4045: The Other Granger - Morrigan Danielle Granger

Jan 22, 2017 13:50

- The link of the day is On fanfic and IC vs. OOC , and here are some of the previous links of the day which you may find useful.
- Flashback Sue
- Don't forget about the Sorting Hat.

TITLE: The Granger
PERPETRATOR: BetweenTheSeaAndStars
SUMMARY:”JK has said she always intended to give Hermione a little sister but never wrote her in. Hermione is technically older than most kids in her year due to her birthday. This came about in roughshod fashion just to let the ideas out. I may continue. Or where Hermione's sister is a Slytherin and it changes nothing.”
FULL NAME: Morrigan Danielle Granger.
POSSESSIONS: Special braclets for the sisters appear in chapter two.
CONNECTION TO CANON: Hermione’s got a sister who she only helps with academics because its an academic pursuit. Yet her sister is supposed to be smart, just not smart enough to be able to skip grades. She’s scatter brained. Oh, and Hermione’s vocabulary and intelligence has rubbed onto her, yet the writer still down plays how smart she is, or tries. Then, we find out it is the mother who forgets stuff, as she forgets stuff even when she has a grovery list. Hermione is portrayed as thinking her letter comes from a stalker. (The Suethor doesn’t realize muggleborn children have their letters hand delivered apparently. The sue is also getting to go to school, and get sorted into Slytherin. The first chapter ends with “trying to think of things she could profit off the muggle form of mass production to start increasing her clout among the Slythering’s though, well that was her summer job.” The next two stories are all about that goal, including thrift shopping.
ORIGIN: Apparently Hermione’s father “Dan was wiling to venture out into seeing if any natural or folklore methods could work” in his practice, which would make sense if he were, you know, a doctor. He is, however, a dentist. There’s no getting around the need to pull a tooth, or using modern tools to better diagnose people. Natural remedies are also not the same thing as folklore methods, although some folklore methods did turn out to be based on natural remedies.
SPECIAL ABILITIES: Because the parents are different, she gets a different name. Sort of. It actually falls into the same naming pattern, and doesn’t really make the Sue “different”. Supposidly though, “it became something of the relative’s favorite joke that the children took after the parent whose middle name they carried.” There was also something weird, “both children adored that small month where they were the same age and somehow Mori would coerce her sister Mione to play ‘twins’ with her.” Why would this be only that one month? Also, there is no hint that her father is disorganized from the fact he goes with natural remedies. That was done to make Mori “oh woes is me”.

NOTES: The writer has this on their profile.

“I'm a firm believer in warping things. It's dull to re-read constantly the same stories with just tiny changes. I try to throw in unexpected things and alterations. I tend to keep things in that are key points and I view as linchpin moments but otherwise expect me to twist them around. I get tons of What if's in my head and I often go and rewrite or adjust whole sections.”

Except she does do this. This story is actually the same-old-same old.


Dan and Jean Granger were not just two dentists, but very different people who happened to hold the same profession. Jean preferred clinical and proven science based methods, Dan was willing to venture out into seeing if any natural or folklore methods could work. Jean was a very intense type A personality, Dan was more laid back and the book worm as likely to be immersed in stories for the pleasure as something for work.

Jean won the argument of what to name their first child. Hermione Jean Granger was born on September 19th.

Not that long after, on August 2nd the following year they had another girl. This time Dan named her. Since Jean went with old Greek legend and a nod to Hermes as much as praising Shakespeare he went in a similar vein.

Morrigan Danielle Granger was her sister's shadow. Both were avid readers from the start although Hermione was vastly more intelligent. It became something of the relative's favorite joke that the children took after the parent whose middle name they carried.

Both children adored that small month where they were the same age and somehow Mori would coerce her sister Mione to play 'twins' with her.

It didn't take long though for other differences to show. Despite being one of the cutoff kids and placed with children younger than her, Hermione's brilliance had her skipping to advanced classes a year or two ahead. On the other hand Mori was terrible at remembering her homework half the time. Or just not doing it in favor of something else that had her attention. The only reason Hermione helped her out was because usually it was something academically related that absorbed Morrigan.

"Well I can't be as brilliant as you are, so don't hold yourself back." Morrigan had stated once they were eight. Some of her sister's intelligence and vocabulary just rubbed off on her from repeated exposure. It had been out of the blue at the dinner table.

rating - awful, related to hermione, p - sue what plot? swp, pc - copycat sue

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