3648:Lupus Gemini: Year 1 - Accalia Lupin

Jul 06, 2016 23:21

No link of the day or Flashback Sue today.

TITLE: Lupus Gemini: Year 1
PERPETRATOR: Siriusly_A_Marauder
COVER/BANNER ART: I think the writer photoshoped a picture of two wolves together. That, or one wolf is resting it's head on the back of the other wold.
SUMMARY:”Alternate Universe. Remus and Accalia Lupin are often two sides of the same coin. Together, they have a secret that sets them apart from even the wizarding world. Hogwarts will never be the same as the Lupin twins arrive for their first year.”
FULL NAME: Accalia (the foster mother Romulus and Remus, really?)
SPECIES: Copy Cat Sue
HAIR: n/a
EYES: n/a
MARKINGS: Both have werewolf bites.
POSSESSIONS: Nothing specific at this time.
CONNECTION TO CANON: The first chapter is details about the family, info on both of them getting bit, and then Accalia being hyper about getting to go to Hogwarts and pretty much acting like a five year old hyped up on sugar.
ORIGIN: The writer couldn't be original.
SPECIAL ABILITIES: Shoehorning into the original canon.

NOTES: The point of an AU isn't to provide a way to change canon so your OC can exist. Oh, and Suethor - Lupin's father wasn't a magical historian either.


p class="western" style="margin-bottom: 0in;"Mr. Lyall Lupin was an average man. A little on the short side but had handsome blue-gray eyes and sandy blonde hair. He wore glasses and often had a quill perched behind his ear. He loved his job as a historian for the wizard museum in the Ministry of Magic. He was often holed up in his study buried under piles of books and parchment. Half of the time, when Mrs. Lupin would call him for dinner, he'd come out covered in ink stains and a thoughtful look on his face. Sometimes, the only thing to bring him away from his work was his family./p
p class="western" style="margin-bottom: 0in;"Mrs. Hope Lupin was a sweet woman with a sunny smile. She was of an average height but she still was a bit taller than her husband. Her auburn hair set off her blue eyes. She worked to keep the household in order and loved to bake. Thus, the house continually smelled of fresh baked cookies, cakes and homemade bread. When she had moments to herself, she often read or she looked through the albums of wizard photos from her and her husband's Hogwarts years. They had met at Hogwarts. They both had been in Ravenclaw. Hence her preference for the color blue. They had married young, a year after graduating from Hogwarts. A few years later, the couple was blessed with twins./p
p class="western" style="margin-bottom: 0in;"Remus was the eldest of the two of them. He had born ten minutes before his sister. At birth he had a soft nest of blond hair and brilliant blue eyes. As he grew his eyes turned to a stormy gray-blue. He was often found in the presence of his younger sister or tucked in a corner with a book. Things were good for young Remus until a few months after his fourth birthday./p
p class="western" style="text-indent: .5in; margin-bottom: 0in;"He and his sister were playing in a little clearing near the edge of the woods behind their house. Both of them had made it into a secret hideout. Accalia had gone off to find some wildflowers so she could make a necklace. It was near dusk and their mother had not called them in for dinner quite yet./p

ct - werewolf (full), rating - awful, pc - parasite sue, pc - twin and/or such, related to remus

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