3592: Angelsong - Azriel

Apr 24, 2016 22:44

- The link of the day is One Piece OC? You're doing it wrong!.
- Flashback Sue

Here is day three of angel week.

TITLE: Angelsong
COVER/BANNER ART: Nothing special. It has the title, which is yellow on black, plus “the tale of Azriel”.
SUMMARY:”The half-angel half-demon Azriel finds herself caught up in the plans of Dumbledore to destroy the Death Eaters, and assembles a crew of elite student hitmen to achieve their goals.”
SPECIES: She's an angel “born to the demon lrod Apollyon and archangel Gabriel.” So, the angel has two father's?
EYES: “Right now, my eyes were glowing angel gold, although when I was more demon than angel they glowed demon-blood red.)
MARKINGS: “I had two wings on my shoulders- one gray and one mechaical because the jerks at my orphanage had cut it off, somehow, even though my magic was covering it I had shar, venomous fangs (from my dad). […] I was also very beautiful.”
POSSESSIONS: A dragon spirit, who was killed off by a dragon hunter. Tat would be Shaede, and Lyte is a Unicorn spirit.
CONNECTION TO CANON: The first chapter is Azriel talking to her spirits Lyte and Shaede about how hot Harry is. Suddenly she's boding with Harry when “five hundred points from Gryffindor for you, Azriel, and two hundred for you Potter!” (Yeah right.) They both get sent to the headmaster's office. Second chapter has a mention of a spy, and it turns out to be Hermione Granger. (Really? Toxic rating definitely.) They form of hitman. (I can't read past the second chapter.
ORIGIN: We've got another Suethor shoving in extra stuff into the Harry Potter plot despite the fact these things aren't needed.
SPECIAL ABILITIES: She exists to destroy the Death Eaters. The fact she is half-breed makes her powerful, which is why she's powerful.

NOTES: What is the point of adding in all these extras when the plot just isn't there, or barely is.


I sighed and ruffled my wings as I got up out of bed and looked from side to side. I growled and slammed my hand down on the alarm clock as it went off, and flung my covers off of me and onto the floor. I went into the bathroom and brushed my hair, smiling as I examined my appearance in the mirror. My hair was white with black streaks and black tips. I had two wings on my shoulders- one gray and one mechanical because the jerks at my orphanage had cut it off, somehow, even though my magic was covering it. I had sharp, venomous fangs (from my dad). Right now, my eyes were glowing angel gold, although when I was more demon than angel they glowed demon-blood red. I was also very beautiful.

"Azriel, you're late for class!" A voice rang in my head. It was Lyte, the unicorn spirit that my dad had given me as a spirit guide (as a gift) when I had been accepted into Hogwarts. He had been killed by Voldemort's servant when I was a first year, but my dad had already taken his soul from the body and given him to me because he knew that he was going to die.

"Be nice, Lyte." My other spirit guide, Shaede, the dragon, scolded. She had died many years before and served as my dad's faithful servant for a while before she was also given to me as a spirit guide when I was accepted into Hogwarts. A dragon hunter had killed her. I hated dragon hunters because of that, since Shaede was probably the nicest being I'd ever known.

I threw on some clothes and ran out of Gryffindor Tower. I shapeshifted into a unicorn, something that I could do because of Lyte's prescence, and ran through the halls to the dungeon. Holding my wand in my teeth, I barged into potions class and shapeshifted back into my half-angel half-demon form. I sat down at my stool and waited for instructions.

Snape looked at me angrily. "Azriel, do you have a good excuse for being late for class this time?" He asked coldly.

I hissed. "You can't even relate to my problems." I said truthfully. "You don't know what it's like to be born to the demon lord Apollyon and archangel Gabriel. You don't know what it's like to be half one race and half another, and be oppressed by both! You don't know what it's like to be raised by somebody that's not one of your dads and then she has to give you up because the angels hated you for being the result of an affair that your dad had with your other dad! So why don't you shut up and go back up to that board and teach us a bunch of stupid skills that won't do you any good in the real world because Voldemort is real and he's out there and you're a filthy, filthy Death Eater so you don't even care! My dad told me!"

Harry leaped up and cheered. He had always supported me when I told people the truth like this. He knew a lot, too, although I wasn't quite sure how he figured it all out. He was only human after all. Although Lyte and Shaede weren't angels or demons either, even if they'd worked for my dads, they knew a lot. So I really respected Harry and his friends, Ron and Hermione. They were in the same house after all.

"Harry's pretty hot." Lyte noted.

Shaede sent mental vibes of approval. "He totally is." She agreed.

rating - toxic, ct - demon (part/hanyu), pp - orphanage, ct - angel (part), jr - guardian (legal guardian)

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