4066*: Twilighta's Princes - Jigligiet Juelsverne/Twilighta

Mar 16, 2017 12:46

- The link of the day is My Immortal is a troll fic, albeit the greatest one ever written , and here are some of the previous links of the day which you may find useful..
- Flashback Sue
- Don't forget about the Sorting Hat.

TITLE: Twilighta’s Princes
SUMMARY:”Hermoine discovers Twlighta, the vampire/ghost, in the castle and soon it finds interest in Draco and Harry! Meanwhile, Hermione is trying to get close to Ron, but will it work? OC/H, OC/D, H/G, H/D, H/R/G/H/D”
FULL NAME: Jigligiet Juelesverne/Twilighta
SPECIES: See symmeri. (How can someone not notice that’s misspelled, I do not know.) Also, “it was a hmpradate (that means it had parts of a guy AND girl!!! In case some of you have lived under rocks for ever and don’t know what it is.).”
HAIR: n/a
EYES: n/a
MARKINGS: “It was tall with pale skin and a bony face.” (You mean like Slenderman?) She died at thirteen.
ORIGIN: Someone tried trolling.
SPECIAL ABILITIES: There are some references to Legend of Zelda and Twilight tossed in which really make no sense.

NOTES: Eh… troll is a troll.


"Yeah especially after you attack me wit your fod!" Ron butt in.

"Fine be that way." She got up and walked away very mad. "What is she talking about?"

"The legend of that thing. The one that is supposedly supposed to be like a ghost and a vampire?"


Hermoine went to the Great Library and took down a book about the ghosts of hog wats. She read about the legend of the thing! It used to be a student back when. It's name was Jigigiet Juelesverne but changed its name to Twilighta. It was a hmpradate (that means it had parts of a guy AND girl!! In case some of you have lived under rocks for ever and don't know what it is). Twilighta died at the age of thirteen in the castle and turned out to be also a vampire so it was a vampire ghost! Hermoine gasped in whorror.

People in the castle were talking about it for sooo long and Hermone finally saw it!! It had long cascading locks of the deep purple shade. It was tall with pale skin and a bony face. It's nose was long and drooped down some and it had vampire fangs. It was dressed in a longish cloak that was really black and really dark. When it saw Hermoine it shrieked and disappeared. It was true. It was really a ghost and a vampire.

The next morning at breakfast Hermione was really excited. "I saw it guys I swear!" she exclaimed, waving her arms about and thus making the oatmeal (I'm sure they eat oatmeal!!) splash on to Ron's red face. "That's nice," Harry said between kisses with Ginny.

"You don't believe me!"

"Why would I?"

"Yeah especially after you attack me wit your fod!" Ron butt in.

"Fine be that way." She got up and walked away very mad. "What is she talking about?"

ct - vampire (part), ct - ghost (full), rating - troll

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