget about the Sorting Hat.

TITLE: The Dhampir
PERPETRATOR: hanhonnoria
SUMMARY:” asexual HP/SS creature fic. Harry's obsession with Malfoy leads him to a dangerous discovery about Snape that will forever change his life. Not OOC. Snape might be the professor, but his beast gives him no choice but to submit to Harry. Powerful Harry! canon through 5th year.”
FULL NAME: Harry and Snape
SPECIES: Harry is bit, Snape is a Dhampir
HAIR: n/a
EYES: n/a
CONNECTION TO CANON:Harry follows Malfoy. He finds Snape. Snape bites him. Snape feels remorse. They romantically bond over Snape’s remorse, or that is at least where the story is heading. It’s not yet gotten past the first chapter, but it’s already that bad.
ORIGIN: The writer honestly thinks the characters won’t be OoC despite the fact they’re writing a story where a creatures powerful traits suddenly overshadow the canon traits.
SPECIAL ABILITIES: To quote the fic, “the cessation of Snape’s howls and scratcings woke Harry many hours later. He watched Snape sink to the ground against the wall opposite with tears in his eyes and realized what a private moment it must be.”

NOTES: Sorry, but how does making Snape a Dhampir explain his OoC behavior? A character who is normally emotionless becoming emotionless can not be explained away by said change. Period. The idea that the writer might think that this is OoC for the characters though isn’t surprising when one considers the fact one of their other stories pulls the “sex heals rape trauma” card, which in turn has a sequel.


The cessation of Snape's howls and scratching woke Harry many hours later. He watched Snape sink to the ground against the wall opposite with tears in his eyes and realized what a private moment it must be. The man looked shaken… disgusted, and rubbed at his legs in a way that Harry knew meant he wanted physical contact. It was something Harry used to do when locked in his cupboard for long periods of time. For whatever reason, Snape was unaware of Harry's presence and Harry was happy to keep it that way.

A while later, the door clicked open. Snape made no immediate move toward it, but Harry stood so he was ready. He followed Snape back into the dungeons and walked behind him until the corridors became familiar. As he ascended the staircases, he thought about going to Dumbledore or Madame Pomfrey. What would he say? He thought Malfoy was up to something…thought Snape was up to something and decided to follow Snape out of the castle and accidently became the man's diner.

Instead of crawling into bed, he grabbed a fresh set of robes and clothes and went to the loo. He didn't take his shirt off until he was in the shower, standing under the stream of hot water. His left shoulder and arm ached and he could barely bring himself to look at it. There were two holes in his shoulder between his clavicle and neck where Snape had bitten. They looked mostly closed, but, as he ran his finger over them, he realized they were in fact open. The skin looked to be a normal color and they were in a spot that would be easily covered.

He felt so disgusted with himself. Maybe he hadn't wanted to get hard while being eaten to death, but he had. In a move that was very, very Hermione-like, he dressed and walked up to the library. He passed a few people on his way, but they were mostly the early-risers he didn't know well. Madame Pince stared at him with curiosity, but he didn't bother greeting her. Unsure of where else to start, he retrieved a few books on vampires and settled into a seat.

The first book just repeated everything he already knew about vampires -excessive sunlight causing blindness, insatiable thirst for blood with certain phases of the moon, super-human speed and strength. The next few didn't tell him anything either. He flipped through the 5th quickly so that he could make it down before breakfast ended and saw a phrase he hadn't expected. The vampire feeds exclusively during the quarter-moon phases as the intensity of the natural magic surrounding them changes -a feature the half-breed does not share as the half-breed is often observed to feed a minimum of once every 7 days. The topic changed, but Harry was certain he'd found something important. People called Hagrid a half-breed for being only half giant. So if there were half-breeds in the vampire world… Snape was only half a vampire!

He slammed the book back into its spot and ran when he realized breakfast had ended.

pw - woobie/cry for me, ct - vampire (part), rating - toxic, pc - relationship sue, stu - harry potter, stu - severus snape

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