3691: Sunny April - Skull/Iris Lillian Potter/Harry Potter

Sep 22, 2016 22:15

- Don't forget about the Sorting Hat.
- The Fourteenth Annual Pottersues is also currently running.

TITLE: Sunny April
COVER/BANNER ART: I’m not sure what the cover is supposed to be of.
SUMMARY:”Skull was just a name. But the past can't stay buried forever. Genderbend, Ministry!Bashing, mild-Ginny!bashing, Violin!love, Reborn/Skull DISCONTINUED - Also, what part of NO you may not borrow these story concepts is everyone confused over? A little pissed off right now.”
FULL NAME:Skull/Iris Lillian Potter/Harry/Potter
SPECIES:An OC standing in for not one canon character, but two
HAIR: Don’t care.
EYES: Don’t care.
MARKINGS: “Yes, Draco was the one who carved her face up with some help from his loving aunt Bella.
POSSESSIONS: A motorcycle, some other stuff.
CONNECTION TO CANON: This skull person goes around kicking butt, only to eventually, after a long time, run into Ginny. We forget about the HP world for a bit until Skull needs to explain her background to the Hitman cast.
ORIGIN: The writer thought this was a good idea, but later on changed their mind. Apparently there was this random rumor regarding marriage contracts. Nothing really happens, there are thankfully only two chapters, and the piece is discontinued more than completed.
SPECIAL ABILITIES: Immortal. Also, not working with either canon, having looked up the details.

NOTES:I’m wondering what concepts the writer is saying other writers can’t borrow. I’m going to say if you can use a “!” tag for the concept, then you can’t tell other writers they can’t borrow said concept as the writer can’t own said concept.


In the midst of trying to fend off a playful Byakuran from dragging him up to dance, while Yuni laughed and did absolutely nothing to help - even going so far as to try and push him up into the albino's grasp - a loud female voice tore through the festivities and grabbed everyone's attention.
Skull wasn't the only one who jumped and whipped around at the sound.
She was an older woman, well, not that old. She looked as though she were in her early thirties and surprisingly athletic. She wore clothing a good fifty years out of fashion and was stomping over to-wards them in boots made of what looked like black snake-skin. Her thick crimson hair was pulled back from a stunningly pretty heart-shaped face and large doe-brown eyes, freckles patterned her face attractively and her slender athletic form was very gifted in all areas of feminine interest.
She seemed to be glaring at Yuni who was the only girl in their little group next to Skull.
Hands moved toward legitimate weapons as the woman continued forward. Skull jumped to his feet and Yuni scrambled up hastily, hiding herself behind Byakuran who was watching the events unfold with fascination not even noticing when Reborn appeared and hustled the Sky Arcobaleno back. But... the red head did not even flick her eyes in their direction and kept marching forward to
Skull grunted, his head thrown to the side from the woman's open palmed slap.
"THIRTY YEARS!" she screamed at him when he staggered back, rubbing his cheek with a deer in the headlights expression, staring at the woman in horror. "THIRTY YEARS IRIS! THIRTY DAMN YEARS! NO PATRONUS, NO OWL, NO FLOO, NOT EVEN A DAMN FELLYFONE CALL!" the woman screeched, grabbing Skull by the collar of his bike leathered and shaking him violently.
"Did she just say 'fellyfone', instead of telephone?" Cornello asked Lal in an undertone, unable to tear his eyes away from the proverbial train wreck in front of them.
"Yup," she summed up flatly, unsure of what to do.
"GYAAAAH! LEMME GO WOMAN!" Skull wailed, flailing his arms and trying to pull back. By this point everyone had given up any pretence of caring, Byakuran had literally fallen to the ground laugh-ing himself stupid, arms wrapped around his stomach and kicking his legs out. Reborn and several others had gathered drinks and were now sitting back and watching with great amusement as this strange woman abused their Cloud. Other people had wondered off to do their own thing, only Tsuna, Enma, Adelheid, and Yuni were trying to diffuse the situation.
"A-ah! Please stop, miss!" Yuni pleaded even as Adelheid calmly stepped between the two and forci-bly pried the red head's fingers away from Skull's neck. He immediately staggered back gagging and eyeing her like a timebomb, or Lal on the rag. Byakuran was still laughing, this time beating the ground with his fist, tears rolling down his flushed cheeks.
"I think there's been a case of mistaken identity here," Tsuna interjected as calmly as possible while Adelheid crowded Skull backwards a tad, her arms folded protectively as she glared at the older woman. The Glacier Guardian had always taken her duties as the 'elder sister' of Shimon seriously, and after the events of the Arcobaleno Battles, she considered Skull the Arcobaleno of the Shimon Famiglia. He fit right in after all, bandaids and social awkwardness, and all. So she considered herself his older sister too. The fact that currently she actually was older than him (physically) only contrib-uted to the whole thing.
"There's no mistaken identity," the red head growled, her honey brown eyes narrowing.
Yuni shook her head, "But! That's Skull, my older brother!" she exclaimed pointedly. "And isn't Iris a girl's name?" she questioned.
The red head gave her a dark look that could have stripped paint, "Listen, little girl, I've been looking for her for almost thirty years and known her since she was eleven." Skull spluttered in horror. "So I don't know what she's been telling you guys, but it's a damn lie. Iris, we're going home!" Red reached between the groups of people to grab at Skull who skipped back several spaces.
"Are you mad, woman?" he shrieked, "Look at me! How can I, the great Skull-sama, be a girl?! I have no boobs! Look at my shoulders! I don't even have an ass!" he shrieked.
"Well you never had any tits or ass to speak of in the first place, so I don't see what you're trying to insinuate!" the red head snapped, making Skull flinch back and grimace.
"Ruuuude," he whined unhappily, "What I'm trying to say is that I'm not a girl! And I'm not even thir-ty yet! Look at me!" he wailed, gesturing to himself.
She huffed and rolled her eyes. "There's one very easy way to know whether or not you're Iris or not. Wipe the make up off," she ordered folding her arms as Skull suddenly went very, very still. There was a long silence, "Well? What are you waiting for? Wipe it off."
"No," was the very quiet reply. Reborn actually lowered his drink at the other Arcobaleno's tone of voice, an eyebrow climbing his forehead as he glanced between Fon and Lal who shook their heads in confusion. They had no clue what that was all about. "Look lady, I don't have to prove a damn thing to you. Quite frankly, you've ruined what had been a very nice evening and interrupted a little lady's special birthday party. So I think it's high time you left. I'm not your precious Iris, whoever she is. I would suggest getting yourself a pair of glasses so the mistake doesn't happen again!" he snapped at her, suddenly full of spite and malice, pulling down an eyelid and sticking his tongue out at her.
Reborn sneered at the blatant disrespect and promptly kicked his Lackey in the head, "That's no way to speak to a lady, Lackey," he reprimanded sharply, and then pointedly ignored the furious screech-ing and complaints from the Cloud Guardian as he almost literally flashed over to the young woman and pressed a kiss to her knuckles, charm turned up full power.
There were almost simultaneous huffs of amusement, disbelief, and exasperation from all assembled. Reborn. Typical.

a - ability from another fandom, rating - toxic, am - immortality (non-canon), stu - (other canon), pb - taco-show, stu - harry potter

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