4036: Alexis Snape series - Alexis Snape, Lily May Evans-Potter

Jan 09, 2017 22:17

- The link of the day is The Sane Writer’s Guide To: The Mary Sue , and here are some of the previous links of the day which you may find useful.
- Flashback Sue
- Don't forget about the Sorting Hat.

TITLE: , and The Kiss Rewritten
COVER/BANNER ART: Their avatar is a picture of a girl with red hair.
SUMMARY:”Lily Evans-Potter was just murdered by You-Know-Who, but instead of going into the afterlife she was given a second chance at correcting many things. Will she be able to correct her mistakes shes made the first time around this including love? R&R!”, ”Takes place at Dumbledore's funeral. Neville and Lexi have been going out since before yule of their 5th year; Harry & Hermione since before their 4th year; Dean & Katie broke up at the beginning of the year. Told in normal POV's & personal POV's.R&R” and ”Alexis Snape and Neville Longbottom have been friends since 1st year Harry's but had always found each other more than just friends, since she is his best mate's little sister. This is the story of them getting caught kissing in the common room. A/N: This story is the rewrite of my old story The Kiss. Image is a banner that Piper Weasley 24 made for me using my other pen name.”
FULL NAME: Lily May Evans-Potter, Alexis Snape
SPECIES: mother and daughter
CONNECTION TO CANON: Lily dies in the first chapter. Then she wakes up and is told that James was not her soul mate, Snape was despite the fact “James is my soul mate, we’ve been in love for 4 years now. I was blind to see that because Snape told me lies about him.” And, “Oh, Severus never did that, that’s what Potter wanted you to think…” This being tells her she was wrong for reacting negatively to Severus calling her a Mudblood, and then “Well you still do, James Potter gave you something that would make you hate Severus and it would make you venerable enough to have you take a love ‘s what Potter did, he feed you love potion throughout your school days, up until now.” They then go into how she doesn’t know James’ favorite food or color, but knows Severus. She signs the contract willingly, which for some reason disappears after the last one is signed. Those were the only two chapters up, but this results in Harry’s half-sister Alexis Snape, but it never occurs, as the writer only wrote the first two chapter. The chapters for the second fic is rather self-explanatory. So is the third fic really.
ORIGIN: The writer decided Lily needed a second chance.
SPECIAL ABILITIES: She’s apparently died three other times. “Yes you have died three other you were 5, when you were 8 and last year. The first one was in a car accident June 29, 1965 and the second one from suffocation January 30, and last year giving birth to your 'loving husband's' child. Now you have the chance to change all that Lily; but you only have one redo, so if you mess up than you come back here and only redo your redo once. Understand?" We find out from the third piece that, “Alexis Evans was a charming girl. She was smart, brave and fiercely loyal to those that knew her. However, there was one thing she was not. She was not a Ravenclaw, Gryffindor or even a Hufflepuff, she was a Slytherin. This was what made her an outcast to the population of Hogwarts. […] No one could understand why she was in Slytherin, the house of "evil" wizards. The house everyone hated for its bad reputation. Those that truly knew her understood why; but, they would never tell others why she was the embodiment of Slytherin. Slytherin house is not an evil house, nor are the students that are sorted there - well some aren't. Slytherin house is for the cunning, the ambitious and the sly. All of these traits Alexis has and more. […] Alexis Evans doesn't trust many people, the reasons are her own and no one will understand it, other than those she's let in. Alexis Evans also has a huge secret, a secret that only selected people her family chooses to tell know.”

NOTES: The word venerable means “accorded a great deal of respect, expecially because of age, wisdom, or character.”


"No, no you can't leave now; come in she was just leaving…weren't you, Hannah?"

"Yes, Maria, I was…enjoy your case."

Hannah left throwing Maria a glare over her shoulder.

"Hello, what's your name?" Maria asked Lily.

"Lily May Potter. What happened? Why am I here? The last thing I remember I was at home with my son and husband and the next thing I know was that I was talking to the dark lord?" Lily said in a panic.

rating - awful, related to snape, related to the evans

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