3708: Without Consequence - Hermione and Minerva

Oct 20, 2016 10:06

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- The Fourteenth Annual Pottersues is also currently running.

TITLE: Without Consequence
PERPETRATOR: Bluster Muster
COVER/BANNER ART: I didn’t look.
SUMMARY:” Rated M. Very AU. A nasty plot to abduct and murder one Miss. Minerva McGonnagall in her graduating year. Hermione must return to 1953 with the use of a time turner, and a bit of luck, in order to stop the plans motion. Can she do it? MM/HG Don't like... Don't read. Slow burn fic.”
FULL NAME: Hermione, Minerva
SPECIES: Hermione time travels to help out Minerva, and ends up saving and romancing her.
POSSESSIONS: A time turner, and a brief mentioning of the non-existent head dorms again.
CONNECTION TO CANON: The first chapter is honestly confusing. I know that there is a reason why they decide to send Hermione into the past, but there is indication that Hermione is already in love with Minerva, and that this is her reason for going back into the past. The plot is, well, Hermione goes into the past, and nobody reacts negatively to this. Add to this, while there is a plot, most of the story involves how amazing the two are, going to very annoying lengths to describe needless detail regarding how amazing Hermione finds Minerva, etc. Actually, the writer spends great lengths bragging on many of the characters including Harry.
ORIGIN: The writer decided to write a plot where someone goes back in time to murder McGonnagall, the problem here being how time-turners work with even more restrictions being placed on them by the Cursed Child series, restrictions I might add that throws out a huge chunk of the time traveling fics. However, Since Cursed Child wasn’t published until this summer, I’ve still got to judge the older fics based on the old criteria. However, this story was not published until September, nor did the writer note they were using the old criteria. I suspect the writer is doing a time travel fic because it’s cool, and gets the canon characters they want to pair together paired together. There is also the implication with the title that there will be no consequences from time traveling.
SPECIAL ABILITIES: “This story is incredibly AU” meaning the writer didn’t care to pay attention to canon, not really that the story counts as an AU.



Hermione sat with a few stray books laid out before her in the library. She peered at them questioningly, as though one might leap up and give her all the answers she was secretly hoping to find, yet, they didn't flinch. And she didn't have much time.

She was left on her own on this one.

Replaying in her mind like some sick montage were the past few hours and the meeting with the Minister, his aids, and some of her closest friends. Although the war had been won and life was just beginning to return to a state of normalcy, the discovery of a rather sinister plot had been uncovered by none other than Neville, Luna, and Ron. It had been a year. There were still a few wizards left, seduced still by Voldemort's persuasion, who sought to destroy the peace the wizarding world had begun to once more rebuild. It was a terrible thing. But the most unsettling piece of all the information that had been brought forth was who was being targeted and when... Hermione couldn't wrap her mind around any of it.

"We heard rumours about a dark wizard operating out of a hideout not too far from Godric's Hollow, naturally, we were a little weary about taking advice from a drunk in a pub but... It was true." Neville explained to Minister Kingsley, and the rest seated at the circular table in the Great Hall. With school out for summer, the Great hall was always emptied to accommodate only one large lacquored table for the staff that remained for meals. This is where they sat for the duration of their meeting.
Headmistress McGonnagall's stern gaze watched Kingsley, and only him, for she knew already the information being presented. She was curious how he would choose to take action. She trusted in him, but, still, she was filled with trepidation.

"We found the place, it was ransacked and nearly destroyed, but we did manage to find a lot of notes left behind by Lockesly, Brin, and Mister Kay." Luna continued, her spacy eyes focused more so on the table than the other faces then aimed in her direction. She shifted uncomfortably, clearly not enjoying the attention she was receiving in these times. Hermione, who was seated beside her with Harry on her other side, found herself reaching a hand over and laying it on top of the arm Luna hand on the table. The blond girl only moved it slightly to take Hermione's hand for support. Though there were some officials there, regardless, the majority of the people seated were close friends; a family. No attention was paid to the touch.

Ron sensed that neither Neville, or Luna, wanted to take the time to explain the rest, the three eyed each other for who was to speak next. It was disturbing enough being the ones to have discovered it, so he cleared his throat lightly and all attention was turned onto him. He chose to focus on Hermione and Minerva.

"They found a time turner, I only knew what it was because I'd seen one once before, it was drawn over and over and pieces of paper. When we finally found other scraps of parchment with proper words, we realized that they plan on using the time turner to go back to Hogwarts. Not in our time but when the Headmistress was in school, 1953 approximately, to abduct and to murder her. We have to assume this is because they think if they change the past they have a fighting chance of being able to win the war, change our history... That's their plan." Ronald finally turned his sights upon the Minister, an almost pleading look on his face. "We have to try and stop them."

"Of course, we are going to stop them." Kingsley immediately replied to the young ginger man. The Minister's mind was already spinning to weave a counter-plan of their own. But how... who...

"Why they believe that this would work, I don't know. But I am willing to help in anyway I can." Harry said as he leaned forward, his elbows coming to rest on the table as he folded his arms. He'd always liked, respected, and felt some affection toward his Head of House. She had always been there for him in times of need and fought bravely the day the fighting ended. He assumed he'd be a major piece of the plan, he'd always been. But no... Kingsley had other ideas. Minerva could see it in his eyes as he peered across the table at Hermione. Another, equally as talented, individual. Her wand work and her cleverness could be legendary.

"Unfortunately, Mr. Potter... I think this situation requires another strategy." The Minister replied while glancing between Minerva and the Hermione. He was thinking on his feet, it could very well be a disaster, not to mention the implications of using such a volatile piece of magic for great lengths of time. Minerva was growing impatient.

"With all due respect, Minister... What exactly are you thinking?" The ebony haired woman asked with a bit of heat lacing her Scottish lilt.

Hermione was equally as curious. She still held Luna's hand, which seemed to calm the blond woman as she'd stopped fidgeting so much, but she looked on at Kingsley who peered back at her. Though they were staring from one to the other, she could see his mind racing for conclusion.

"She will go." The Minister replied simply.

"She will go?" McGonnagall questioned as though she didn't quite understand. Harry, Neville, and Ron shared glances while the Ministry officials shared their own. Surely, they weren't understanding properly.

"You have a time turner in your possession, do you not, Miss. Granger?" In fact she did... Hermione's lips formed a grim line but she nodded her head to answer the Minister's question. "It would raise too much suspicion for their to be a great many people infiltrating Hogwarts some forty years ago. She will go alone and detain the three. As it would be, I have all the faith that a clever woman such as Hermione Granger can get close to a much younger Minerva McGonnagall. Be a protector of sorts, a friend. She will go alone."

"THAT'S PREPOSTEROUS!" Minerva shouted at the man, horror writing itself upon her features. Green eyes flashed in anger between the officials and the Minister. Was this seriously the best he could do? Did he realize it could very well be a death sentence?

"With all do respect, Kingsley, I don't think you've thought this through..." Harry immediately interjected as he leaned forward in his seat, readied to argue his case.

"Surely, you can't expect a girl to do this job..." Hermione's head snapped towards the woman who spoke, a nameless woman, a ministry lacky. How DARE she insinuate that Hermione was a child... She could easily understand Minerva's and Harry's concern, however, this woman... She knew nothing of what she'd been through.

Around the table people began to argue, however, a pin drop could have been heard the moment the palm of Hermione's hand made harsh contact with the surface of the lacquered oak. More than a few people jumped at the loud sound reverberating off the walls, and eight pairs of eyes trained themselves upon the brunette. Hermione was red faced and furious, and peering at the nameless woman across the table.

"Girl... You say? Really?" Hermione spat, her hand slipping from the one belonging to Luna. She was almost shaking from rage. "I was a child when I entered this hall eight years ago, and since then I have fought tooth and nail with my closest friends, other 'children', students, month after month, year after year... WHILE YOU PEOPLE SAT BEHIND DESKS AND PUSHED PAPER AROUND!" Unbeknownst to her, she'd began to creep up and out of her seat, her palms pressing into the table as she leaned over it to yell at the woman. "IF THE MINISTER THINKS I CAN DO THIS, THEN I'LL DAMN WELL DO IT REGARDLESS OF BEING A 'MERE GIRL'."

ac - time travel, rating - toxic, sue - minerva mcgonagal, sue - hermione granger, pc - lesbians and more

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