3703: Harrold Gryffindor - Harry Potter/Harrold Gryffindor

Oct 09, 2016 20:48

- The link of the day is Possession Sue Thread , and here are some of the previous links of the day which you may find useful.
- Flashback Sue
- Don't forget about the Sorting Hat.
- The Fourteenth Annual Pottersues is also currently running.

TITLE: Harrold Gryffindor
PERPETRATOR: pinceofuntouchablesfic
COVER/BANNER ART: A shield with a black and red Griffin.
SUMMARY:”Harry leaves his world as the master of death for the next great adventure. He is going to enjoy his new life. Eventual Harry/Jon. Slash. Don't like ?. Don't read.”
FULL NAME: Harrold Potter/Gryffindor.
SPECIES: Not Harry Potter
HAIR: n/a
EYES: n/a
POSSESSIONS: There are a bunch of clones running around, but I didn’t get far enough in this yawn fest to see what that is about. It’s pretty bad though when the reviews are as much of a yawn fest as the story is. One of them is a female clone apparently though.
CONNECTION TO CANON: So… There is honestly no connection to the Harry Potter canon in this one. We get a brief butchering of the Harry Potter canon line where “magic was dying”, and very little reference to the canon material outside of the resurrection stone. I believe he travels back in time, or across the universe to the Game of Thrones Universe. Everything’s then a big yawn fest. The story’s written in first person POV, but this POV isn’t Harry, not in character for him at all. All the writer does is tell, tell, and more tell. He randomly becomes a Lord, and everything is good for him because he pretty much has everything he wants, including a slash relationship. (Except he should at least be bisexual, and why is he leaving all of his friends behind?)
ORIGIN: Another writer replaced Harry with a Harold, or in this case a Harrold. We’ve also got another story where Harry’s become the “master of death”, which is code for “I’ve God Moded Harry, so live with it.” Here is the supposed origin story. “Magic was dying. There were few and fewer magical births every year. Many magical creatures became extinct. There are no unicorns now. No new house elf was born in the past 50 years. Magical levels of witches and wizards have become so low that no one can cast a patronas now. So when death offered me a new adventure in a new world, I didn't have any reason not to accept. Death told me that I cannot take anything with me except for the hallows, which is actually part of me now; literally. All three items were absorbed to my body. I can become invisible just by thinking of it and need no wand to cast spells. As for the resurrection stone, I never tried to use that again.”
SPECIAL ABILITIES: Time traveling, having the powers of the three hallows, pretty much a major “you’ve got to be kidding me” and “what was the writer even thinking”.

NOTES: His name is Harry, not Harold or Harrold. This may be a Game of Thrones fic, but it is not a Harry Potter fic. Are all Game of Thrones fics this dreadfully dull? The writing itself also isn’t very good, and it feels like the writer’s trying too hard to make their writing seem sophisticated, or something like that.


At the end it was not really a difficult decision. After little over a century of living, there was nothing much new to explore. Even though I came to accept the title of 'master of death' and everything else comes with it, it still is a curse. I saw most of my friends passing and I remained. I was never able to have a long term relationship because of my forever young image. Decades later I invented to mimic natural aging but then I had given up relationships.

Magic was dying. There were few and fewer magical births every year. Many magical creatures became extinct. There are no unicorns now. No new house elf was born in the past 50 years. Magical levels of witches and wizards have become so low that no one can cast a patronas now. So when death offered me a new adventure in a new world, I didn't have any reason not to accept. Death told me that I cannot take anything with me except for the hallows, which is actually part of me now; literally. All three items were absorbed to my body. I can become invisible just by thinking of it and need no wand to cast spells. As for the resurrection stone, I never tried to use that again.

With my permission and without any ceremony death took me from my old world and dropped me somewhere. It was much worse than a portkey. Once I got my senses back, I realized that I am middle of nowhere. I extended my senses outwards but found no human nearby. So I walked towards a hill hoping to get a better view of the lands.

Couple of hours later I heard human voices. I had no idea what they were talking as I didn't know their language. There were a group of men with horses camping and sharing a meal. I activated my invisibility cloak and got closer to them. It was clear that one of these men was the leader regardless his young age. Well he is a child actually. From what I could see, I realized the culture is primitive compared to my old world especially if they use swords as a weapon.

I got closer to the leader and used legilimency to get a better understanding of the language and the lands of this world. After a century I am a grand master of mind arts. I copied his memory to mine and absorbed the knowledge. That was a neat trick taught to me by a Tibetan monk as a thank you for saving his life.

It proved my initial guess that the world is primitive. They are similar to middle age of my old world in many ways but in many ways it is more primitive than that. To my shock, they have been in this middle ages for thousands of years. I am in a continent called Westeros and a region called Vale, one of the seven regions. These were once separate kingdoms and now ruled under one king.

The young man is the heir to the biggest region called North. His name is Brandon and he is travelling from Eirie where his brother is fostered to Winterfell, his castle. Young Brandon is 15 years old.

A loud voice snapped me out of meditation. I saw a band of thieves attacking the Northerners. It was soon evident that these thieves outnumbered them and will be defeated regardless of their superior skills. Even after 100 years I still couldn't really get over my saving people thing. So I conjured a sword and ran to the battle. The thieves were startled with my sudden appearance which gave me and Northerners a brief advantage to push for attack. We fought for like an hour which was in reality about ten minutes. Everyone in the northern group fell protecting the young heir, but not without killing or disabling many of the thieves. At the end it was Brandon, I and three thieves left standing. I formed a temporary mental connection between Brandon and myself and fought them like a well-oiled machine. We managed to kill every thief but Brandon was injured seriously and soon lost consciousness.

rating - awful, af - wandless magic (child mastery), ac - wandless magic (not children), p - not fanfic and/or crossover, a - unknown ability, am - invisability (non-canon), p - crossover

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