3973: Heiress Apparent - Harry "Jayden" Potter

Aug 30, 2016 21:31

- The link of the day is Daryle Romances Rant.
- Flashback Sue
- Don't forget about the Sorting Hat.

TITLE: Heiress Apparent
SUMMARY:”What if Voldemort wasn't the only problem in the Wizarding World? Dumbledore has a lot to answer for. If there are things that Harry Potter will not tolerate, they are liars and theives. Dumbledore bashing, some Order bashing, GenderBending, and other surprises. Not suitable for canon nazis and less openminded readers.”
FULL NAME: Harry Potter “Jaydelyn”
SPECIES: Another OC throwing a tantrum.
HAIR: n/a
EYES: n/a
POSSESSIONS: Along with a ton of money, Leon, Helena, Kreacher, Joshua, Artorious, Carolina of the house of Peverell, Le Fay, Black, Slytherin, Merlin, d'Medici. She also gets a change in wardrobe. “In actuality, Jadelyn had two wardrobes: one for everyday wear and the other for formal occasions. The first outfit of her everyday wear was a collared emerald button-up shirt paired with a knee-length pleated black skirt that spun when she did. The second was khaki slacks paired with a sky blue shirt with magenta flowers along the side of the shirt. The third outfit was a long-sleeved black turtleneck underneath a silver tank top paired with simple dark wash jeans. Fourth came a royal purple tunic with a daffodil yellow sash around the middle paired with a matching daffodil yellow skirt. The fifth was a red halter style dress with a beaded black sash and black embroidery. Sixth came a long-sleeved silk top over white denim Capri pants; seventh was white knit sweater over a sunshine yellow spaghetti strap top and chocolate brown Bermuda shorts. The eighth outfit was a white Oxford shirt with black vine embroidery with a black skirt over blood red leggings; ninth was a grey, fitted, crew neck shirt over light wash jeans; and finally, there was a burnt orange knit sweater over a sapphire day dress with a white bejeweled sash around the waist.” And, “The formal wardrobe was much smaller and consisted of a blue corset gown, with a black corset and silver lacings; a black corset gown with green lacings; a royal purple a-line gown; and a fitted aquamarine gown. All the purchases were shrunk and placed into a pouch that Carolina carried with her.” And. “Three hours and 546 Galleons and 3 Sickles (AN: $5,500) later, the pouch was filled with the clothes and accessories that were completing Jadelyn's wardrobe. There were shoes for every outfit, gloves, scarves, headbands, hats, a black trench coat to wear over the outfits, and enough make-up to paint the faces of a thousand women.”
CONNECTION TO CANON: Harry randomly seeks emancipation from Dumbledore's legal guardianship, which is rather ironic as the Dursley family are his legal guardians. They're now friendly with him because Vernon is dead. He then finds out he has a ton of money that Dumbledore is of course abusing. He finds out his mom isn't his real mom, but that he is actually also a she. Then comes more bragging of the wealth. She then proceeds to whine about how Dumbledore's mistreeted her, and how she'll now be seen as an adult. (She sure isn't acting like one.) Everything is then about her sparkling happy life that she has now.
ORIGIN: “This story involves throwing canon out of a window, dropping a flaming piano on it, and grinding it into fertilizer for my backyard, which simply refuses to grow.”
SPECIAL ABILITIES: She's a spoiled OC trying to pass herself off as Harry Potter.

NOTES: Sorry Suethor, but calling a writer out for canon changes which don't make sense doesn't make the reviewer a canon nazi.


"To my darling child:

I am your mother, Katerina Ethans Pendran, the last surviving great-granddaughter of Salazar Slytherin and Rowena Ravenclaw Slytherin. I am so sorry that you must find out this way, but your father Aaron Pendran and I were killed.

You had just been born, and never a more beautiful child had I ever seen. I was weak from the labor when a man with a white beard came into my hospital room. Your father stood to send him away, but the stranger killed him with his wand and a spell, the Avada Kedavra curse.

I called for security, but the man simply came up to me, introduced himself as Albus Dumbledore, took you from your cradle and sentenced me to die of childbed fever. I am dying as I add this to the end of the inheritance scroll. He said he was taking you to the Potter family, to be raised to defeat Lord Voldemort. I can only hope they treat you well, my love, and save you from this evil man.

Before he left, he cast a spell on you my darling. He changed your gender, right in front of me, as if to prove you were not to be my beautiful girl! When you read this, my daughter, know that whatever name the Potters gave to you is untrue. You are my Jadelyn. You share a name with the greatest families in the Wizarding World. You are the last d'Medici, you are the last Pendran, who are descended from great King Arthur Pendragon, you are the last true Slytherin, you are the last Peverell, you are the last Le Fay, and you are the last of Merlin's line. You are Jadelyn Catalina Merlina Le Fay Peverell Slytherin d'Medici Pendran. You are my daughter. And I love you.

"I have not enough time to tell you more, Jadelyn. But you must receive your inheritance from your father and me. I am the last Ethans, as my sisters died, one in childhood and the other of smallpox. You shall get the entire Ethans inheritance, which consists of many heirlooms and artifacts. The heirlooms and diaries you shall receive when this letter is read. The artifacts shall be given to you when you are of age, not a minute before, my daughter. Your father's family has also left artifacts and diaries. The diaries are yours, but the artifacts will be left alone until you are seventeen.

"Remember, my Jadelyn, you are related the greatest families in the land and no one can take that from you. I love you so much, my daughter, and I wish that I could hold you at least one more time." There was silence after the letter from Katerina. Harry had tears in his eyes.

Had his entire life been a lie? Did he have relatives in the world that tried to find him, but didn't know that his name and gender had been changed? Fury began to build in Harry's mind.

"Griphook, is there any way to reverse what that bastard did to me when I was a child?" Griphook was shocked.

"Well, yes, but it will be painful and would it not be better to remain in a form that you are used to?" Harry looked at Katerina's, no his mother's letter.

"That may be, but I would rather be what I was born as. I want to revert to my true heritage. Then I will take on the world, Wizarding and Muggle, as Jadelyn Catalina Merlina Le Fay Peverell Slytherin d'Medici Pendran. Only I think I will just go as Jadelyn Catalina Pendran, my full name is a bit long." Griphook saw the loyalty to his dead mother and his family and knew that he couldn't deny the request. The Goblins prized loyalty and it would be against everything that the Goblin race stood for to deny this child the right to be everything her mother had wanted. He would take her to room and give her the potion she needed. There was no other option, but to do so.

"Follow me." They went to a back room, very different from the rest of Gringotts. It was a dark room, much like the vaults, but with long shelves of different potions and potion ingredients instead of tracks and cars for travel. As Harry looked around at a potion collection that would make Severus Snape green with envy, Griphook selected one of the potions and blew the dust off the crystal vial. It was ruby in color and looked very old; Griphook muttered something in his native tongue, presumably to remove a preservation spell. "Drink this and you shall completely revert to what you would have been had your parents still been alive." Harry nodded and stared at the vial for a moment before drinking it.

As Harry Potter lost consciousness and fell to the floor, there was one thought running through his mind.

I hope you are proud of me, mother.

rating - awful, p - sue what plot? swp, pb - taco-show, stu - harry potter, of - inheritence will

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