3529: Off We Go - Nick Johnson

Mar 03, 2016 21:24

- The link of the day is Writing: Is my OC a Mary-Sue.
- Flashback Sue

I am not finished with Alphabet Days, but needed something fast to post for today.

PERPETRATOR: SpiritGuaridan108
COVER/BANNER ART: random pencil sketch of someone
SUMMARY:”When you're chosen to take a journey through the multi-verse, what do you do? Establish a multi-dimensional empire? Angst over worlds left behind? Search for ultimate power? Well bless your heart, but I'm gonna have fun. Self insert shenanigans. Rated M for language mostly.”
FULL NAME: Nick Johnston
SPECIES: A freaking Gary Stu.
HAIR: n/a
EYES: n/a
POSSESSIONS: “There, I picked up Prisoner of Azkaban, and Werewolf. The first would have someone in Azkaban escape and come after me within the first three years, and the second would, well, turn me into a werewolf. On the bright side, Dumbledore would be 'making arrangements' so I'd probably have access to wolfsbane for at least the first six years of this little field trip, assuming I don't butterfly away the old man's death.”
ORIGIN: The character in question gets slammed into a vegetative state, and gets to basically go through a DM questionnaire of what they want when they get to the world. “There, I picked up Prisoner of Azkaban, and Werewolf. The first would have someone in Azkaban escape and come after me within the first three years, and the second would, well, turn me into a werewolf. On the bright side, Dumbledore would be 'making arrangements' so I'd probably have access to wolfsbane for at least the first six years of this little field trip, assuming I don't butterfly away the old man's death.” Then how the hell are these drawbacks. “My old dad was a massive dick who managed to have six kids, each one of them more fucked up than the last. Here I'm an only child and my dad is actually pretty decent. He was a real pale guy with almost no hair left and was the CEO of a large solar and wind energy company. They're doing really good since they have the tiniest bit of an edge on most other models out there.”
SPECIAL ABILITIES: “A skill called Dedicated was free because of my origin, which basically turned him into a mini Hermi-one, allowing him to read the stalest of magical texts without getting bored.” Seriously, why is that an origin trait for Muggleborn? That makes no sense at all, as it's a trait unique to Hermione, and she wasn't the only Muggleborn. “ I snatched up Occlumency too since if I want to keep any sort of secret while living with Snape, it was a must. I also grabbed Animagus, and Metamorphmagus, because fuck yeah, shapeshifting […] And then I saw it. The mother load, the treasure box, the mothereffing Wandless Magic ability. Sure, I had to drop the Seer to get it, but now way would I be caught with his pants down and without a wand. On the downside that left me at negative 500 points, but I could solve that with a quick jaunt through the Drawback section.” We get this at the very end. “That is, until I saw the Technomage ability. Yeah, I've read the Invincible Technomage, I'd definitely be snatching that up. Even just nineties level tech would be a giant kick for the magical world, assuming I could get the stupid fricking luddites to accept something so muggle seeming, even if it included magic.” They also know to much about the new world they've come into. “My parents had basically had me locked up till I was about six for fear of anyone finding out about my abilities and taking me away. The fact that I was a Metamorphmagus had only made it worse since I spent my youth constantly shifting my facial features to whatever I was looking at at the time. I had had to either learn how to control it all before my parents relaxed and let me loose a bit, though I was still being homeschooled.”

NOTES: The last time I checked most DMs for role playing don't allow the players to become Godmoded. Instant toxic I think. In fact, I couldn't get past the second chapter.


I stumbled out of the the purple doorway, which immediately dissolved into so many motes of light as he exited it. The new surroundings were similar to the old, black void replacing white and a thin pedestal replacing the impression of a desk.

I walked up to the pedestal, seeing a glowing white screen embedded into onyx stone. I peered down at the panel and was greeted by a block of text that somehow gave off surprising levels of cheer for something printed in arial.

Hello, and welcome the wonderful wizarding world of Harry Potter! Here you will be brought into a society that lives side by side with our own, a society of magic and mystery. Make your way through Wizarding Britain and uncover the secrets that lie on the other side of the veil.

1000 Choice Points

I stared at the screen with a small smile on I face. Harry Potter, eh? Quite a good fit for me since I've spent the past nine years in a never ending geek out over the series. Now what were these points about?

pc - gary stu, ct - werewolf (full), af - wandless magic (child mastery), rating - toxic, om - muggle technollogy (ipod like), ac - legilmency and/or oculumency, ac - metamorphmagus, ac - wandless magic (not children), ap - acting pursuit, ap - academic pursuit

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