4054: Oliver's Valentine - Aquila Valentine

Feb 19, 2017 21:06

- Flashback Sue
- Don't forget about the Sorting Hat.

TITLE: Oliver’s Valentine
PERPETRATOR: CrazyRopeDragon
COVER/BANNER ART: It's related to the Gryffindor Quidditch team.
SUMMARY:”Oliver Wood is determined to win the Quidditch House Cup before he leaves Hogwarts. Nothing will stand in his way. Not the Slytherins. Not a bludger. Not a pretty girl who helps him with his homework... He swears.”
FULL NAME: Aquila Valentine
MARKINGS: “Pretty girl, great bone structure.”
POSSESSIONS: “Aquila had been serious about her 60s music, it would seem. He smiled nervously as Moon River played. He almost laughed with nervous energy. And then a figure in white appeared, walking slowly towards him. His heart leapt into his throat. Her dress was relatively simple, with details picked out in lace. The shiny silk hugged her hips, which swayed gently as she walked. She clutched a bouquet of purple dahlias. Her face was covered with a delicate lace veil. He couldn't breathe. It was happening. Here she was. The woman who would very soon be his wife. The world seemed to slow around him as he took in every detail of her. He felt as though he should fall on his knees before her. He had never felt so overwhelmed by the love he felt for her as he did now. She was so close now. He could just about make out the shape of her face beneath the veil, which was held in place with a sparkly diadem.”
CONNECTION TO CANON: Wood gets injured practicing quidditch and runs into Miss Valentine, who conveniently ends up in the infirmary with a fake allergy and something I doubt would be a constant staple of the class. Soon she’s the new chaser for the team as well. Then there is a really badly written poem in chapter four which Aquilla gets from “P”. Then it gets canceled in chapter five. Yawn! We’ve got major plot-what-plot going on. Yet, despite the lack of character development for this girl, she is still ending up marrying Oliver in chapter twenty-eight.
ORIGIN: We’ve got another… I’m not sure what to say about this one. She’s convenitently pretty, conveniently smart, Wood convenitently needs tutoring, and she’s conveniently got a real fatal flaw which is majorly fake. (I mean, come on. Claiming an allergy to something that is venomous doesn’t work.)
SPECIAL ABILITIES: She is supposedly allergic to the Venomous Tentacula, which is why she’s in the infirmary. To quote the Harry Potter wiki on this one, “Venomous Tentacula expels venom from its shoots, and its spikes are deadly. Its bite is highly poisonous and can prove fatal.” Me thinks allergies aren’t the issue here. Apparently this is enough for someone to advise her against taking herbology despite the fact the class is mandatory.

NOTES: One of the reviewers says in their review of chapter seventeen that “Excuse you for giving me not only OTP feels but FEELINGS OF PRIFE FOR MY NATION.” Sorry, but Aquila is an OC. There is thus no OTP here.


"Madam Pomfrey, it happened again." Her voice was strained. Oliver watched as there was a flurry of sudden activity from Madam Pomfrey, who was pulling open cabinets and mixing concoctions with great speed.

"Where is the sting?"

"Hand this time." Madam Pomfrey nodded, and worked all the faster. Oliver watched with growing concern. What had happened? Could he help?

"Drink this." The matron pressed a glass into the tall girl's hands. She downed the contents immediately and sighed. Her shoulders slumped and she sat on the edge of a bed.

"This can't keep happening, Miss Valentine. I think it would be wise to consider forgoing Herbology. It isn't worth your life." The girl looked obstinate, but she graciously thanked Madam Pomfrey for her help. "Go and lie down. Merlin knows Mr. Wood could do with some company." She looked over at Oliver again, this time she didn't look as strained. She gave him a small smile and a nod of her head. He nodded back, his eyes darting immediately back to his book. He knew her from class. She wasn't in his friend group, but she hated Percy Weasley as much as the rest of them. She was top of every class, but she helped people out with their homework. From what little he knew about her, she was a nice girl. Not at all snobbish, even if she was from one of the oldest most prestigious pure-blood families. The matron bustled back to her office, leaving the two of them alone in the empty Hospital Wing. The girl swung her legs up on the bed next to him and lay down, closing her eyes for a moment.

"What are you in for?" Oliver asked, before he even realised he was going to speak. The girl opened her eyes and looked at him again.

"Venomous Tentacula got me again. I've a bit of an allergy. Was about to die. Thankfully Madam Pomfrey puts me to rights every time." She had the smallest of smirks on her lips. She eyes Oliver for a second. "Who beat you up?" He chuckled a laugh. Oliver wasn't really the laughing type.

p - sue what plot? swp, rating - toxic, ap - athletic pursuit, ap - academic pursuit, b - speshul figure

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