3581: Known Uknowns - Summer Morello

Apr 07, 2016 22:24

- The link of the day is Harry Potter OC Advice.
- Flashback Sue

Here is day six of Austrialia week, so one more day to go.

TITLE: Known Unknowns
SUMMARY:”Summer Morello is "The Spitfire" - Australia's top chaser. With the World Cup knockouts looming in on her, she is forced to balance her hidden identity, school work and training for the biggest competition of her life. Add boys to the mix and well - it's a recipe for disaster!”
FULL NAME: Summer Morello
HAIR: n/a
EYES: n/a
CONNECTION TO CANON: She gets to meet everybody, despite the fact they shouldn't all be getting to meet each other. I don't get much more then that due to the PWP, and the large pockets, and characterization.
ORIGIN: The writer wanted a sportsy Sue to be in a love quadrangle with Oliver, Viktor and Cedric.
SPECIAL ABILITIES: On top of being an international sports star at her young age, she gets a free ticket to any magic school the writer wants despite the fact she shouldn't be getting said specialty treatment. “The Quidditch matches were once every three weeks, and I'd tried to argue that playing for a school team would just help me prepare, but it was my first season and I think he was worried about me injuring myself.”

NOTES: The writer obviously doesn't know how qualifiers for international sports works. If she did, she would know that the teams stay in their home country except for when they are playing another team. The writer does a real good job of making her character out to be a newbie as well, rather then a professional sportsman.


I was so nervous. I could feel my stomach bubbling as I pressed my luggage tightly against myself. My broom rattled noisily against my side as I trudged towards the train. I wasn't usually like this. I was calm and steady, not a jabbering wreck. I suppose going to a completely new school is a little bit different to stepping out on the Quidditch pitch though. It'd had been a rough year in the Quidditch world. When I was scouted to play for the Australian national team, there was plenty of issues raised about my age. These issues were heightened when the Japanese national team's youngest player was abducted by a fanatic, turning up months later a shell of her former self. But playing for your national team is a dream come true, and I didn't want to put my dream on the backburner because of the actions that someone else may take. My parents agreed that I could play, so long as I concealed my face whenever I was on the pitch, at interviews or in the training grounds. I was to play under a nickname, my actual name never to come to surface until I came of age. And so Summer Morello became 'The Spitfire".

Changing schools was something that I expected but could never imagine getting used too. Wherever the World Cup or the qualifiers were held, I went to the corresponding school that was what my parents had decided anyway. I had moved to the USA for the previous season, where we had qualified for the World Cup. The qualifiers were to be played in the UK, so we had relocated once more. It wasn't difficult to relocate, I had barely made friends with anyone at the school. They were all pretty much aware that I wasn't sticking around for long, so no one really made an effort - myself included. It would be the same at this school, and then again at the one after it. I wasn't bad academically, I got through. But Quidditch was where my heart was. I hoped this time around that my coach would at least let me play for the school team. He hadn't been exactly forthcoming the year before, worrying about me straining myself. I knew I'd be fine though. The Quidditch matches were once every three weeks, and I'd tried to argue that playing for a school team would just help me prepare, but it was my first season and I think he was worried about me injuring myself.

I managed to get on the train without too much effort, finding a compartment was just as easy considering I was frighteningly early. Once my luggage was safely tucked away, I sat myself down with the Daily Prophet. News of the World Cup was everywhere, information files on the venues and the players to watch out for. A smile played on my face as I saw 'The Spitfire' in swirling gold letters, a picture of me soaring on my broom, quaffle in hand, just underneath. I was reading up on some of the Irish players when the compartment door slid open. I immediately slammed the paper shut as though sitting on a secret. I wasn't sure why I even bothered because by the time I looked up, there was nobody standing there. Pulling my legs up onto the sofa in the compartment, I tried to keep my eyes away from the windows.

"Anyone sitting in here?" I was snapped from my daydream by someone actually standing in the doorway.

"No, no." I muttered, making myself as small as I could. He smiled at me, before gesturing to someone in the corridor. He was hastily joined by a boy of the same age. They sat down opposite me, making jokes and teasing one another.

"Diggory, you're an idiot to think that Hufflepuff stands a chance against Gryffindor. I mean come on, we're at our prime. You've just lost most of your decent players. You don't stand a chance!"

rating - awful, ap - athletic pursuit, e - australian, pt - love triangle

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